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    Soy sauce overdose sends man into coma

    By Tia Ghose, LiveScience

    A young man who drank a quart of soy sauce went into a coma and nearly died from an excess of salt in his body, according to a recent case report.

    The 19-year-old, who drank the soy sauce after being dared by friends, is the first person known to have deliberately overdosed on such a high amount of salt and survived with no lasting neurological problems, according to the doctors in Virginia who reported his case. The case report was published online June 4 in the Journal of Emergency Medicine.

    Too much salt in the blood, a condition called hypernatremia, is usually seen in people with psychiatric conditions who develop a strong appetite for the condiment, said Dr. David J. Carlberg, who treated the young man and works as an emergency medicine physician at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.

    Hypernatremia is dangerous because it causes the brain to lose water. When there is too much salt in the bloodstream, water moves out of the body tissues and into the blood by the process of osmosis, to try to equalize the salt concentration between the two. As water the leaves the brain, the organ can shrink and bleed, Carlberg said.

    After the man drank the soy sauce, he began twitching and having seizures, and the friends took him to an emergency room. That hospital administered anti-seizure medication, and he was already in a coma when he was taken to the hospital where Carlberg was working, the University of Virginia Medical Center, nearly four hours after the event.

    "He didn't respond to any of the stimuli that we gave him," Carlberg said. "He had some clonus, which is just elevated reflexes. It's a sign that basically the nervous system wasn't working very well."

    The team immediately began flushing the salt out of his system by administering a solution of water and the sugar dextrose through a nasal tube. When they placed the tube, streaks of brown material came out. Within a half hour, they pumped 1.5 gallons (6 liters) of sugar water into the man's body.

    The man's sodium levels returned to normal after about five hours. He remained in a coma for three days, but woke up on his own.

    For several days afterward, a part of his brain called the hippocampus showed residual effects from the seizures. But a month after the event, he showed no sign of the overdose : He was back at college, and doing well on his exams, doctors reported.

    A typical quart of soy sauce has more than 0.35 pounds (0.16 kilograms) of salt, the researchers said.

    Most cases of sodium overdose happen more gradually. In the 1960s and 1970s, doctors actually gave salt to patients suffering from poisoning, to initiate vomiting, until they realized its harmful effects.

    Though it's rare in the United States, consuming excess salt was a traditional method for suicide in ancient China, according to the case report.

    Carlberg said he believes the young man survived because the team got his sodium levels down so quickly.

    "We were more aggressive than had been reported before in terms of bringing his sodium back down to a safer range," Carlberg told LiveScience. Reducing sodium levels more slowly has had poor or mixed results in the past, he said.
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    Patient Sues after Anesthesiologist Puts Mustache, Tear Stickers on Her Face

    Patient Sues after Anesthesiologist Puts Mustache, Tear Stickers on Her Face During Surgery

    By Nina Kate, Fri, September 06, 2013

    When Veronica Valdez went in for finger surgery at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in October 2011, she probably never expected to be the butt of a practical joke as she lay unconscious.

    But near the end of the procedure, Dr. Patrick Yang placed stickers on Valdez’s face to give her tattoo-style teardrops and a black mustache, emulating the appearance of a male gang member. Once the stickers were in place, nurse’s aid Patricia Gomez took a picture of the work with her mobile phone.

    Valdez is now suing over the incident. Although Gomez claims to have deleted the photo promptly after the incident, the image was posted on Facebook, obtained by the NY Daily News, and is serving as evidence in the lawsuit.

    Valdez herself had worked at the hospital for 13 years managing medical supplies, and was on a friendly basis with the surgery-room staff. Dr. Yang reported that rather that feeling insulted, he believed at the time that Valdez would think the joke was amusing.

    “I thought she would think this is funny and she would appreciate it, “ said Dr. Yang.

    On the contrary, Valdez said in court documents obtained by The Daily Mail that she felt “violated. I was in shock.”

    According to Valdez’s attorney, Andrew Ryan, the plaintiff was “ridiculed and humiliated while under anesthesia.” He claims that she quit her job out of embarrassment after the incident.

    Valdez has filed a civil lawsuit set for trial in January 2014. She is claiming violation of privacy and emotional distress, and seeking compensation from the hospital and the anesthesiologist, as well as his medical group.

    The hospital does not allow cell phones in patient areas, per a rule set in 2009 following a 2009 incident.

    Said nursing manager Arthur Ano, "There was an incident, some years [ago], I walked in an operating room and the sales rep was taking a picture of a naked patient and I seized the phone. We discovered more pictures of the patient on his cell phone."

    Yang and Gomez both faced disciplinary action by the hospital, but were not fired.
    The Hackmaster


    • #3
      Teenager robs bank, is caught hours later after buying new gaming system

      By Eddie Makuch

      A 19 year old man from Colorado robbed a Wells Fargo Bank last Wednesday, only to be discovered and arrested just hours later after buying a new gaming system at Wal-Mart, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by the Canon City Daily Record.

      Tyler Matthew Schnapp handed a bank teller a folded piece of paper that explained he was robbing the bank, informing the teller to give him money from the cash drawer. She complied, and Schnapp made off with around $1,300.

