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I totally forgot this even existed...

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  • I totally forgot this even existed...

    I totally forgot this even existed. These used to be my favorite cards/stickers when I was a kid. I'm talking about Garbage Pail Kids. My parents have the complete original series stashed away for my brother and I. Anyone else used to collect them?
    Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG

  • #2
    Yeah, I used to collect them! Back in the fourth grade, actually. I thought they were the greatest things ever (much better than Cabbage Patch Kids, yuck), and would buy a pack whenever I had some change (usually acquired by checking pay phone coin returns). I was always looking forward to seeing which ones I'd find next (that and the stick of bubble gum inside the pack). It became a mild obsession for a while. I wouldn't plaster things with the stickers like my friends were doing; they were too collectible to take off their cards. They became a source of inspiration, and I would spend my free time making up and drawing new characters.

    Then my dad decided it was a weird and disturbing hobby and took them all away! Who knows what they're worth now... probably not much, since I didn't keep them in mint condition.

    Luckily, it wasn't long before I discovered MAD Magazine Since my dad approved of Don Martin, I was allowed to keep all of those. Just recently I found a site selling back issues, which is nice since the older ones were much better and didn't contain any advertisements.

    So what made you think about Garbage Pail Kids again, OldSchool?


    • #3
      So what made you think about Garbage Pail Kids again, OldSchool?
      Because I just found out that Topps will be releasing "brand-new series" of them that is scheduled to be released on October 24, 2012! I would love to see them become popular again with today's youth.

      I wouldn't plaster things with the stickers like my friends were doing; they were too collectible to take off their cards.
      Me too. My friends would ask me how come I wasn't peeling off the sticker like everyone else was. And I was like "Are you crazy?!?!... No way!!!"

      I was always looking forward to seeing which ones I'd find next (that and the stick of bubble gum inside the pack).

      Ah, I forgot about the gum too! How I loved that gum. The gum was so stale and delicious. I wonder if that kind of gum is made anymore?

      Then my dad decided it was a weird and disturbing hobby and took them all away!
      My dad also took them away from my brother and I, but not because of that reason. They took them away because we had collected the whole set and he didn't want to take the chance of any of them getting ruined or lost. So he put them hidden away in a closet that had a lock on the door so they can be preserved in case they ever become valuable. I remember being upset that I no longer had access to them.

      Who knows what they're worth now... probably not much, since I didn't keep them in mint condition.
      Actually, some of the cards are going for hundreds of dollars... even a thousand plus. There were some misprints and errors on some cards and majority of those misprinted cards are rare and worth a good penny. But, of course, with any type of cards, the value of the card greatly decreases if they are not in mint condition.

      "In 2012, Topps announced it would reboot the Garbage Pail Kids franchise with new character and content themes more reminiscent of the original 1980s series in a set called "Brand-New Series 1" (BNS1) scheduled to be released on October 24, 2012. BNS1 will feature new GPK characters, a reality TV subset, motion cards, mix 'n' match stickers, parallels, artist sketch cards, and code cards redeemable for a chance to be painted as a GPK in the next BNS."
      Last edited by OldSchoolGamer; 08-05-2012, 03:42:11 PM.
      Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG


      • #4
        You guys ever watch the movie? I remember it being pretty good as a kid anyways.
        Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

        THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by OldSchoolGamer View Post
          Because I just found out that Topps will be releasing "brand-new series" of them that is scheduled to be released on October 24, 2012! I would love to see them become popular again with today's youth.
          Interesting. Are Cabbage Patch Kids back, or something? Did they ever leave?

          Me too. My friends would ask me how come I wasn't peeling off the sticker like everyone else was. And I was like "Are you crazy?!?!... No way!!!"
          Hehe, yeah. I was always one of those kids who carefully found and put away every last Lego, so none would be lost in the carpet or under things (and therefore lost forever to the vacuum). I'd get my eyes down near the carpet to see if light glinted off any piece. When I'd go to friends houses, I'd see things like Legos in the yard, GPK stickers on trunks, etc., and was amazed at how little they appreciated those things. Not that I kept a clean room or anything, but there were certain treasures that I kept a close eye on I guess

          Ah, I forgot about the gum too! How I loved that gum. The gum was so stale and delicious. I wonder if that kind of gum is made anymore?
          Mmm, so stale... so delicious! I remember it being exceptionally good as well, but I think that's because all candy tastes excellent when you're young. Heck, candy's still good

          My dad also took them away from my brother and I, but not because of that reason. They took them away because we had collected the whole set and he didn't want to take the chance of any of them getting ruined or lost. So he put them hidden away in a closet that had a lock on the door so they can be preserved in case they ever become valuable. I remember being upset that I no longer had access to them.
          Too bad he didn't have plastic card sleeves to put them into, or a card album, so they're condition could be preserved while still allowing them to be viewed.


          • #6
            Originally posted by helder View Post
            You guys ever watch the movie? I remember it being pretty good as a kid anyways.
            Didn't know it existed till now. Was it a full-length cartoon or something?


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sly Hedgehog View Post
                Hmm, an interesting oddity of the 80s that I totally missed. Looks good, at least to see the costume work, and for a few laughs


                • #9
                  Man, how I miss the 80's and early 90's. Weird how I never knew about that movie when I was a kid
                  Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OldSchoolGamer View Post
                    Weird how I never knew about that movie when I was a kid
                    Maybe not so weird. Evidently, it is considered "one of the worst movies of all time," and was shown in only 374 theaters, netting a little over 1.5 million. Commercials for it might not be have been very common. I'd like to have seen it if only for its sheer horribleness, but now, after learning that it's a musical, forget it. Musicals can be bad enough (though occasionally good, like Across The Universe), but a poorly executed musical.... well that's just too much punishment

                    I just learned something interesting about the cards, specifically ANS4. Apparently one of my favorite MAD artists, Tom Bunk, was one of the featured talents for that series. I can see why he'd be chosen, since he's a very decent cartoonist with a flair for the grotesque. His artwork reminds me somewhat of the works of R. Crumb, but that guy went too far sometimes, IMO.


                    • #11
                      i really do miss the 80s

