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I am looking for a code for the Japanese version of Tecmo Super Bowl where Player 1 has points. I found the computer's score (FF33CD:0000) but I can't find the player's, and I never get the chance to make the goal. That has to be the worst football game I've played!
Doommaster, I'm going away on vacation for 5 days. I'll take a look at it when I get back if no one else has made it by then. Exactly what kind of code are you looking for? I'm not sure what you mean by never getting the chance to make the goal.
Hey, Tony. Don't worry about it. I had the computer play for me and I found the score. GSHI only has GameGenie codes for the game. I don't know if they work with the USA version though. I was just looking for a code where the player has a higher score than the computer.