      Unfortunately for Schnapp, his face was captured on the Wells Fargo Bank surveillance tape and authorities were able to identify and nab him during a traffic stop. He confessed to the robbery at the bank and to bringing a BB gun with him. According to the affidavit, Schnapp was feeling "down on his luck" after he lost his job. He only decided to rob the bank that morning.

      There's no mention in the report as to which gaming system Schanpp purchased at Wal-Mart on the day of the robbery. With $1,300, he could have purchased an Xbox One ($500), PlayStation 4 ($400), and a Wii U ($300).

      He now faces allegations of aggravated robbery, felony menacing with a deadly weapon, and criminal attempt to commit aggravated robbery. All are felonies.

      Earlier this week at a Wal-Mart in North Carolina, two thieves stole thousands of dollars' worth of video games.
      The Hackmaster


      • #4
        There's a nice little category of unusually stupid criminals in the weekly news at This was the latest I rolled my eyes at:

        Least Competent Criminals

        At a press conference in April, as Houston police officers announced they were after two burglars who had broken into Katz’s lingerie boutique, surveillance video showed two armed men cautiously creeping through the store until one accidentally bumped the other, apparently startling the bumped man, who turned and fired--causing the first man to fire back. Officers counted nearly a dozen bullet holes in the store. Said the Houston press briefer, these are “by far some of the clumsiest crooks that I’ve [ever] seen.”

        I didn't even want to check if they released the surveillance footage of it. There's also been a few times I've read about bank robberies averted because the teller couldn't read the incomprehensible writing of the person handing them the note that they are going to rob the bank, and the robbers frowned, looked down, and left feeling very discouraged.
        Last edited by bungholio; 05-21-2014, 12:09:05 PM.
        July 7, 2019


        • #5
          Facebook Photos Help Cops Nab Bank Robbers

          Ohio couple who posed with wads of cash on Facebook accused of bank robbery

          SEPTEMBER 24

          A couple arrested this week for robbing an Ohio bank posted photos to Facebook showing them posing with stacks of cash in the days following the crime, police report.

          John Mogan, 28, and Ashley Duboe, 24, are charged with the August 24 robbery of a bank in Ashville, a village 20 miles south of Columbus.

          Investigators allege that Mogan walked into the bank and gave a note demanding money to a teller, who then handed over cash. The above surveillance photo shows the hoodie-wearing robber leaving the bank with a stack of currency in his hands.

          Mogan is a convicted felon who was just released from prison after serving about five years for robbing a bank in Lancaster, a city 20 miles east of Ashville. A female accomplice was also arrested in connection with Mogan's July 2010 robbery of a Fairfield National Bank branch.

          Mogan began serving a three-year parole term immediately following his July 19TH release from an Ohio state lockup. The heavily tattooed Mogan has the phrases “Loyalty’s Thin” and “Betrayal’s Thick” on opposite cheeks.

          Investigators allege that prior to driving Mogan to the Ashville bank, Duboe applied makeup to his face and neck to cover numerous tattoos.

          According to police, four days after the bank robbery, Mogan--with fans of cash in each hand--and Duboe posted a Facebook photo showing them embracing.

          A “selfie” posted August 31 shows Mogan with a wad of bills in his mouth. The image prompted a relative to complain that the flush Mogan “didn't hook a brother up.” Referring to the loot, Mogan replied, “That's called a McStack.” He then noted that, “I got six bands bra real shit nigga,” before adding, “I'm doing rrree=aaaaalll) good.”

          Other photos posted to the Facebook page shared by Mogan and Duboe show Mogan pretending that the brick of cash is a phone, as well as his lunch.

          Mogan and Duboe, seen in the above mug shots, have each been charged with robbery and theft, both felonies, and are locked up in lieu of $250,000 bond in the Pickaway County jail.
          The Hackmaster


          • #6
            Dumbass kicks elevator door open, falls down shaft

            By Mark Frauenfelder

            According to WorldNews247 the fellow in this video pushed the elevator button, and when it didn't open, he gave the door a flying kick, which dislodged it. He walked through the opening and fell down the shaft. He survived.

            About the video/Community guidelines:
            This footage is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. This is a news channel where we strive to show people the news that has been left out of the main-stream media.
            Last edited by dlevere; 02-23-2018, 12:33:10 PM.
            The Hackmaster


            • #7
              Pelicans Guard Bryce Dejean-Jones Killed While Reportedly Breaking Into Apartment
              The Hackmaster


              • #8
                Why was Bryce Dejean-Jones likely robbing someone when he was set to make close to $2 million the next two seasons?


                • #9
                  His girlfriend lived in that building. He was at the wrong apartment. When he heard the man's voice, he thought that his girlfriend was cheating on him and tried to break in.
                  The Hackmaster


                  • #11
                    Bail set at $1 million for man who became angry after his weights were moved Click image for larger version

Name:	browraise.png
Views:	39
Size:	450 Bytes
ID:	162897
                    The Hackmaster


                    • #13

                      Girl who believes that love lasts forever gets her boyfriend's name tattooed on her forehead Click image for larger version

Name:	browraise.png
Views:	39
Size:	450 Bytes
ID:	162916
                      Last edited by dlevere; 10-27-2016, 11:36:52 AM.
                      The Hackmaster


                      • #14
                        SUV Sinks Into Beach As Man Tries To Take Photos Of It
                        The Hackmaster


                        • #15
                          Marvellous title, dlevere.

