[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Primary Ammo In Clip Does Not Decrease[/COLOR][/B]
0 00339B00 61200000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Reserve Ammo Does Not Decrease[/COLOR][/B]
0 00339264 60000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Secondary Ammo Does Not Decrease[/COLOR][/B]
0 00339BF0 61200000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Health Never Decreases[/COLOR][/B]
0 0029EF08 60000000
I would recommend using
the Invincibility code
instead so you do not see
blood on the screen and
enemy attacks will not
cause your aim to flinch.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Grenades Never Decrease And Have All Grenade Types[/COLOR][/B]
0 002A6F10 60000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]High Jump[/COLOR][/B]
0 002ABD6C EFFF082A
I would recommend the
code to hold X to fly
instead of using this.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Rapid Fire[/COLOR][/B]
0 00338558 C01E800C
0 0066D020 3C600034
0 0066D024 60630298
0 0066D028 7FC802A6
0 0066D02C 48000020
0 0066D04C 7F9E1840
0 0066D050 409E002C
0 0066D054 38600000
0 0066D058 48000020
0 0066D078 90640000
0 0066D07C 38600001
0 0066D080 481EAD8E
0 001EAD88 4866D022
0 0066D0A4 7C0802A6
0 0066D0A8 3D600034
0 0066D0AC 616B52F8
0 0066D0B0 48000020
0 0066D0D0 7F830040
0 0066D0D4 409E0008
0 0066D0D8 D1BF036C
0 0066D0DC 483453C2
0 003453BC 4866D0A6
0 00344068 60000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]L23 Fareye Slow Motion Never Ends[/COLOR][/B]
0 0035D3A8 60000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Arc Charger Never Overheats[/COLOR][/B]
0 00337F98 38000000
0 00337FA0 901F0408
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Tank Turret Never Overheats[/COLOR][/B]
0 00460864 60000000
0 00461244 60000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Tank Health Never Decreases[/COLOR][/B]
0 0044F0C0 C19C00D4
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Stalker Turret Never Overheats[/COLOR][/B]
0 004547E8 60000000
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Stalker Health Never Decreases[/COLOR][/B]
0 00443110 C1BD00D4
[FONT=courier new]0
Not sure why the CMP site is giving me a 503 error today, so I'm posting it here instead. I have BCUS98107 Version 01.00, and the PARAM.SFO file doesn't have an App Version or Target Version because it's a very early PS3 game where some of them didn't have those fields. These are for the game.self file, not the EBOOT.BIN. The last 4 codes are new, and these are in NetCheat/Artemis format.
0 002AD544 4E800020
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Enable Code[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]0
Medo + bungholio
[/FONT]0 00010064 0065D800
0 0001006C 0065D800
0 0066D210 3EA0006C
0 0066D214 881D000D
0 0066D218 9815F000
0 0066D21C 881D000F
0 0066D220 9815F001
0 0066D224 A0040000
0 0066D228 480D527E
0 0066D22C D3FF00F4
0 0066D230 3C60006C
0 0066D234 A063F000
0 0066D238 70630040
0 0066D23C 2B830040
0 0066D240 409E000C
0 0066D244 3C604100
0 0066D248 907F00F4
0 0066D24C 4E800020
0 0066D250 F881FFF8
0 0066D254 F8A1FFF0
0 0066D258 F8C1FFE8
0 0066D25C 3CC0006C
0 0066D260 A0A6F000
0 0066D264 70A41001
0 0066D268 2B841001
0 0066D26C 409E000C
0 0066D270 386000BF
0 0066D274 48000014
0 0066D278 70A42001
0 0066D27C 2B842001
0 0066D280 409E000C
0 0066D284 386002DC
0 0066D288 48000014
0 0066D28C 70A44001
0 0066D290 2B844001
0 0066D294 409E000C
0 0066D298 38600339
0 0066D29C 48000014
0 0066D2A0 70A48001
0 0066D2A4 2B848001
0 0066D2A8 409E000C
0 0066D2AC 3860035D
0 0066D2B0 48000014
0 0066D2B4 70A41002
0 0066D2B8 2B841002
0 0066D2BC 409E000C
0 0066D2C0 3860061B
0 0066D2C4 48000014
0 0066D2C8 70A42002
0 0066D2CC 2B842002
0 0066D2D0 409E000C
0 0066D2D4 38600675
0 0066D2D8 48000014
0 0066D2DC 70A44002
0 0066D2E0 2B844002
0 0066D2E4 409E000C
0 0066D2E8 3860067B
0 0066D2EC 48000014
0 0066D2F0 70A48002
0 0066D2F4 2B848002
0 0066D2F8 409E000C
0 0066D2FC 3860074B
0 0066D300 48000014
0 0066D304 70A41004
0 0066D308 2B841004
0 0066D30C 409E000C
0 0066D310 3860074E
0 0066D314 48000014
0 0066D318 70A42004
0 0066D31C 2B842004
0 0066D320 409E000C
0 0066D324 38600784
0 0066D328 B066F002
0 0066D32C 2FA30000
0 0066D330 E881FFF8
0 0066D334 E8A1FFF0
0 0066D338 E8C1FFE8
0 0066D33C 482A694A
0 0066D340 3C60006C
0 0066D344 A063F002
0 0066D348 2B830000
0 0066D34C 409E0008
0 0066D350 A07D0052
0 0066D354 482A6A66
0 0066D358 3D60006C
0 0066D35C A16BF002
0 0066D360 2B8B0000
0 0066D364 409E0008
0 0066D368 A17D0052
0 0066D36C 482A6A86
0 0066D370 3D20006C
0 0066D374 A129F002
0 0066D378 2B890000
0 0066D37C 409E000C
0 0066D380 813D0040
0 0066D384 482A6A8E
0 0066D388 482A6A92
0 0066D38C 3D20006C
0 0066D390 A129F002
0 0066D394 2B890000
0 0066D398 409E000C
0 0066D39C E9380000
0 0066D3A0 4802911A
0 0066D3A4 4802911E
0 0066D3A8 3C60006C
0 0066D3AC A063F002
0 0066D3B0 2B830000
0 0066D3B4 409E000C
