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[WII] tLoZ Skyward Sword [PAL/SOUP01] codes by CosmoCortney

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  • [WII] tLoZ Skyward Sword [PAL/SOUP01] codes by CosmoCortney

    Link Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00001000
    04E5A23C 3F800000
    04E5A240 3F800000
    04E5A244 3F800000
    E0000000 80008000
    2859B28C 00000001
    04E5A23C 3ED00000
    04E5A240 3ED00000
    04E5A244 3ED00000
    E0000000 80008000
    2859B28C 00000002
    04E5A23C 40200000
    04E5A240 40200000
    04E5A244 40200000
    E0000000 80008000
    dPad left = tiny Link
    dPad right = Massive Link
    - (minus) = normal

    Profile Name Modifier [CosmoCortney]
    04955D38 SSSSTTTT
    04955D3C UUUUVVVV
    04955D40 WWWWXXXX
    04955D44 YYYYZZZZ
    * Characters must be in Unicode (NO Kanji-support. But all Hiragana, Katakana and ASCII work flawless).
    IMPORTANT NOTE!: You can only modify as many Characters as given in the primary name.
    For example if your name is 'ABCD' and you modify it to '123456', only '1234' will appear.
    It only modifies the name of the profile you have chosen to play with.
    After saving, the name is modified permanently.

    No Music [CosmoCortney]
    057FB34C 5F5F5F5F

    Awesome Colors [CosmoCortney]
    0457C54C 41000000
    looks way more awesome in combination with the metallic effect code

    All Characters (Link, Enemies, etc.) are having a seizure [CosmoCortney]
    04580244 41100000
    Looks insane funny. The sizes sometimes changes, too

    HUD Icon Speed [CosmoCortney]
    04580868 3FX00000
    Changes the Speed of the Icons like the beating heart.
    X = 8 = Normal Speed
    X < 8 = Slowly
    X > 8 = Fast

    Enemy Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
    04580398 XXX00000
    Modifies the size of nearly all enemies and some other objects (like the mushrooms in The Forest Of Phirone)
    XXX = 3F8 = Normal Size
    XXX = 3F9 to 410 = Giant
    XXX = 3E0 to 3F7 = small

    Metallic Effect [CosmoCortney]
    04580C40 4169F734

    Music Speed [CosmoCortney]
    04580708 3FX00000
    X < 8 = slowly
    X = 8 = normal speed
    X > 8 = high pitched music

    21:9 screen ratio [CosmoCortney]
    04577E20 3FC00000
    This code will give you REAL 21:9 ratio on 21:9 screens

    Bird speed modifier [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00004000
    04AF1E98 44722672
    2859B28C 00002000
    04AF1E98 4213AD96
    E0000000 80008000
    Hold C to accelerate, press Z to slow down instantly. Doesn't work in that big thunder cloud.

    Press D-Pad right to Zoom the camera far away [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00000002
    045A2860 4106200e
    E0000000 80008000
    Just works when you're flying with the bird

    Fly without Link [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00000001
    04B76890 00000002
    E0000000 80008000
    Press D-Pad Left to unlock Link from the bird. (looks like his sitting in the air) Then jump down from the bird like as usual and now you can fly without Link.
    But there is no way to get him back. So you need to reset the game

    Boat speed modifier [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00000002
    04AD7E6C 43900000
    E0000000 80008000
    Hold D-Pad right to speed up

    Sharp background [CosmoCortney]
    04593564 3F800000
    The Background and many other things don't look that blurred.

    Link shakes a lot when the sword is pulled out [CosmoCortney]
    04580938 40000000

    Make Everything except Link & Water Transparent or Invisible [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00000001
    04B74698 7FFFFFFF
    E0000000 80008000
    2859B28C 00000002
    04B74698 00000000
    E0000000 80008000
    2859B28C 00001000
    04B74698 3F800000
    E0000000 80008000
    dPAD left = invicible
    dPAD right = Transparent
    - (Minus) = Normal

    No HUD [CosmoCortney]
    2859B28C 00000001
    04B7F2EC 00000000
    04B7F300 00000000
    E0000000 80008000
    2859B28C 00000002
    04B7F2EC 3F800000
    04B7F300 3F800000
    E0000000 80008000
    dPAD left/right - on/off

    no low battery symbol appears [CosmoCortney]
    04BE3554 42000000
    04BE3558 42000000
    My Website
    Hacking YouTube Channel

    No requests, please

  • #2
    I wonder why no one has offered to add you into the hackers group where you can add your own codes into the database.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 47iscool View Post
      I wonder why no one has offered to add you into the hackers group where you can add your own codes into the database.
      i'd be happy if someone would add me there
      My Website
      Hacking YouTube Channel

      No requests, please


      • #4
        Originally posted by CosmoCortney View Post
        i'd be happy if someone would add me there
        Helder can probably do it if you send a pm asking him. He added me back in March 2013 shortly after I started posting Wii codes.


