Various assembly hacks for various consoles from veteran romhacker. Going to post frequently, or at least when I can. I have other projects too.
Spot - The video Game.nes Player 1 can move any player's piece on their turn SEETLKOU SEOTLKOU (Japanese version) Always 1 Player's turn EIVTAGSA EINTAGSA (Japanese version) Place piece to end game GZNTIGAE GXETIGAE (Japanese version) Devil World.nes No crosses (Existential Mode) SAOGESOK Sangokushi-Game Boy Ban 2.gbc 0C6-D78-E62 "SYOZOKU:74" upon starting a new game. 'Horse' trajectory error 1E6-D78-E62 "BNO GET ERR" Tweenies: Doodles' Bones.gbc ??3-00F-E6A (0D,12) Placeholder menu Jurassic Park: Lost Press Start at title screen to access cutscene viewer 0A2-80B-E66 Early main menu replaces main menu (graphical pointers have been relocated) 06C-09A-4C2 Available October screen replaces first company logo screen 261-BBB-E6A Deer Hunter.gbc Plays unused Frogger SFX at main menu ??8-4EE-E68 Puzzle Loop (J).gbc Enable unused SGB mode 111-C2F-3BE Unused SGB PAL_SET 0?5-EF9-E6A (01,02) Ice Climber.nes Jump through single layers EIEKKYKZ Balloon Fight.nes Always Lightning AOEKZYEY No Lightning AUEKZYEY