Star Fox 2 USA SNES Classic Mini.sfc
Start screen area modifier 03B778?? 03B77D??
Start screen area modifier 03B778?? 03B77D??
Access Expert Mode 03C3A103
Access debug menu 03F0B603
Access training mode 03F0B604
Replace Mute City I with Mute City II, Death Wind I with Death Wind II, White Land I with White Land II in practice mode 009F31A9 009F3201 Replace Mute City I with Mute City III, Death Wind I with Death Wind II, White Land I with White Land II in practice mode 009F31A9 009F3202 Replace Port Town II with Port Town I in Practice Mode 009F31A9 009F3200
Infinite Time In Training Ship AEVXKPPA No Count For Knockdown (also affects opponent) SAOPNOVV Never get TKO'd SAXEINVV Opponents Defeated Instantly / Automatically Win Rounds NGNEPVSK SAOPNOVV
Infinite Health in dungeons (Switch off after defeating enemy or it you will continually fight the same enemy.) SXNVTESO Invulnerable to traps SXEVYESE Instantly leave fights SXXVPNSE
Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet (U) (PRG0) [!].nes Replace Super Mario Bros tiles with unused Super Mario Bros. 2 Lost levels tiles IEXTGAZE XEVTAZAV ZPETALZA Display unused Super Mario Bros. 2 Lost levels tiles at game select menu (I actually made this interesting discovery about a week ago. All of the CHR from the Lost Levels / Super Mario Bros. 2 is actually inside the Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet game select bank! There are also unused tiles in Super Mario Bros. 2! YPSTLGPA Fixes Duck Hunt selection palette to match Super Mario Bros. / 2 TLXVYZPZ YPUTAZTZ YAUTPZIZ Fixes World Class Track Meet selection palette to match Super Mario Bros. / 2 TLUTLZYL YPUTGXZZ YAUTIZPZ Replaces Duck Hunt 'upper-left brick' tile with unused Super Mario Bros. 2 tile E665:??:AD Replaces Duck Hunt 'upper-left brick' tile with unused Super Mario Bros. 2 star tile (there are other unused tiles but this is just an example) OYVTIVSZ
Game palette F951:??:00 PPU register palette F904:??:06 Title screen music modifier (songs every multiple of 03h ending at 18h) 827F:??:00 Disable title demo SENETZVT