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N64 DD Development Kit Including Disk Surfaces

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  • N64 DD Development Kit Including Disk Surfaces

    A development kit for the Nintendo 64 Disk Drive has popped up on Ebay, along with a disk of unknown contents.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	s-l1600.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	93.3 KB
ID:	163914
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    That is cool, pretty steep price though, I'm guessing there wasn't to many of these made?


    • #3
      Apparently they made 100,000 units available but only sold 15,000 of them over a 14 month period. Along with the unit, there were only 10 titles made available.
      The Hackmaster


      • #4
        Dude Finds US Version Of 64DD Needs Help

        By MetalJesusRocks

        In the mid 1990's, Nintendo announced the 64DD disk drive add-on for the N64 for the US market....but it never came out. Instead the Japanese version of the drive crashed and burned upon release and it took all the hopes of US gamers ever buying one along with it. For almost 20 years it was considered a myth that an actual US retail version exists...until now. I have found a working prototype of the 64DD for the US market AND it contains a developer blue diskette inside of its drive. This unit is unique in many ways and in this video I tell you all the things that make it special...and what happens next...

        The Hackmaster

