OK, I'm finally starting a thread to house all my retro cheats, and I'm kicking it off with a revisit to Castlevania II. Happy gaming & hacking, everyone!
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - NES Start a New Game With Only 8 Health Bars (instead of 12) YZSKTIAU Start a New Game With 52 Health Bars NISKTIAU Super Fast Whipping EIOIOGEY One Hit Kills All Enemies and Bosses (whips) AAXAVPAG Hit Anywhere (whips) AENESAPT AAOANPYG AAOEKPGI Hit Anywhere (subweapons) ELEEOZAL ELXANZAL Move Faster (walking and jumping) ZASATYPA VYNAANNN VYOAEONN ZAOEUPPA Note: Be careful of how you exit a screen, as you may end up falling to your death due to the way this game handles vertical scrolling. Jump Lower (2 blocks) GKVENOAL Jump Higher (3 1/2 blocks) AXVENOAU Jump Even Higher (4 1/3 blocks) AXVENOAL Always Equipped With a Shield AEKIYLPA Can Use Subweapons Regardless of Heart Count EYNIVAEL Note: If you don't have very many hearts, you will actually gain more hearts with this cheat. Holy Water and The Sacred Flame are Thrown at a Higher Arc SNUISENN Holy Water and The Sacred Flame Fly Faster and Farther ZEXSVAPA Holy Water and The Sacred Flame Fly Even Faster and Farther LEXSVAPA Holy Water and The Sacred Flame Fly Even Faster and Farther Yet GEXSVAPA Can Use up to Three Holy Waters On Screen at a Time Instead of Only One EUXISAEY Can Use up to Three Normal Daggers On Screen at a Time Instead of Only One EUSIOAEY The Normal Dagger Can Now Travel Across An Entire Screen ENNSVAEI All Daggers are Super Fast YENIUAZE Note: Also causes the normal dagger to travel across an entire screen. The Diamond Can Break Any Block NZOIXXAP XIOIUZOK XVOIPVVE Note: Entering/exiting the item menu will redraw the original map, but the blocks remain destroyed. The Diamond, When thrown, Becomes a Fireball That Protects Your Groin ESOIVOOS Towns are Infested with Monsters Day or Night EONEGAEI Towns Never Sleep AEXEYYPP EYKEYPEI Note: You will be able to enter doors day or night, and people will continue to roam the walkways after sunset despite the presence of monsters. Also, most people at night will be green, just like the zombies. Fishmen Jump Around and Relentlessly Pursue You Instead of Shooting Fireballs XXOZLZUZ Dracula Always Throws Scythes (good luck beating him) AASLYTSL Dracula Cannot Move EPUUATEI Most Sprites Leave Tracers AAXXVKNT Spikes Are No More Harmful Than Poisonous Swamps AAKEZAZL Poisonous Swamps and Spikes Have No Effect AIKAIAEI Note: They will neither decrease your life nor slow you down, although you can still stand on horizontal spikes. Never Lose Your Hearts or Experience Points After a Game Over LZOGIUPP Destroy Any Enemy or Projectile With Your Body (a type of invincibility) LZUAINVI OAUATYNE Deflect Most Enemies and Their Projectiles With Your Shield AUVEAYEY ASVEYYEY SLEANESO Note: Enemies that seek you out (e.g. Floating Eyes) or those with certain nonadaptive movements (e.g. Dracula) won't be affected. Church in 1st Town is Now a House With a Merchant Selling the Morning Star PPXAOAYA Church in 1st Town Warps You to The Last Town Before Dracula's Castle TAXAOAYA Women and Old Men Will Hurt You (enable cheat before seeing them) PASAVYAG Ponds Open Instantly With or Without a Crystal EYNGEIEI Note: Enable this cheat before entering a screen containing a secret pond. Kneel Anywhere With the Red Crystal to be Whisked Away By the Whirlwind AAXZEOZZ AAXXEPZZ AAXXVOGP EYUZKPEL AYSKKTEI Note: It will take a few seconds to appear, so just wait. If you're too close to the bottom of the screen, you might be dropped to your death. The whirlwind will look like garbage in most places, but that's to be expected. It won't drop you off everywhere, but it does sometimes take you to this game's Hidden Realms :) If you want to cut the wait time short, use this: EPSZKPEI Fleaman Mode VTVLZPXV NTVLTPUV KNEUAOET SNEUGOOT VVXLAPEV NVXLGPOV KVKLPPEV SVKULPOV VVNLZPXV NVNUGPUV KYEUYXET SYOUPXOT AESEKPEY AEXAYGEY Note: You are now only four feet high, and can fit into small gaps. Best When used with the Super Fast Daggers cheat :D