[COLOR=#0000FF]Beethoven's 2nd - SNES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair/Moon Jump(Press Jump for Jump in Midair. Hold Jump for Moon Jump.) DD3D-44D5 Works with European version
[COLOR=#0000FF]Snake Rattle'n Roll - NES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair APOOUKYP AEKOXLAY
[COLOR=#0000FF]Beauty and the Beast - SNES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair(Standing jumps look weird. Cant attack in the air.) DD65-CD02 0A65-CD62 4065-CDA2 BB65-CFD2 C968-470A Moon Jump(Standing jumps look weird. Cant attack in the air.) DD65-CD02 0A65-CD62 4065-CDA2 BB65-CFD2 EDB7-1DD3
[COLOR=#0000FF]Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage - SNES[/COLOR] Moon Jump(Press Left, Right or Down to walk in midair. Press Jump again to come down.) 61B0-4DD7 6CB0-4D07 D7B6-3FDD D766-34D7
[COLOR=#0000FF]Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage (E) - SNES[/COLOR] Moon Jump(Press Left, Right or Down to walk in midair. Press Jump again to come down.) 13B4-44D7 6CB4-4407 D765-3DD7 D7B1-37DD
[COLOR=#0000FF]Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage (J) - SNES[/COLOR] Moon Jump(Press Left, Right or Down to walk in midair. Press Jump again to come down.) 12B4-4FA7 6CB4-44D7 D761-37A7 D7B1-34AD
[COLOR=#0000FF]Super Bonk - SNES[/COLOR] Jump in Midair(Press Jump repeatedly.) 0A31-4F08 5531-4F68 6131-4FA8