[COLOR="Green"]Tetris (Tengen - REV1) - NES[/COLOR] Always Get Straight Pieces OZKPEPEN PAKPOOOY Speed Stays the Same OZXPKLGX PZXPSUYZ Pieces Don't Fall SXUAYLVY
[COLOR="Green"]Tetris (Tengen - REV1) - NES[/COLOR] Always Get Straight Pieces OZKPEPEN PAKPOOOY Speed Stays the Same OZXPKLGX PZXPSUYZ Pieces Don't Fall SXUAYLVY
[COLOR="Green"]Final Fight 2 (U) - SNES[/COLOR] One Hit Kill(Bosses make take 2 or 3 hits) CBE8-47AF EEEA-4DDF
[COLOR="Green"]Mega Man - NES[/COLOR] Start With 255 Health NYXOIOGO Start With 255 Weapon Energy NYSOLEGO
[COLOR="Green"]Adventure Island (U) - NES[/COLOR] Invincibility Bee(You can't see the bee but you have the effect) KEUKYASZ Start With 32 Health AZNAOEZA