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Mez's Codes...
I just posted what little info I had came up with, hope someone finds it.
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Darn, thanks for trying though.
I posted it on TCRF's forum, but so far no replies. Could you repost your findings there? Maybe that can kickstart the thread? edited by ReyVGM; 06-05-2013, 11:09:00 AM.
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The password is wrote in RAM at 7E5CF7 (+17 bytes).
Seems like only A, B, and Y are accepted.
A=33 (0X21)
B=34 (0X22)
Y=57 (0X39)
Nothing entered=13 (0x0D)
I think the Genesis version was easily readable with a hex editor, this will need a debugger.
I haven't really successfully used a debugger for SNES yet, so I bet the people at TCRF will beat me to it.
I'll keep trying though.
Here's something:
Nevermind, that's on GameFaqs already (Zarak available on the Story mode select screen)
Yea I think that's a bit beyond my current skills.
The only thing I found was the above cheat in the ROM 'Weapon Lord (U) [!]' at address 2ae6d8.
(The string 213921392222223921212139392239212121)Last edited by Mezmorize; 06-05-2013, 02:50:39 AM.
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Hey Mez, I was just talking to James Goddard, the developer that made Weaponlord (SNES, Gen) and he said that there are still things that people haven't found about the game:
"there are also other secret things never revealed, like alternate end round taunt sets, a code for the developer special thanks on SNES (saw the genesis finally was found). "
And I thought of you when I read about that push button code. Would you be interested in finding that code since that seems to be your specialty?
Thanks and hope you can find it!
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I don't know if there's anyway to prove what date you submitted the Jellyboy passwords, so there's not much I'm going to say about that.
As far as the ROBO cheat, I mentioned earlier in this thread that the most important thing is that the passwords are out there for people to enjoy.
One suggestion... If someone goes to the trouble of finding a cheat/password for you, it would be a good idea to say something like "Thanks for the cheat, do you mind if I submit it to GameFAQs?" I know I would have been fine with that.Last edited by Tony H; 05-31-2013, 11:50:59 PM.
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Originally posted by Tony Hedstrom View PostI learned the hard way to submit new passwords you've found to GameFAQs, *THEN* post them in forums. I recently found new passwords and posted them here and at Sega-16 forums. The very next day I submitted them to GameGAQs and they were rejected because someone named "oblivion from aoc" submitted my passwords before I did. What's the old saying: "Ya snooze ya lose". :-)
The ROBO cheat was also submitted as you did not seem to be submitting any codes to GFAQs. If you still want this under you GFAQs username, I can request transfer of ownership to your account, although cannot guarantee the admin will do this. Either way, it makes no difference to me either way. I already knew the cheat was published on paper, but had yet to make its way online.
I do find some of the responses posted here, quite "surprising".
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Because I'm lazy :-(
Your right though, I should have got caught up by now...
I was waiting for a time when I wasn't looking into some games for codes and didn't have anything better to do.
It just gets so boring after a while that it ends up putting me to sleep lol.
I'll work on it later today after getting some sleep and visiting some family.
Or maybe you should apply for Chronicler position and help me out ^.^
I have codes on my blog I never posted on the forums either.
Well, I'll go ahead and start now, where I left off a while back.
I'll just put SNES on hold for the time being.
Edit 2:
FINALLY got all of the codes up from page 2...
Note to self:
Super James Pond (E) [!] is the last codes I added on page 3, continue from Sword of Hope II, The (U) [!].
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Originally posted by Unicode View PostNice codes! They actually work on SMB1 cart game only too. You can actually add these GG codes also in Super Mario Bros. (World)'s database page because they works on it too, not only on Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt game.
Also, I want to ask you when the codes from this thread will be added in database? Except for the ones on Page 1, for all of your codes since page 2 until now, forum says nobody was added your codes in database yet.I've quoted above post #90.
Last edited by Unicode; 05-25-2013, 03:21:39 AM.
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Found 2 new push-button cheats for the SNES game Kendo Rage.
I don't know what, if anything, they are doing though.
Here's all 3 cheats:
X, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, Start.
R, L, R, Up, Down, Up, B, B, Start.
L, Up, Left, Down, Right, R, X, A, B, Y, Select.
The first code is entered on the Title Screen, and is on GameFAQs.
It's possible they are no longer used, but may have once been for accessing some debug features.
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There was a push-button cheat not listed on various sites such as GameFAQs for the SNES game Firepower 2000, likely because it takes you back to the very first stage. But one way to look at it is that you start the game with a lot of powerups.
While on stage 6, pause the game and press:
L (x5), R, L (x8), R.
For the code to be somewhat useful, you would need to enter in all the other stage skip cheats, and then the one I just posted.
Then you could play starting from level 1 already having powerups.
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You could always post on their forum explaining what happened. This way, that guy ,"oblivion from aoc", who submitted your stuff, will be called out and everyone will know he's not the one who created the passwords. If he's trying to take credit for it, he will be embarrassed and his reputation that he longs for so much will be permanently damaged. And for now on, everyone over there will be aware of his character. It will teach him a lesson.
To find out if he's definitely trying to take credit for creating the passwords, before you call him out, you can post saying "those are some nice passwords you created man" or something like that... And see what he responds with.Last edited by OldSchoolGamer; 05-24-2013, 12:52:55 AM.
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Yeah, it's not like 'back in the day' when I hacked many SNES and GEN codes with a PAR and PSX codes with a Gameshark. For years, there was no place to post'em, so I wrote'em down in some noteboox. later, with more cheat devices in use, several people might hack the same code(s), and it became "First to submit gets the credit". That's different from pretending someone else's already-published codes are their own creations.
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