[COLOR=#0000FF]3x3 Eyes - Juuma Houkan (J) - SNES[/COLOR] Moon Jump(You walk slowly unless you jump forward or bckward to jump normally. Looks funky.) 6DDE-74A9 6DDD-5D09 82CA-7F0D
[COLOR=#0000FF]3x3 Eyes - Juuma Houkan (J) - SNES[/COLOR] Moon Jump(You walk slowly unless you jump forward or bckward to jump normally. Looks funky.) 6DDE-74A9 6DDD-5D09 82CA-7F0D
[COLOR=#008000]Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (V1.0) - GBA | AR3[/COLOR] Easy Pipes(Easy to remember what pipes you can enter. Pipes you can't enter have wooden blocks at the top of it. Vertical pipes.) E5E7D590 6AD98418 99820349 6DEDEB5B 5F06A870 04601C1C E395B8CA 1EACF5A2
[COLOR=#008000]Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (V1.1) - GBA | AR3[/COLOR] Easy Pipes(Easy to remember what pipes you can enter. Pipes you can't enter have wooden blocks at the top of it. Vertical pipes.) C52F21F6 D7898DF8 99820349 6DEDEB5B C5FF2912 DC9B3324 E395B8CA 1EACF5A2
[COLOR=#008000]Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The - SNES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair(You don't die by falling in pits.) 6DB0-15E7
[COLOR=#008000]Aero the Acro-Bat - SNES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair(Jump then press X in midair.) E861-37AB EE65-3DDB BE65-3D6B
[COLOR=#008000]Asterix (E) - SNES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair(When yoou walk looks like skating.) 6D81-670D 6D8D-AF6D