Mario is missing.nes title screen music modifier A6C9:??:EB A6CA:??:89 EB 89 28 8E AC 8C 6B 91 C4 B3 18 93 5C 95 64 97 13 9A C3 9D BF 9F C5 A0 CD A2 DF A5 2C A7 EC A9 77 AD 23 B0 78 B2 67 8F 75 8C Replace title screen music with Super Mario Bros. Overworld theme INKXPVUT KEKXZVOE Replace title screen music with Level 1 theme AOKXPVUV UOKXZVOA Replace title screen music with Level 2 theme GSKXPVUV SOKXZVOA Replace title screen with "Thanky You!" Ending screen GLOLKIGA