Ooze, The (JU) [!].bin
Unused 02, 07, 0B (Though they appear in the sound test)
Intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM modifier 0027BC:8100 00663A:00??
Intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM modifier 0027BC:8100 00663A:00??
Options screen music / sound effects / DAC/PCM samples modifier 01DB8C:00?? Play unused song at options screen BXPT-CAEN 0C - Unused Song
Options screen music / sound effects / DAC/PCM samples modifier 01DCFC:70?? Play unused song at options screen BXRA-DA96 0C - Unused Song
Intro title / sound effect / sample modifier 0013B8:00BC 0013B0:00??
start on level (all of the retail levels are present in this version) 000402:00?? play song / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample at really inside claw machine story intro 020B1C:00??
Title intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 15EF3C:01FC 15EF1C:00?? Bass Master Classic Pro Edition.bin Title intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 001DF4:44FC 001E1E:70?? All original songs and more than in the non-pro edition.
Title intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 000E72:0000 002700:00?? Alphabet tracks have unused segments but they appear in the full song. 01 - Flags 02 - Title 03 - Unused 1 04 - Cards 05 - Test Track 1 06 - Test Track 2 07 - Alphabet 08 - Unused 2 09 - Unused 3 0A - NULL 0B - Unused Alphabet variation 0C - Unused 4 0D - Unused 5 0E - Unused 6 0F - Unused 7 10 - ??? 11 - Sports 12 - Test Track 13 - Unused 8 14 - NULL 15 - NULL 16 - NULL 17 - Pairs 18 - NULL 19 - NULL 1A - NULL 1B - NULL 1C - Dragon 1D - NULL 1E - NULL 1F-27 - NULL 28 - Fantasty 29 - Unused 9 2A-
Pagemaster, The Fox logo music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 029ECC:443C 029EC0:00?? Title screen music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 029FAA:4477 029FA2:00?? Play unused song at the title screen R8ST-EJZL CRST-EAFC
NULL I/O controller input and graphics rendering 035052:442F Intro title screen music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 035270:0001 036970:00?? List of unused / partially unused songs. 0003 - Used; cuts off 0006 - Used; cuts off 0007 0008 000C
Title intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 00090C:4E91 0087CE:00?? 0E-0F are the only two songs, the rest are sound effects and samples.
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (U) [!].bin Silence Music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 025842:00?? Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (beta) [!].bin Silence Music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 021038:00?? 7D - Unused World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (U) [!].bin Main menu music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 020D54:00?? World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (beta).bin Main menu music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier (enter SOUND menu and exit) 01D264:00?? Unfortunately all beta songs and versions were removed in the final version of the game.
Boot into Illegal Instruction Exception Error $04 KJBT-AEYC 000382:424A Intro music / sound effect / DAC/PCM sample modifier 006D04:4EB9 006CFA:00?? Notable songs / Incomplete listing; just the good songs and the unused. 0A - Mount Splashmore 09 - Unused 1 0D - Unused 2 0E - Title screen / Options 0F - Class Photo: Week 2 10 - Class Photo: Week 1 11-?? Sound effects and samples. LineF Emulator Error Exception Error $0B is display upon loading intro 9V0A-BCH2 (006CF8:11FC)
Title screen / sound effect / DAC/PCM modifier 099DE6:00?? 02 - Options 12 - Emerald Collected (beta) 13 - Game Over 15 - ? 16 - ? 17 - All Emeralds Collected 21 - ? 44 Sonic Spinball (beta).bin Robotnik flying over sega logo music / sound effect / DAC/PCM modifier 09D0C4:7100 09D1DE:00?? 10 - Unused Beta Theme 02 - Options (Unused) 04 - Boss 05 - The Machine (Unused) 07 - Lava Powerhouse 08 - Showdown 09 - Bonus stage 0B - Toxic Caves 0C - Intro 0D - Alternative Intro (Beta; Unused) 0E - Emerald Collected (Beta) 11 - Jump Up... 12 - Unused 13 - Game Over (Beta; unused 15 - Unused Fanfare 16 - European Intro (Unused) Robotnik flying over sega logo sprite modifier 09D178:71?? 09D188:01?? 09D194:01?? 09D1A0:01?? 09D1AC:01?? 09D1B8:01?? 09D1C4:01?? 09D1D2:01??