[COLOR="#0000FF"]Baseball Stars 2 - NES[/COLOR] Auto Fielding ASVPGYAL
[COLOR="#008000"]Legend of Zelda, The: Oracle of Ages - GBC[/COLOR] Can Move While Playing Harp 00D-F7B-C49 Faster Portal Transition AF2-378-3BE 2nd Boss Always Have Red Face(The boss will always be damaged when you throw bombs into him.) 068-389-F76 3E8-379-7F1
[COLOR="#008000"]Contra 4 - NDS[/COLOR] Skip Intro Screens 52049680 EB000016 02049674 E1500000 D2000000 00000000
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Zelda II - The Adventure of Link - NES[/COLOR] Faster Text(When talking to people.) AEUUTVNI
8000 lda #$05 value to store 8002 sta $400 this causes a write breakpoint 8005 inx the game stops here
8000 lda #$05 value to store 8002 sta $400 the game stops here when PC = 0x8002 8005 inx