CMP is still down so still posting here. I have BLUS30089 Version 01.01 App Versions 01.00. They're in NetCheat/Artemis format. Throwing knives were hidden by being in multiple addresses. Instead of you having 15 knives, what you really have is 3 sets of 4 bytes that have 5 knives each. In memory at full it would look like this:
15 = 000000050000000500000005
14 = 000000040000000500000005
13 = 000000030000000500000005
12 = 000000020000000500000005
11 = 000000010000000500000005
10 = 000000000000000500000005
9 = 000000000000000400000005
8 = 000000000000000300000005
7 = 000000000000000200000005
6 = 000000000000000100000005
5 = 000000000000000000000005
4 = 000000000000000000000004
3 = 000000000000000000000003
2 = 000000000000000000000002
1 = 000000000000000000000001
0 = 000000000000000000000000
15 = 000000050000000500000005
14 = 000000040000000500000005
13 = 000000030000000500000005
12 = 000000020000000500000005
11 = 000000010000000500000005
10 = 000000000000000500000005
9 = 000000000000000400000005
8 = 000000000000000300000005
7 = 000000000000000200000005
6 = 000000000000000100000005
5 = 000000000000000000000005
4 = 000000000000000000000004
3 = 000000000000000000000003
2 = 000000000000000000000002
1 = 000000000000000000000001
0 = 000000000000000000000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Invincibility[/COLOR][/B] 0 bungholio 0 01133A6C 809D0000 0 01133A70 80840004 0 01133A74 80840004 0 01133A78 48000020 0 01133A98 3C006000 0 01133A9C 7F840000 0 01133AA0 419C002C 0 01133AA4 48000020 0 01133AC4 80840004 0 01133AC8 7F840000 0 01133ACC 419C0050 0 01133AD0 48000020 0 01133AF0 80840970 0 01133AF4 3C001000 0 01133AF8 7F840000 0 01133AFC 48000020 0 01133B1C 419C005C 0 01133B20 80840014 0 01133B24 80840000 0 01133B28 48000020 0 01133B48 3C000008 0 01133B4C 60004070 0 01133B50 7F840040 0 01133B54 48000020 0 01133B74 419E000C 0 01133B78 817D0000 0 01133B7C 4899207E 0 01133B80 489920B6 0 00992078 49133A6E /* Better than the synchronization bar code, enemy attacks go through you without affecting you while you can still hit them. */ # [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Taking Any Damage Fully Refills Your Synchronization Bar[/COLOR][/B] 0 bungholio 0 0017EF90 931C0014 /* It is basically your health, and I think other people have found this before, possibly jgduff from the forums. */ # [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Enable Code[/COLOR][/B] 0 Medo + bungholio 0 00010064 01124400 0 0001006C 01124400 /* Only needed for the below code to dump buttons. */ # [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Dump Buttons To 011FF000[/COLOR][/B] 0 bungholio 0 01133C60 3CA00120 0 01133C64 38000000 0 01133C68 2B840000 0 01133C6C 409E0008 0 01133C70 B005F000 0 01133C74 A005F000 0 01133C78 892B0008 0 01133C7C 7D292030 0 01133C80 7D200378 0 01133C84 B005F000 0 01133C88 892B0008 0 01133C8C 48CF4466 0 00CF4460 49133C62 /* No use for it yet but I might eventually have a use for it. Buttons 0001 = X 0002 = [] 0004 = Triangle 0008 = O 0010 = \/ 0020 = < 0040 = ^ 0080 = > 0100 = Select 0200 = Start 0400 = L2 0800 = L1 1000 = R2 2000 = R1 4000 = L3 8000 = R3 */ # [COLOR=#FF0000]Throwing Knives Never Decrease[/COLOR] 0 bungholio 0 000E8AEC 381D0000 0 000E8B24 381B0000 0 000E8B5C 381C0000 #