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BeyondTheStatic's Retro Codes

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  • BeyondTheStatic's Retro Codes

    OK, I'm finally starting a thread to house all my retro cheats, and I'm kicking it off with a revisit to Castlevania II. Happy gaming & hacking, everyone!

    Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
    Start a New Game With Only 8 Health Bars (instead of 12)
    Start a New Game With 52 Health Bars
    Super Fast Whipping
    One Hit Kills All Enemies and Bosses (whips)
    Hit Anywhere (whips)
    Hit Anywhere (subweapons)
    Move Faster (walking and jumping)
    Note: Be careful of how you exit a screen, as you may end up falling to your death due to the way this game handles vertical scrolling.
    Jump Lower (2 blocks)
    Jump Higher (3 1/2 blocks)
    Jump Even Higher (4 1/3 blocks)
    Always Equipped With a Shield
    Can Use Subweapons Regardless of Heart Count
    Note: If you don't have very many hearts, you will actually gain more hearts with this cheat.
    Holy Water and The Sacred Flame are Thrown at a Higher Arc
    Holy Water and The Sacred Flame Fly Faster and Farther
    Holy Water and The Sacred Flame Fly Even Faster and Farther
    Holy Water and The Sacred Flame Fly Even Faster and Farther Yet
    Can Use up to Three Holy Waters On Screen at a Time Instead of Only One
    Can Use up to Three Normal Daggers On Screen at a Time Instead of Only One
    The Normal Dagger Can Now Travel Across An Entire Screen
    All Daggers are Super Fast
    Note: Also causes the normal dagger to travel across an entire screen.
    The Diamond Can Break Any Block
    Note: Entering/exiting the item menu will redraw the original map, but the blocks remain destroyed.
    The Diamond, When thrown, Becomes a Fireball That Protects Your Groin
    Towns are Infested with Monsters Day or Night
    Towns Never Sleep
    Note: You will be able to enter doors day or night, and people will continue to roam the walkways after sunset despite the presence of monsters. Also, most people at night will be green, just like the zombies.
    Fishmen Jump Around and Relentlessly Pursue You Instead of Shooting Fireballs
    Dracula Always Throws Scythes (good luck beating him)
    Dracula Cannot Move
    Most Sprites Leave Tracers
    Spikes Are No More Harmful Than Poisonous Swamps
    Poisonous Swamps and Spikes Have No Effect
    Note: They will neither decrease your life nor slow you down, although you can still stand on horizontal spikes.
    Never Lose Your Hearts or Experience Points After a Game Over
    Destroy Any Enemy or Projectile With Your Body (a type of invincibility)
    Deflect Most Enemies and Their Projectiles With Your Shield
    Note: Enemies that seek you out (e.g. Floating Eyes) or those with certain nonadaptive movements (e.g. Dracula) won't be affected.
    Church in 1st Town is Now a House With a Merchant Selling the Morning Star
    Church in 1st Town Warps You to The Last Town Before Dracula's Castle
    Women and Old Men Will Hurt You (enable cheat before seeing them)
    Ponds Open Instantly With or Without a Crystal
    Note: Enable this cheat before entering a screen containing a secret pond.
    Kneel Anywhere With the Red Crystal to be Whisked Away By the Whirlwind
    Note: It will take a few seconds to appear, so just wait. If you're too close to the bottom of the screen, you might be dropped to your death. The whirlwind will look like garbage in most places, but that's to be expected. It won't drop you off everywhere, but it does sometimes take you to this game's Hidden Realms :) If you want to cut the wait time short, use this: EPSZKPEI
    Fleaman Mode
    Note: You are now only four feet high, and can fit into small gaps. Best When used with the Super Fast Daggers cheat :D
    Last edited by BeyondTheStatic; 07-28-2012, 02:08:33 PM.

  • #2
    Nice codes, @BeyondTheStatic! I actually like that your new thread.

    I want to ask you: whether you can make a codes for same game:
    1. Controllable Jump, i. e. Player Able To Change His Direction While Falling or Jumping;
    2. Always Have An Eagle Invincibility Power-up;
    3. Start New Game With All Items.

