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GSHI 10th Anniversary Contest :)

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  • GSHI 10th Anniversary Contest :)

    Last year, on the 9th anniversary of GSHI's creation, we had a test-run of an anniversary contest. We didn't give much advance warning (I think we considered the concept, proposed it, planned it, and spread the word all in less than a month), and little preparation went into it, but it was a pretty good time.

    Helder 0wned the competition, winning both the gaming tournament and the artwork contest, and so pocketed two $75 ($150 total) gift certificates to EB Games and two GSHI t-shirts; VisitntX won second place in the gaming contest and claimed a GSHI t-shirt; and NiK/Astraea won third place in the gaming contest, also netting a GSHI t-shirt.

    We're now closing in on the 10th anniversary of GSHI, and, on July 10th, we will begin the tournament

    This year, there will be three events:

    1. Hacking Competition - Hackers will test their mettle in a hacking challenge utilizing an emulator. A link to the emulator and required ROM will be given at the last minute, along with the code(s) to be hacked. The winner will take home a $75 gift certificate to EB Games, and a GSHI t-shirt.

    2. Gaming Tournament - Gamers will face off in an online tournament, whose platform is yet to be decided, in what will most likely be an elimination system (two gamers face off at a time, and after all pairs have jousted, the winners pair off, and so forth, until there is only one remaining winner). The winner will take home a $75 gift certificate to EB Games, and a GSHI t-shirt.

    3. Artwork Contest - Competitors will create a unique piece of art in the form of a logo, which will be voted on by GSHI admin staff. The winner will take home a $75 gift certificate to EB Games, a GSHI t-shirt, and his/her logo on next year's GSHI t-shirts.

    But we need your opinions, specifically on the Gaming Tournament! Which platform should be used? An emulator with netplay, as in last year's MAME tournament? Or something new? Should we split it up into multiple genres, such as Fighting Games, Sports, and Strategy (as we did last year)? Can we employ something that allows more than two players to face off at once? Keep in mind that not all players will be able to participate simultaneously...we have people with different work shifts, not to mention that we're in varying time zones.

    More updates to come - in the meantime, give us your thoughts!
    I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...

  • #2
    Create a poll to see who has which consoles first. Then go from there to see which genre should be done.


    • #3
      That's one method to consider. But the goal is to allow everyone to participate (assuming they have at least a computer). Still, that would at least solve the issue of lag/de-synchronization...
      I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


      • #4
        Might be a good idea to randomly select the hacking challenges and games from a user contributed set, to make it less likely someone will have done whatever the hacking ends up being ahead of the contest. Having an outside (and likely prohibited from competing) person creating several "hack-mes" for the contest could be another idea. It's probably best to keep things erm, mostly legal copyright wise.


        • #5
          I'll probably bear the burden of deciding the hacking challenge, and simply not participate myself (I don't see the point in giving myself a prize, heh).

          Yes; the ROM used for the hacking competition will be a public domain one (or perhaps there will be more than one), hence avoiding legal issues. Also, it will cut down on the chances that anyone's hacked any codes for it.

          Perhaps it would be best, to cover timezones and work shifts, if we choose three PD games (and perhaps even three different emulated systems), and release the hacking challenges at three separate times during the day the challenge is begun. For example, Game1's three challenge hacks would be unveiled at 8AM on the 10th, Game2's three would be unveiled at 4PM on the 10th, and Game3's three would be unveiled at midnight (I suppose using GMT would be best). I think it would be best to have two fairly simple codes and one difficult one per game. The hacker with the most codes hacked will win (if there's a tie, there will be an alternate challenge to break it)...though I suppose codes could be given a weight by difficulty, with the more difficult codes being assigned a larger number of points...
          I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


          • #6
            i may take part in the hacking challenge, sounds like a lot of fun and i haven't hacked in years :P


            • #7
              Yeah, me neither. I wish someone else would throw a contest, so I could participate
              I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


              • #8
                hmm depending on the system used and the codes, it shouldnt be too hard to hack, unless its some really difficult code, also it would be best to have the code hacking participants submit a text file with the hacked codes to you,as so no one else cheats off of others work.I will like to participate in the 3 contests and especially the gaming one and Lazy where is that shirt?
                Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

                THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


                • #9
                  Heh, I sent the shirts to you and VisitntX Wednesday They should arrive shortly. The delay will not be the same this year, as we will be using the shirts you designed last year, and subsequently the shirts next year will bear the winning logo from this year.
                  I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                  • #10
                    Rules for the Art Contest:

                    - The logo must contain "" (actually, it must be a logo, heh).

                    - The logo must not contain any copyright material (no video game characters, etc)

                    - The logo must be the original work of the person submitting it
                    I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                    • #11
                      Here's an about if we can get enough hackers we could do a team hacking contest where an admin of one of the sites assigns a game for each team, and whatever team hacks the most codes wins the contest. I remember back in the golden days of hacking(back in 2000) me and a few hackers use to team hack a game, and boy they where allot of fun to do....


                      • #12
                        It's an interesting idea, and I agree that we should do some team hacking again, but I think we should stick to solo acts for now, until we build enough participation to warrant anything more creative.
                        I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                        • #13
                          OK, I've decided on a system and emulator for the hacking competition (we still need ideas for the gaming competition!). I'm now in the process of determining which three games (and fourth tie-breaker game, if necessary) will be hacked, and how the points system will work.
                          I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                          • #14
                            Hacking Competition rules and guidelines:

                            I will unveil the emulator to be used, and an unimportant, public domain ROM, two days prior to the opening of the competition, in order for hackers to become accustomed to the emulator and hacking interface. Other hacking tools, or even other emulators, may be used by hackers if desired, but codes submitted must work for the prescribed emulator.

                            Three games will be unveiled (with hosted download) at each of three eight-hour marks in the day of opening (for example, 8am/4pm/12am), for balance in work shifts/timezones. If there is a tie, a fourth game will be unveiled after the close of the competition, and the tied hackers will face off once more (and so on if necessary).

                            There will be a point system based on the level of difficulty in hacking a given code, which will work as such:

                            -Level 1: infinite health, infinite lives, infinite ammo, etc.
                            -Level 2: coordinate mod, text mod, unlock features/characters, etc.
                            -Level 3: walk-through-walls, room mod, music mod, sprite control, etc.

                            -Level 1 = 1 point
                            -Level 2 = 2 points
                            -Level 3 = 3 points

                            Three level 1 codes, two level 2 codes, and one level 3 code will be unveiled per game, at the time the respective game is unveiled.

                            Codes submitted can be either RAM codes or ROM/Game Genie codes. Codes should be tested, and must provide functionality, not just the illusion of functionality. For example, an Infinite Health code that merely makes the health meter remain full visually, but which does not stop your actual health from decreasing (hence you eventually die from damage accrued), will not be accepted. Likewise, a code that does not visually affect the health meter, but does functionally affect it (and will prevent you from dying due to accrued damage), will be accepted.

                            Anyone can participate, and there is no registration required (aside from registration on these forums). The person with the most points in the two days allotted wins. Codes submitted after the close of the competition will not be accepted. All codes will be sent to me by PM on the forums.

                            If the winner does not wish to divulge an address or method of receiving any or all prizes, the prize(s) will then go to the second place winner, and so on if necessary.
                            I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                            • #15
                              Cool n_n

                              Sounds like a lot of fun!.
                              I'll try my best ^^.

