- Magic and Summon addresses by CzarDragon's Den
- In-Battle Address (Jokered) - 05F146 by Unicorngoulash
- Odin Summon Trigger Addresses and Northwind Item Value by Unicorngoulash
- Zantetsuken Attack Name Pointer by Unicorngoulash
- Siren/Odin and Tonberry/Gilgamesh Name Pointers by Unicorngoulash
- Revenge of Odin by Unicorngoulash
- If you want to disable the codes, simply save the game and re-load
#Demi Becomes Light Pillar (1-shots an enemy with less than 60k HP; bosses and certain enemies are immune)
30079333 0039
80079328 0F07
80079330 641B
8007932C 00DC
#Mad Rush 2.0 (Enter Battle with Berserk, Regen, Shell, Protect, Reflect, Float)
D005F146 0002
300ED2A8 0020
D005F146 0003
800ed160 20F2
D005F146 0003
300ED1B5 0001
D005F146 0003
800ed230 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ed300 20F2
D005F146 0003
300ED355 0001
D005F146 0002
300ED1D8 0020
D005F146 0003
300ED285 0001
D005F146 0002
300ED378 0020
#Super Active ATB (No need to wait for ATB gauge to fill to act)
D005F146 0003
800A5736 2400
#ALWAYS SUMMON ODIN (WARNING! DO NOT USE against bosses with more than one phase i.e. Elvoret, Edea fights, and Ultimecia)
D00ED14C 0004
300EDF30 0000
3007CCE6 00FF
D00ED14C 0004
D00ED14C 0004
800EDF34 0007
#1st In-battle Item Summons Odin (North Wind) - Adjusted, so you cannot use it against yourself and crash the game.
3007CCE6 00FF
D005F146 0003
800EE9E8 6491
D005F146 0003
800EE9EA 4800
#Siren Becomes Odin In-Battle (NO MISS)
80079F04 083A
80079F08 00BB
80079F0A 000B
80079F16 0001
30079F1F 00FF
D005F146 0004
80077496 6370
D005F146 0003
80077498 0000
D005F146 0004
80077494 6757
D005F146 0003
80077496 6C67
D005F146 0003
80077494 6253
D005F146 0004
80077498 006C
#Tonberry Becomes Gilgamesh In-Battle (Uses Masamune; exceeds 9999 Dmg Cap)
8007A4B0 24E0
8007A4B4 0148
8007A4B6 FF0B
3007A4BA 0029
D005F146 0003
80077788 0066
D005F146 0004
80077784 7063
D005F146 0003
80077780 674B
D005F146 0004
80077786 7770
D005F146 0003
80077782 656A
D005F146 0004
80077782 606C
D005F146 0004
80077788 0000
D005F146 0004
80077780 6D58
D005F146 0003
80077784 6B5F
D005F146 0003
80077786 7163
#Always Lion Heart (Triggers regardless of Gunblade equipped. Does not work if preceded with other limit breaks.)
8007C566 0358
8007C57E 0358
D005F146 0003
8009BACE 2400
D005F146 0003
800EE476 0003
D005F146 0003
800A3086 2400
D005F146 0003
800EE046 0003
#Always Lion Heart v2 (A more longer, but stable version)
50000418 0000
8007C544 0052
50000418 0000
8007C546 005D
50000418 0000
8007C548 00A5
50000418 0000
8007C54C 0464
50000418 0000
8007C54E 0358
50000418 0000
3007C550 0011
D005F146 0003
8009BACE 2400
D005F146 0003
800EE476 0003
#Rapture Works on Bosses (Same warning as Always Summon Odin!)
80079C9E 00FF
#Death 100% Kill (Works Like a Single-target The End)
80079A46 12FF
#Auto Random Magic (WARNING! This Replaces Your Magic Inventory! Everyone is on Angel's Wings Status Casting Random Damage Spells Only)
D005F146 0003
800ED160 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED162 020E
D005F146 0003
800ED230 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED232 020E
D005F146 0003
800ED300 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED302 020E
00000000 0000
D005F146 0002
800787A2 6301
E20787A2 0039
200787A2 0001
E00787A2 0015
300787A2 0035
E00787A2 0039
300787A2 0001
50000705 0001
800787A7 6415
50000705 0001
800787CA 641D
800787ED 642F
50000205 0001
800787F2 6433
50000E05 0000
800787FC 0000
00000000 0000
D005F146 0002
80078972 6301
E2078972 0039
20078972 0001
E0078972 0015
30078972 0035
E0078972 0039
30078972 0001
50000705 0001
8007897C 6415
50000705 0001
8007899F 641D
800789C2 642F
50000205 0001
800789C7 6433
50000E05 0000
800789D1 0000
00000000 0000
D005F146 0002
80078B42 6301
E2078B42 0039
20078B42 0001
E0078B42 0015
30078B42 0035
E0078B42 0039
30078B42 0001
50000705 0001
80078B4C 6415
50000705 0001
80078B6F 641D
80078B93 642F
50000205 0001
80078B98 6433
50000E05 0000
80078BA2 0000
#Overpowered Meteor (All Enemies are Hit 10 Times; enemies also benefit from this mod)
800793E4 80FF
800793E6 2948
#Meteor Shower (WARNING! This Replaces Your Magic Inventory! Everyone is on "Angel's Wings" Status Casting Meteor; exceeds 9999 Damage Cap Meteor Hits All Enemies 17 times!!)
