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From The WTF Files
I was hoping at the end he would shatter it. I was very interested in the "QuantumLevitation" video after it. That was very interesting.
That's a person with too much time on his hands.... but pretty impressive. I wonder how long that took him.Last edited by OldSchoolGamer; 11-13-2011, 04:15:14 PM.Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG
Here’s What Happened When an Elderly Woman Took It Upon Herself to Restore a Painting in a Nearby Church ???
By Max Read
We admire people who have can-do, elbow-grease-type attitudes. If something's broke, why not fix it? Especially badly-damaged artwork. How hard can it be to just pick up a paintbrush and fix a fresco? Well, as it turns out — and as an elderly Spanish woman learned recently: pretty hard.
A couple of weeks ago, the Centro de Estudios Borjanos in Borja, Spain, received a donation from the granddaughter of 19th-century painter ElÃas GarcÃa MartÃnez. At the time, the Centro knew of only one painting by MartÃnez in Borja — Ecce Homo, a fresco on the walls of the church of Santuario de Misericordia.
That's it above. The leftmost image is how the painting looked two years ago; the middle image is how it looked in July, when it was photographed for a catalog of regional religious art. The image on right is how it looked when the Centro went to check it out on August 6th after receiving the donation. Hmm.
The restored version is apparently the work of an octogenarian neighbor of the church, who, noticing the damage to the painting, took it upon herself to restore the painting "with good intentions" but "without asking permission," as culture councillor Juan Maria de Ojeda put it. It became clear to the amateur restorer — quickly, one imagines — that "she had gotten out of hand," and she confessed to local authorities.The Hackmaster
hahaha, this totally reminds me of the movie "Bean". Mr. Bean is awesome.
How did the original get all messed up? How can it get that messed up by someone just photographing it? The article doesn't explain how it got messed up. It just says it was "photographed for a catalog of regional religious art."Last edited by OldSchoolGamer; 08-22-2012, 06:30:36 AM.Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG
Goron Christ
Depending on the article you read, the damage in the central photograph has either no explanation, or it was caused by the woman attempting restoration. I expect it's the latter, unless the building suddenly sprung a massive leak. All that darkening says oxidation or water damage to me, so I'm guessing she tried to clean it, probably with household sponges or rags.
This is probably the original source. I'm not sure where other places are getting additional information. And the artist must be fairly obscure. I've never heard of him, which doesn't mean much, but the only information I could find on him is rehashes of this story.
Edit: I kind of thought it was a hoax at first, when I couldn't find any info on the painter or this piece. The final restoration is so comical that it strains credulity. However, the place actually exists, and its blog looks legitimate enough. The painter may just be a local who isn't well-known outside this region of Spain, and he just gave the gift of a fresco to this church one day. I'm still kind of wary, looking at that after-photo because what the hell?Last edited by Pyriel; 08-22-2012, 07:45:36 AM.
The article originally said it was an old man that messed up the painting, but then they edited the article saying that it wasn't an old man and that it was an old woman who did it instead. Here is the edited text that the author updated in the article:
(Update: Due to my misreading of the El Pais article, I thought, and initially wrote, that the restorer was male; she isn't)Last edited by OldSchoolGamer; 08-22-2012, 11:11:16 AM.Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG
Man Falls Asleep, Shoots Self By Accident
MITCHELL, SD - Authorities say a Mitchell man suffered minor injuries when he accidentally shot himself after falling asleep on his back porch while holding a loaded handgun.
The 34 year old man was sitting on the back porch after 2 A.M. Thursday when a family member turned on the porch light and opened a door.
Authorities say the man was startled by the light and noise, and unintentionally pulled the gun's trigger and shot himself in the midsection.
Police says the man suffered minor flesh wounds.
Mitchell Police Investigator Joel Reinesch says the man's name is not being released because no charges have been filed as a result of the shooting. He says the Davison County State's Attorney's Office will decide later whether to file charges.The Hackmaster
Have you been visiting sites like,, and
I've seen that dime video before. There was a video posted in this section of the forums in the past year that had that video as one it linked to at the time and I watched it then. It might have been the video about quantum locking which was interesting to see.
Just a few headlines from
From <---Combine a urinal and sink into one so men wash their hands. <---Somebody actually violated the 3rd amendment. <---People got crap on their faces. <---People heard screaming and loud noises and thought it was domestic abuse, cops found it was just a lady yelling at her boyfriend to stop farting. <---Fist fight and vehicle-bumping over whether you can save seats in church. <---Fist fight between lawyers as to whether the light should be left on in the hallway. <---Officers Find Panting Dog, Sweatpants-Wearing Pig in Hot, Poop-Filled Car <---Finding people that don't clean up their dog's crap and mailing it back to them as "lost property"
I read those sites every day. It's always very interesting.
Originally posted by bungholio View Post <---People heard screaming and loud noises and thought it was domestic abuse, cops found it was just a lady yelling at her boyfriend to stop farting.Last edited by Sly Hedgehog; 07-09-2013, 01:25:55 PM.