This forum is a dedication to the efforts and great success of SR2000 and XKillingAngelX of the now long-dead GameShark School of Hacking (
*cracks open a beer*
This one's for you guys...
Heh, anyway, this forum will be a place for both new and advanced hackers, to talk about methods, theories, and practices of hacking. If you've got a question, don't be afraid to ask it. Hell, be proud you're willing to take the time and make the effort.
I can't promise we'll make you into a legend, but I'll say this: if you spend even a little time in here, and learn just a thing or two, most of the VG hacking community will be less than your parallel...
That said, happy hacking.
*cracks open a beer*
This one's for you guys...
Heh, anyway, this forum will be a place for both new and advanced hackers, to talk about methods, theories, and practices of hacking. If you've got a question, don't be afraid to ask it. Hell, be proud you're willing to take the time and make the effort.
I can't promise we'll make you into a legend, but I'll say this: if you spend even a little time in here, and learn just a thing or two, most of the VG hacking community will be less than your parallel...
That said, happy hacking.