    About request #1, I requested it because you may found this when your character (Simon) jumps or falls off a platform, you cannot change his direction facing before he steps back on the ground. You actually can move Simon to left or right only while he is on ground or platform, but can't while he is in midair. That problems appears also on other two exciting NES Caslevania games: Simon in first (original) Castlevania, and Trevor (Main Character), Sypha and Alucard in Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
    Last edited by Unicode; 10-11-2012, 04:40:18 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unicode View Post
      I want to ask you: whether you can make a codes for same game:
      1. Controllable Jump, i. e. Player Able To Change His Direction While Falling or Jumping;
      2. Always Have A Eagle Invincibility Power-up;
      3. Start New Game With All Items.
      Hi Unicode. What is "Eagle Invincibility?" Do you mean what happens when you've used some laurels, and you are invincible and flashing?

      Requests 1 & 3 were on my to-do list, but I couldn't make them work.

      I definitely wanted to address #1, as the jump mechanics in early CV games have always bothered me. (I actually thought this was a cheap, stupid game when I first played it, but I soon grew to love it ). But changing your direction in midair not such a simple cheat to make, and might actually require over a dozen codes.

      Request #3 is another difficult one. There's no easy "Start With Everything" code for this or any other game I've tried such a hack for. The best I can do is allow you to buy all of Dracula's parts/relics, all subweapons and the Flame Whip in the first town, for free.

      Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
      Buy Some Holy Water to Receive All Subweapons (alt. to Whipon's code)
      Buy a White Crystal to Additionally Receive All of Dracula's Relics
      Buy a Thorn Whip to Receive the Flame Whip Instead
      Note: Do not buy any more whips after the first one, because any further upgrades are useless and will crash the game.
      Can Buy Items Regardless of Heart Count
      Note: This will let you buy anything for free, even if you don't have enough hearts. Also, if you don't have very many hearts, you will actually gain more hearts with this cheat.
      Nearly Constant Laurel Power (cuts out sometimes)
      Faster Dialog Text
      Last edited by BeyondTheStatic; 08-10-2012, 03:09:11 PM. Reason: added a note


      • #4
        Originally posted by BeyondTheStatic View Post
        Hi Unicode. What is "Eagle Invincibility?" Do you mean what happens when you've used some laurels, and you are invincible and flashing? (...)
        Yes, I meant exactly a code that makes player always have permanent Laurel Inviniciblity, not Eagle. My mistake.

        Oops, I now saw you're already made and posted that code.
        Last edited by Unicode; 07-28-2012, 02:43:34 AM.


        • #5
          ... Dublicated post.
          Last edited by Unicode; 07-27-2012, 03:36:15 PM.


          • #6
            some color enhancement codes:

            Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
            Game Colors: Constant Strobe Effect
            Note: Best when used on a real system, or emulated with Full Screen and VSync enabled. Starts working immediately.
            Game Colors: Warmer Hues
            (see Shared Note)
            Game Colors: Colder Hues
            (see Shared Note)
            Game Colors: Sickly Greens
            (see Shared Note)
            Game Colors: Low Contrast Grayscale
            (see Shared Note)
            Game Colors: Low Contrast Sepia Tones
            (see Shared Note)
            Shared Note: For cheat to take effect, change areas or reset the game.


            • #7
              Thanks to whoever added my codes to the database! There is an error, though. The two Hit Anywhere cheats got bundled together, and the note says "whips." But the second Hit Anywhere cheat I posted is for subweapons, so a gamer might think it took 5 codes for a Hit Anywhere cheat that only works with whips

              Edit: Also, how would you like me to write my notes? I noticed that a lot of them are missing. Not that it's a big deal, but I think a proper description for special things (such as the Flea Man cheat) might be useful.
              Last edited by BeyondTheStatic; 07-27-2012, 07:28:49 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BeyondTheStatic View Post
                Thanks to whoever added my codes to the database! There is an error, though. The two Hit Anywhere cheats got bundled together, and the note says "whips." But the second Hit Anywhere cheat I posted is for subweapons, so a gamer might think it took 5 codes for a Hit Anywhere cheat that only works with whips

                Edit: Also, how would you like me to write my notes? I noticed that a lot of them are missing. Not that it's a big deal, but I think a proper description for special things (such as the Flea Man cheat) might be useful.
                I'm not sure who added them, but I added the notes to your codes.
                I only bother with things that interest me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BeyondTheStatic View Post
                  Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
                  Buy Some Holy Water to Receive All Subweapons (alt. to Whipon's code)
                  Buy a White Crystal to Additionally Receive All of Dracula's Relics
                  Buy a Thorn Whip to Receive the Flame Whip Instead
                  Can Buy Items Regardless of Heart Count
                  Note: This will let you buy anything for free, even if you don't have enough hearts. Also, if you don't have very many hearts, you will actually gain more hearts with this cheat.
                  Constant Laurel Power (invincible and flashing)
                  Faster Dialog Text
                  I found a problem with your "Constant Laurel Power" code. It will protect your character most of time, but seems there are a moments (probably between cycles of power) when you still can take damage by enemies. However, that code protects you completely against swamp.

