Hey, Tony Hedstrom...
Can you do codes for these requests?
MegaMan - Dr. Willy Wars: Mega Man Can Have up to 255 Maximum Health / Special Weapon Units (All 4 games) Instead of 28, Can't Die Instantly From Falling Off Screen (a.k.a protection against falling into a pits), Health / Weapon Capsules Gives Half / Double / Triple Amount of Health / Current Special Weapon Refill for Mega Man, Health / Weapon Capsules refills MegaMan's Health / Mega Man's Current Special Weapon Bar Completely, Can Have Up To 255 Energy Tanks in All Games Except Mega Man 1 (Where these doesn't exist).
Mercs: 255 Maximum Health Units / Mega Crash Bombs For Player, Double / Triple Health Gained By Health Pickups (including ones in the shop).
Twin Cobra: Press (that combination of buttons) to Change Current Player's Weapon (Yellow / Red / Blue / Green), Press (that combination of buttons) to Change Current Player's Weapon Level, Speed Up / Slowdown Passing Scenery Scrolling, Press (that combination of buttons) To Stop / Resume Level Forward Scrolling, One Hit Kill.
Zoom!: Have 50 / 60 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120 / 150 /160 / 180 / 200 / 240 / 250 Seconds For Every Field in Every Stage, Press (that combination of buttons) for Invincibility Power-up / Freeze Enemies Sand clock Power-up / Slowdown Enemies Mushroom Power-up / Add (Number of seconds) Seconds To The Timer.
Thanks you in advance! I'm sure these codes stills doesn't exist...
Can you do codes for these requests?
MegaMan - Dr. Willy Wars: Mega Man Can Have up to 255 Maximum Health / Special Weapon Units (All 4 games) Instead of 28, Can't Die Instantly From Falling Off Screen (a.k.a protection against falling into a pits), Health / Weapon Capsules Gives Half / Double / Triple Amount of Health / Current Special Weapon Refill for Mega Man, Health / Weapon Capsules refills MegaMan's Health / Mega Man's Current Special Weapon Bar Completely, Can Have Up To 255 Energy Tanks in All Games Except Mega Man 1 (Where these doesn't exist).
Mercs: 255 Maximum Health Units / Mega Crash Bombs For Player, Double / Triple Health Gained By Health Pickups (including ones in the shop).
Twin Cobra: Press (that combination of buttons) to Change Current Player's Weapon (Yellow / Red / Blue / Green), Press (that combination of buttons) to Change Current Player's Weapon Level, Speed Up / Slowdown Passing Scenery Scrolling, Press (that combination of buttons) To Stop / Resume Level Forward Scrolling, One Hit Kill.
Zoom!: Have 50 / 60 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120 / 150 /160 / 180 / 200 / 240 / 250 Seconds For Every Field in Every Stage, Press (that combination of buttons) for Invincibility Power-up / Freeze Enemies Sand clock Power-up / Slowdown Enemies Mushroom Power-up / Add (Number of seconds) Seconds To The Timer.
Thanks you in advance! I'm sure these codes stills doesn't exist...