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HENkaku Ensō 1.1 Released (PS Vita)
Why The Flow is delaying the 3.68 Henkaku exploit
TheFlow confirms that PSVita Firmware 3.68 doesn’t break his FW 3.67 exploit
VVildcard777 releases open source version of PS4Hen
You can Download VVilcdcard777’s PS4Hen from the developer’s github here. There’s no binary, so you will have to compile from source.
PS4 Holy Grail Payload - Homebrew On Firmware 4.55 - #PS4Hen
Thanks to the awesome hackers and developers in the PS4 scene, we now have Homebrew on firmware version 4.55, this morning @m0rph3us1987 released a HEN...
PS Vita PFS Tools v2.0 Released
The awesome and extremely talented motoharu-gosuto has released an update for his PFS Tools.
Vita 3.60 All In One Hacking Guide
The PS Vita 3.60 is now widely hacked thanks to the HENkaku hack. There’s lots of things you can do with your PS Vita 3.60, but it can easily get confusing....
What ReNpDrm is and why you should be excited about it
ReNpDrm is a kernel plugin for HENkaku/taiHEN-enabled PSVita/PSTV consoles by CelesteBlue (ePSP Bubble Installer and co-developer of Firmware Reinstaller)....
The Ultimate PS Vita Hacking FAQ - #HENkaku #Enso
Yifan Lu releases usbmc (auto mounts USB) for Vita/TV
Yifan Lu just released usbmc. This will work with Enso to auto mount USB storage.
Emulators for the PS Vita that ended up as vaporware
6.61 Adrenaline 5.1 released – Various bug fixes (PS Vita)
Adrenaline is the infamous ePSP hack for PSVita/PSTV consoles running firmware 3.60 with taiHEN/HENkaku. The main features of it are the ability to play...
HENkaku R9 released for PS Vita, new cool HENkaku settings
HENkaku R9 was released yesterday. If you have a 3.60 PS Vita console*, all you have to do to update or install is to reboot your console and visit the...
HENkaku Ensō Coming Soon - Permanent #HENkaku
Think of it as an un-tethered jailbreak in which you don’t have to reapply HENkaku every time you load up your Vita.
Card Unlock For Vita Released
If you have a Vita card that's been in a higher firmware PSVita, you can’t use it on a lower firmware one. That is unless you format the card. Thanks...