                  Also, you can make a codes:
                  1. Buy White Crystal To Get All Crystals And Diamonds;
                  2. Infinite Number Of Passed Days And Nights To Finish Game With Best Ending. As about that code, normally you get a best ending only if you're finished entire game for no more than 7 days.
                  3. Normal Enemies Always Drop A Power Heart When Defeated;
                  4. Don't Die When Player Falls Into Water (it is present in towns too).

                  Originally posted by BeyondTheStatic View Post
                  Some color enhancement codes:

                  Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
                  Game Colors: Constant Strobe Effect
                  Note: Best when used on a real system, or emulated with Full Screen and VSync enabled. Starts working immediately.
                  Game Colors: Warmer Hues
                  (see Shared Note)
                  Game Colors: Colder Hues
                  (see Shared Note)
                  Game Colors: Sickly Greens
                  (see Shared Note)
                  Game Colors: Low Contrast Grayscale
                  (see Shared Note)
                  Game Colors: Low Contrast Sepia Tones
                  (see Shared Note)
                  Shared Note: For cheat to take effect, change areas or reset the game.
                  Nice codes!
                  Last edited by Unicode; 07-29-2012, 03:22:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unicode View Post
                    I found a problem with your "Constant Laurel Power" code. It will protect your character most of time, but seems there are a moments (probably between cycles of power) when you still can take damage by enemies. However, that code protects you completely against swamp.
                    Hmm, thanks for catching that. I'll check into the matter.

                    Also, you can make a codes:
                    1. Buy White Crystal To Get All Crystals And Diamonds;
                    2. Infinite Number Of Passed Days And Nights To Finish Game With Best Ending. As about that code, normally you get a best ending only if you're finished entire game for no more than 7 days.
                    3. Normal Enemies Always Drop A Power Heart When Defeated;
                    There's only one diamond, and you can only upgrade your crystal, not carry more than one. The progression is white->blue->red.

                    4. Don't Die When Player Falls Into Water (it is present in towns too).
                    That will not be an easy cheat to make. I found a code where if you fall into the water, you will appear at the top of the screen. This works well for most other games, but in Simon's Quest, you cannot control your movement in midair. The problem here is that if you simply walk off a platform into the water, you would never be able to stop falling over and over again.

                    As an alternative workaround, I tried coating the surfaces of water with a thin layer of breakable blocks. It works very well. They appear blue, like ice, and can be walked upon. But covering all bodies of water in the game would require at least 16 codes! I've already made 12 such codes, and can make more if you're really interested in using 16 or more codes for just that one cheat.

                    Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
                    Enemies Guaranteed to Always Drop Hearts
                    [COLOR="#4B0082"](chronicler note: partial credit should go to gedowski this Big Hearts cheat, since I worked from an address he found)[/COLOR]
                    Enemies Guaranteed to Always Drop Big Hearts
                    Buy a White Crystal to Receive the Red Crystal and All of Dracula's Relics
                    Always Get the Good Ending
                    Last edited by BeyondTheStatic; 08-08-2012, 09:12:30 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unicode View Post
                      I found a problem with your "Constant Laurel Power" code. It will protect your character most of time, but seems there are a moments (probably between cycles of power) when you still can take damage by enemies. However, that code protects you completely against swamp.
                      It's not something I can do with only one code, however, if you have at least one laurel, the following should work just fine:

                      Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
                      Infinite Laurel Time
                      Note: Use a laurel and it lasts forever, even after death.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BeyondTheStatic View Post
                        That will not be an easy cheat to make. I found a code where if you fall into the water, you will appear at the top of the screen. This works well for most other games, but in Simon's Quest, you cannot control your movement in midair. The problem here is that if you simply walk off a platform into the water, you would never be able to stop falling over and over again.

