Originally posted by Lazy Bastard
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[COLOR="green"]Lawnmower Man, The (U) - GB[/COLOR] Infinite Lives FA6-FDB-4C1 FAA-6DA-4C1 003-15B-3BE FAF-AFF-4C1 FA5-54B-4C1
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Ultima: Exodus - NES[/COLOR] One Hit Kills EIXUUPEP Never Miss With Fight Command AKNSPAEE Can Always Attack With Fight Command AESSGETP
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Little League Baseball: Championship Series - NES[/COLOR] Hit A Homerun(Press B while the ball is in play. Almost any ball caught by a fielder is an out if B is not pressed.) UPEUYLOG AGOLPUNI Balls Are Strikes OZUITLEN