0 0066D3B8 7C3C48CE
0 0066D3BC 48029142
0 0066D3C0 4802914A
0 0066D3C4 3F80006C
0 0066D3C8 A1DCF002
0 0066D3CC 2B8E0000
0 0066D3D0 409E000C
0 0066D3D4 801D0068
0 0066D3D8 482A6ADA
0 0066D3DC 39200000
0 0066D3E0 B13CF002
0 0066D3E4 482A6ADA
0 000D5278 4866D212
You will need to turn
this on 1st before
turning the codes to fly
with X or use the weapon
selector or else the
game will freeze.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Hold X To Fly[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]0
[/FONT]0 002ABD7C 4866D22F
0 002ABDCC 4866D22F
Turn on the enable code
1st or the game will
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]Weapon Selector[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]0
[/FONT]0 002A6944 4866D252
0 002A6A60 4866D342
0 002A6A80 4866D35A
0 002A6A88 4866D372
0 00029114 4866D38E
0 0002913C 4866D3AA
0 002A6AD4 4866D3C6
Button Combos
L2 + ^ = L209 LAARK
L2 + > = XR-005 Hailstorm
L2 + \/ = Arc Charger
L2 + < = XR-003 Sapper
R2 + ^ = Rossmore 236 Shotgun
R2 + > = Auger
R2 + \/ = Bullseye/Bullseye Mark II
R2 + < = L11-2 Dragon
L1 + ^ = L23 Fareye
L1 + > = Reapers
Turn on the enable code
1st or the game will
I do not know how to
make it specifically
give me the Bullseye
Mark II, it kind of
randomly gives me it
if I do not already
have the Bullseye.
For some unknown reason
the Hailstorm does not
work correctly with
this. You will get the
Hailstorm, but it does
not fire.
This can cause you to
get 2 different menues
for selecting weapons,
and I do not know if
there is a simple way
of going from one to
the other so just use
the button combos and
one of them should
switch the menu to the
other so you have
access to the M5A2
Carbine if you want to
use it.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]AoB [/COLOR][/B][FONT=courier new][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Primary Ammo In Clip Does Not Decrease[/COLOR][/B]
B 00010000 04000000
B 7C0048507C000734B01F03BC419E0024 [COLOR=#ff0000]61200000[/COLOR]7C000734B01F03BC419E0024
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Reserve Ammo Does Not Decrease[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]A01D03BE7C1F0050B01D03BEE80100B0 A01D03BE[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]B01D03BEE80100B0
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Secondary Ammo Does Not Decrease[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]7C0048507C0007342F800000B00303C0 [COLOR=#ff0000]61200000[/COLOR]7C0007342F800000B00303C0
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Health Never Decreases[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]D0232D10409D0008 D0232D10[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
I would recommend using
the Invincibility code
instead so you do not see
blood on the screen and
enemy attacks will not
cause your aim to flinch.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Grenades Never Decrease And Have All Grenade Types[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]7F801800409D0008 7F801800[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]High Jump[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]60000000EFFF0828881F004D [COLOR=#ff0000]EFFF082A[/COLOR]EFFF0828881F004D
I would recommend the
code to hold X to fly
instead of using this.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Rapid Fire[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]EC000372EC0C0028 EC000372[COLOR=#ff0000]C01E800C[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]000000000000000000000000000000002C0000010009000D00000000000000000066CD500066CE3C00670DC8000000000000000000000000000000002C0000010009000800000000000000000066CD5C0066CE7000670DFC000000000000000000000000000000002C0000010009000D00000000000000000066CD680066CE9000670C50000000000000000000000000000000002C0000010009000D00000000000000000066CD780066CEC400670C8400000000000000000000000000000000 [COLOR=#ff0000]3C600034606302987FC802A648000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009000D00000000000000000066CD500066CE3C00670DC8[COLOR=#ff0000]7F9E1840409E002C3860000048000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009000800000000000000000066CD5C0066CE7000670DFC[COLOR=#ff0000]9064000038600001481EAD8E[/COLOR]000000002C0000010009000D00000000000000000066CD680066CE9000670C50[COLOR=#ff0000]7C0802A63D600034616B52F848000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009000D00000000000000000066CD780066CEC400670C84[COLOR=#ff0000]7F830040409E0008D1BF036C483453C2[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]4BFFFFD4FBC1FFF0C003000438600001 4BFFFFD4FBC1FFF0C0030004[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D022[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]7FE3FB78D1BF036C 7FE3FB78[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D0A6[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]C00900CCD01F0370 