                        As an alternative workaround, I tried coating the surfaces of water with a thin layer of breakable blocks. It works very well. They appear blue, like ice, and can be walked upon. But covering all bodies of water in the game would require at least 16 codes! I've already made 12 such codes, and can make more if you're really interested in using 16 or more codes for just that one cheat.

                        Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
                        Enemies Guaranteed to Always Drop Hearts
                        [COLOR="#4B0082"](chronicler note: partial credit should go to gedowski this Big Hearts cheat, since I worked from an address he found)[/COLOR]
                        Enemies Guaranteed to Always Drop Big Hearts
                        Buy a White Crystal to Receive the Red Crystal and All of Dracula's Relics
                        Always Get the Good Ending
                        OK. Every your code working without an issues is nice, even if it's a long. For example your code "Fly When in the Air and Pressing Select" for NES game "Super Mario Bros. 3" is nice, independently it is long about 40 GG codes. Seems usually all GG NES codes modifying any routine or freespace addresses in the game are similar.

                        Another request: Player Always Can Use A Laurels Or Garlics From Game Menu Without Buying Them.
                        Last edited by Unicode; 08-09-2012, 03:58:19 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unicode View Post
                          OK. Every your code working without an issues is nice, even if it's a long. For example your code "Fly When in the Air and Pressing Select" for NES game "Super Mario Bros. 3" is nice, independently it is long about 40 GG codes.
                          True. I hate for cheats to have so many codes, but sometimes it's necessary

                          I'm giving up on the water encrustation cheat for now. It was up to 20 codes, and I was still finding even more areas that weren't covered yet. Then, I found out that you could get hopelessly stuck at the bridge area if you fell onto the water blocks. There would be no way to jump high enough to get out, at least not without using another cheat, which would of course affect the entire game play. You would also need the "Holy Water and The Sacred Flame are Thrown at a Higher Arc" cheat just to get back out of secret ponds.

                          So I found another solution:

                          Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
                          Water Death Prevention
                          Note: You can no longer die when falling into water. You will be teleported to the last safe place you were standing before you fell. May mess up enemy and block placement to a degree. If your life is low, it will be refilled.
                          Unless I'm missing something, there is now no possible way to die in this game when using the correct cheats.
                          Last edited by BeyondTheStatic; 08-09-2012, 08:49:24 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BeyondTheStatic View Post
                            True. I hate for cheats to have so many codes, but sometimes it's necessary

                            I'm giving up on the water encrustation cheat for now. It was up to 20 codes, and I was still finding even more areas that weren't covered yet. Then, I found out that you could get hopelessly stuck at the bridge area if you fell onto the water blocks. There would be no way to jump high enough to get out, at least not without using another cheat, which would of course affect the entire game play. You would also need the "Holy Water and The Sacred Flame are Thrown at a Higher Arc" cheat just to get back out of secret ponds.

                            So I found another solution:

                            Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES
                            Water Death Prevention
                            Note: You can no longer die when falling into water. You will be teleported to the last safe place you were standing before you fell. May mess up enemy and block placement to a degree. If your life is low, it will be refilled.
                            Unless I'm missing something, there is now no possible way to die in this game when using the correct cheats.
                            Nice code, @BeyondTheStatic! The only side effect from that code is if you fall into water in a town and in that moment there are a town people on screen, they gets stuck and can't move anywhere.

                            Unfortunately, I found a issue on your "Buy a Thorn Whip to Receive the Flame Whip Instead" GENTUIYA GG code. It work fine when you buy Flame whip by person in first town that normally selling the thorn whip. But if I go in any other town and buy any other whip - Chain whip, Flame whip or Morning Star, after buying I can't use my whip, I can use only subweapons like the Dagger, Flame or the Holy Water. Also, after buying any of the whips noted above (except the thorn whip in starting town that your code GENTUIYA replaces with Flame Whip) with your code enabled, when I press Start button and go into weapon submenu, it appears messed up, as in some cases whole game even freezes after getting into menu. In last case, I have no way to continue game because I can't press Start to exit menu, as other buttons (A, B, Select, D-Pad) also don't work at all. That issue appears also when you buy Chain whip, Morning star or Flame whip in any other town without before buying the Flame whip from seller in first town that normally sell the Thorn whip. Below I attach a screenshot that show corrupted (already) frozen game after fatal accessing Menu, right after buying a Chain whip).