800793E4 80FF
800793E6 2948
300793E9 0011
D005F146 0003
800ED160 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED162 020E
D005F146 0003
800ED230 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED232 020E
D005F146 0003
800ED300 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED302 020E
00000000 0000
D005F146 0002
800787A2 6310
50000705 0001
800787A7 6415
50000705 0001
800787CA 641D
800787ED 642F
50000205 0001
800787F2 6433
50000E05 0000
800787FC 0000
00000000 0000
D005F146 0002
80078972 6310
50000705 0001
8007897C 6415
50000705 0001
8007899F 641D
800789C2 642F
50000205 0001
800789C7 6433
50000E05 0000
800789D1 0000
00000000 0000
D005F146 0002
80078B42 6310
50000705 0001
80078B4C 6415
50000705 0001
80078B6F 641D
80078B93 642F
50000205 0001
80078B98 6433
50000E05 0000
80078BA2 0000
#Tough-Nut-To-Crack (Everyone is on Berserk Status and Various Support Spells with Auto-Regen and Auto-Revive by Angelo and Phoenix by Unicorngoulash)
Unicorngoulash Code - Rebirth of Odin
3007809A 0004
D005F146 0003
800AD3E4 0001
D005F146 0003
800AD3E6 3404
D005F146 0003
800B218C 0001
D005F146 0003
800B218E 3402
D005F146 0003
800B21A0 0001
D005F146 0003
800B21A2 3402
D005F146 0003
800AD43C 0001
D005F146 0003
800AD43E 3406
Unicorngoulash Code - Rebirth of Odin
E00ED1D8 0001
300EDF34 0003
E00ED1D8 0001
300EDF30 0000
E00ED2A8 0001
300EDF34 0003
E00ED2A8 0001
300EDF30 0001
E00ED378 0001
300EDF34 0003
E00ED378 0001
300EDF30 0002
D005F146 0003
800B0BB8 0000
D005F146 0003
800B0BBA 3442
D005F146 0003
800ED160 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED1B4 03C0
D005F146 0003
800ED230 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED284 03C0
D005F146 0003
800ED300 20F2
D005F146 0003
800ED354 03C0
D005F146 0002
300ED1D8 0020
D005F146 0002
300ED2A8 0020
D005F146 0002
300ED378 0020
800788B0 FFFF
300788B2 007F
80078A80 FFFF
30078A82 007F
80078C50 FFFF
30078C52 007F
#Lion Heart Weapon/Finisher Maximum Power (Weapon/Finisher is set to max and exceeds 9999 Damage Cap)
3007C408 00FF
3007C594 00FF
8007C596 0958
#Ruby Light Revamped (All Support Status)
8007A0A0 29F2
8007A0A2 000E
Still a work in progress.
This idea is originally from Unicorngoulash, and I am currently working on its development.
It's based off of King Edgar's Enemy Control Codes I found from GameFAQ's
#Odin on 1st position (IMPORTANT! ATB has to be set to ''Wait''. When using Zantetsuken "Magic", stay on the Magic screen and wait until everyone is finished attacking before pressing X on Zantetsuken)
D005F146 0002
30077E6C 00D7
D005F146 0002
300ED1D8 0000
8007CCE6 49FF
D005F146 0003
8007873E A0F5
D005F146 0003
30078740 00A0
D005F146 0003
80078742 0002
80079D3C 0E62
80079D40 00A7
80079D46 23A0
30079D4E 0001
D0103338 E59D
800A41EA 2400
D0103338 E59D
300ED70E 000C
D005F146 0003
800787A2 6338
50001F05 0000
800787A7 0000
8007DF0B 5F5E
8007DF0D 726C
8007DF0F 7263
8007DF11 7371
8007DF13 6369
8007DF15 006C
8007F26E 6253
8007F270 6C67
D00ED148 0001
800A41EA A2C5
Hopefully we can use the code to be able to play through the entire game without issues in the future.
It bugs out on certain enemies such as Blood Soul, Abyss Worm, Ruby Dragon, Ultimecia, etc.