C00900CC[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]L23 Fareye Slow Motion Never Ends[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]7FE3FB78FF806000D00B0000 7FE3FB78FF806000[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Arc Charger Never Overheats[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]EFDE082AFF9E6800D3DF0408 [COLOR=#ff0000]38000000[/COLOR]FF9E6800[COLOR=#ff0000]901F0408[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Tank Turret Never Overheats[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]4BD8A5F560000000EFFF082AC1BE8068D3FF03E4 4BD8A5F560000000EFFF082AC1BE8068[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]4BD89C1560000000EFFF082AC1BE802CD3FF03E0 4BD89C1560000000EFFF082AC1BE802C[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Tank Health Never Decreases[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]C19C00D8ED8CF828 C19C00D8[COLOR=#ff0000]C19C00D4[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Stalker Turret Never Overheats[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]C01E8050FF9F0000D3FF03E4 C01E8050FF9F0000[COLOR=#ff0000]60000000[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Stalker Health Never Decreases[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]C01D0C68EC1E0032C1BD00D8EDAD0028 C01D0C68EC1E0032C1BD00D8[COLOR=#ff0000]C1BD00D4[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Invincibility[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new][FONT=courier new][FONT=courier new]0
[/FONT][/FONT]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]7D800026F821FE71FBC1017083C2881C [COLOR=#ff0000]4E800020[/COLOR]F821FE71FBC1017083C2881C
[B][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=courier new]AoB [/FONT]Enable Code[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new][FONT=courier new]0
Medo + bungholio
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]0065D214000000000065D214 [COLOR=#ff0000]0065D800[/COLOR]00000000[COLOR=#ff0000]0065D800[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]0101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 01010000[COLOR=#ff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
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]A004000039240002B004008079240020 [COLOR=#ff0000]4866D212[/COLOR]39240002B004008079240020
You will need to turn
this on 1st before
turning the codes to fly
with X or use the weapon
selector or else the
game will freeze.
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]AoB Hold X To Fly[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new][FONT=courier new]0
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]EFFF0828881F004D2F800000D3FF00F4 EFFF0828881F004D2F800000[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D22F[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]EFFF0828C01E87C8FF9F0000D3FF00F4 EFFF0828C01E87C8FF9F0000[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D22F[/COLOR]
Turn on the enable code
1st or the game will
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]AoB Weapon Selector[/COLOR][/B]
[FONT=courier new][FONT=courier new]0
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]2FA30000419E0018C1BF05ECC01E805C [COLOR=#ff0000]4866D252[/COLOR]419E0018C1BF05ECC01E805C
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]A06300524BFBF67560000000388000017863002038A000004BFBF3BD60000000A17D00527C7B07B4813D0040 [COLOR=#ff0000]4866D342[/COLOR]4BFBF67560000000388000017863002038A000004BFBF3BD60000000[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D35A[/COLOR]7C7B07B4[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D372[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]E9380000E95800083800001083BF0080F93F003039200020C1BE80502FBD0000F95F0038D1BF003C7C3C48CE [COLOR=#ff0000]4866D38E[/COLOR]E95800083800001083BF0080F93F003039200020C1BE80502FBD0000F95F0038D1BF003C[COLOR=#ff0000]4866D3AA[/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new]B 00010000 04000000
B [/FONT]801D00687C7C1B78540004A42F800000 [COLOR=#ff0000]4866D3C6[/COLOR]7C7C1B78540004A42F800000
Button Combos
L2 + ^ = L209 LAARK
L2 + > = XR-005 Hailstorm
L2 + \/ = Arc Charger
L2 + < = XR-003 Sapper
R2 + ^ = Rossmore 236 Shotgun
R2 + > = Auger
R2 + \/ = Bullseye/Bullseye Mark II
R2 + < = L11-2 Dragon
L1 + ^ = L23 Fareye
L1 + > = Reapers
Turn on the enable code
1st or the game will
I do not know how to
make it specifically
give me the Bullseye
Mark II, it kind of
randomly gives me it
if I do not already
have the Bullseye.
For some unknown reason
the Hailstorm does not
work correctly with
this. You will get the
Hailstorm, but it does
not fire.
This can cause you to
get 2 different menues
for selecting weapons,
and I do not know if
there is a simple way
of going from one to
the other so just use
the button combos and
one of them should
switch the menu to the
other so you have
access to the M5A2
Carbine if you want to
use it.