                            @BeyondTheStatic, anything about my request from post #11: "Player Always Can Use A Laurels Or Garlics From Game Menu Without Buying Them"? Also I have a few more suggestions:
                            1. Player Have 255 Health Units / Player Always Have Only 1 Health Unit, Even After Level Up (In second case Simon always get killed after one hit by enemies!);
                            2. Remove 256 Maximum Power Heart Units Capacity Limit And Can Collect 9999 Power Hearts Instead. I mean that if you have a number of power points equal to 256 or bigger, you can't add more points to that amount with collecting hearts;
                            3. Any way to getting Extra Lives. In CastleVania II: Simon's Quest, you can refill your health when your level goes up or going into the churches in towns, but about Extra Lives, the problem is that in game there are no similar powerups and you can't get Extra Lives in any way, really player can only lose his Extra Lives;
                            4. Slower Time / Faster Time. I mean this the time in game passes faster or slower;
                            5. In some places in the game there are a moving platforms that are invisible and you need to use the white, blue or red crystal to unlock them and make them visible. You can make a code that makes these "hidden" moving platforms visible and usable without using the corresponding crystals?
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Unicode; 08-10-2012, 03:31:43 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unicode View Post
                              Nice code, @BeyondTheStatic! The only side effect from that code is if you fall into water in a town and in that moment there are a town people on screen, they gets stuck and can't move anywhere.
                              It will also mess up blocks if you perform a long jump into some water. The worst thing that can happen is that you may step onto some misplaced blocks that you cannot jump back off of, in which case you should use a high jump cheat to get yourself back out.

                              Unfortunately, I found a issue on your "Buy a Thorn Whip to Receive the Flame Whip Instead" GENTUIYA GG code. It work fine when you buy Flame whip by person in first town that normally selling the thorn whip. But if I go in any other town and buy any other whip - Chain whip, Flame whip or Morning Star, after buying I can't use my whip, I can use only subweapons like the Dagger, Flame or the Holy Water. Also, after buying any of the whips noted above (except the thorn whip in starting town that your code GENTUIYA replaces with Flame Whip) with your code enabled, when I press Start button and go into weapon submenu, it appears messed up, as in some cases whole game even freezes after getting into menu. In last case, I have no way to continue game because I can't press Start to exit menu, as other buttons (A, B, Select, D-Pad) also don't work at all. That issue appears also when you buy Chain whip, Morning star or Flame whip in any other town without before buying the Flame whip from seller in first town that normally sell the Thorn whip. Below I attach a screenshot that show corrupted (already) frozen game after fatal accessing Menu, right after buying a Chain whip).
                              Everything you mentioned is caused by a faulty whip upgrade. The game tries to use a whip that doesn't exist. And when the inventory screen is brought up it tries to describe the whip, but finding no label for the nonexistent whip, the game simply crashes. There's nothing to be done except adding another code to the cheat. But Instead of doing that, I just added a note warning players to not purchase any more whips.

                              @BeyondTheStatic, anything about my request from post #11: "Player Always Can Use A Laurels Or Garlics From Game Menu Without Buying Them"? Also I have a few more suggestions:
                              1. Player Have 255 Health Units / Player Always Have Only 1 Health Unit (Anticheat - Simon always get killed after one hit by enemies!);
                              2. Remove 256 Maximum Power Heart Units Capacity Limit And Can Collect 9999 Power Hearts Instead. I mean that if you have a number of power points equal to 256 or bigger, you can't add more points to that amount with collecting hearts;
                              3. Any way to getting Extra Lives. In CastleVania II: Simon's Quest, you can refill your health when your level goes up or going into the churches in towns, but about Extra Lives, the problem is that in game there are no similar powerups and you can't get Extra Lives in any way, really player can only lose his Extra Lives;
                              4. Slower Time / Faster Time. I mean this the time in game passes faster or slower;
                              5. In some places in the game there are a moving platforms that are invisible and you need to use the white, blue or red crystal to unlock them and make them visible. You can make a code that makes these "hidden" moving platforms visible and usable without using the corresponding crystals?
                              Hacking the same game for too long makes me weary, so I'm going to save your requests and try to tackle them at a later time.

                              Thank you again for your continual code testing, Unicode

