I went through the trouble of setting up the Wii for this one game and it turned out I had read something wrong and I couldn't even use the codes I had planned on. If anyone could find it in their heart to create "Have Shine Sprite Shirt" and "Have Sunglasses" codes I sure would appreciate it. I always thought it was such a weird unlockable considering you can't/won't want to use it afterwards.
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[REQ] Gecko codes for Super Mario Sunshine [GMSE01] (NTSC-US)
Awesome, thank you! It seems to work past the first level at least. I might've actually tried these a couple weeks back as I just found out I have a loading problem of some sort (boy, that was frustrating to find out, just hard locks sometimes before the game starts), but I just figured they were for the wrong version or something. But, still, thanks for going through the trouble or else I wouldn't have bothered again!
No problem man.
Some loaders have glitches with the cheats sometimes. I remember when I was playing Skyward Sword with USB Loader, it would refuse to use the cheats I entered. And other times, cheats I never even enabled would be enabled and working.
I'm really glad to see that the cheats are working for you.
I'll link you the thread I got the cheats from so you can try some more out. http://www.gc-forever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2433
Have fun and happy cheating.I'm retired from code hacking.
I do not take requests!