        • #5
          I'll add you no problem, it slipped my mind to tell you the truth and I always like to see a few posts of codes before I add anyone FYI.
          Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

          THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


          • #6
            Thank you
            Well, I have hacked hundreds of GCN and Wii codes and recently started hacking N64 codes
            My Website
            Hacking YouTube Channel

            No requests, please


            • #7
              Originally posted by Helder View Post
              I'll add you no problem, it slipped my mind to tell you the truth and I always like to see a few posts of codes before I add anyone FYI.


              • #8
                You can find a lot of posts here as well:
                scroll down to the F-Zero, Wind Waker, Sonic games posts and so on
                My Website
                Hacking YouTube Channel

                No requests, please


                • #9
                  I've noticed my status has been changed from "Junior Member" to "Hacker" and added a code here but my name doesn't appear right next to it. Did I do anything wrong?

                  And will Triforce arcade games be added to the database?
                  Last edited by CosmoCortney; 08-17-2014, 11:37:17 PM.
                  My Website
                  Hacking YouTube Channel

                  No requests, please


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CosmoCortney View Post
                    I've noticed my status has been changed from "Junior Member" to "Hacker" and added a code here but my name doesn't appear right next to it. Did I do anything wrong?

                    And will Triforce arcade games be added to the database?
                    Something's not right, your name should appear right next to the code.

                    Also, here in this link it should list what games/systems you've hacked codes for. It should not say "No hacker by that name."

                    Hopefully one of the admins can fix this problem.
                    Last edited by 47iscool; 08-17-2014, 11:51:12 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 47iscool View Post
                      Something's not right, your name should appear right next to the code.

                      Also, here in this link it should list what games/systems you've hacked codes for. It should not say "No hacker by that name."

                      Hopefully one of the admins can fix this problem.
                      I see..
                      Another question.. are the like and thank you buttons gone?
                      I wanted to thank you for this information and suddenly clicked the "added" button lol
                      My Website
                      Hacking YouTube Channel

                      No requests, please


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CosmoCortney View Post
                        I see..
                        Another question.. are the like and thank you buttons gone?
                        I wanted to thank you for this information and suddenly clicked the "added" button lol
                        Shouldn't be. You also can also click removed to remove the added codes line. Sometimes you need to refresh a page to see the buttons re-appear.
                        Last edited by 47iscool; 08-18-2014, 12:12:03 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CosmoCortney View Post
                          I see..
                          Another question.. are the like and thank you buttons gone?
                          This tends to happen since there seems to be a conflicting permission issue when assigning users to the "Hacker" group. You should be able to use the buttons now.

                          Originally posted by CosmoCortney View Post
                          I've noticed my status has been changed from "Junior Member" to "Hacker" and added a code here but my name doesn't appear right next to it. Did I do anything wrong?
                          Which code did you add? The last modification to the GC section was logged on August 9th.

                          Originally posted by 47iscool View Post
                          Something's not right, your name should appear right next to the code.

                          Also, here in this link it should list what games/systems you've hacked codes for. It should not say "No hacker by that name."

                          Hopefully one of the admins can fix this problem.
                          CosmoCortney was never in our database. This should be fixed as well since I've just added him.
                          I only bother with things that interest me.


                          • #14
                            It's been fixed so you can add the codes with your name, but I need to know which codes you added that are missing your name so I can fix the existing entries. Most if not all games are there in the Data Base you just need to go to your site options and make sure games with zero codes and regions as well as unlicensed games are checked off to show.
                            Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

                            THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              I fixed the entry

                              check here
                              Last edited by lee4; 08-18-2014, 09:34:11 AM.
                              lee4 Does Not Accept Codes Requests !
                              When lee4 asks a question it does not mean lee4 will look at your game
                              *How to create and use SegaCD codes >click here<*

