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GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

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  • GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

    I've just spent the last 10 minutes or so working on a smaller, and somewhat improved version of GSHIB3, which will feature 6x more frame rate, and high quality music at the least. Here's a demo, without the sound effects or music yet:


    I'm going to upload (as in, later, when I get to it) mp3s of the music that I couldn't identify, in case somebody else knows what they're from. And if anybody knows where the sound effects came from, that'd be nice to know. But that's for whenever I do upload them...

  • #2
    GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

    Looks interesting. I never seen the previous 2. Do you have copeies of those?


    • #3
      GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

      Most of everything should be here:

      They're all worth watching, except the older version of GSHIB0, which might be worth it if you don't mind sitting through 20 minutes of a movie with not much plot.

      Hmm... Maybe this doesn't belong here, but then, who actually looks in this forum anyway?


      • #4
        GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

        are you planing on doing the same thing as what you did with gshib3 with 2 and 1?


        • #5
          GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

          I'm planning on doing pretty much what I did to gshib1 & 2, being that it'll be much smaller, and almost exactly the same otherwise. Though in the case of gshib3, I'm going to use higher quality audio and a decent framerate (the original was going at all of 2 frames per second, oddly enough). Of course, all this pretty much is going to wait until I've gotten myself a computer shortly...


          • #6
            GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

            Those are pretty nice animations. I can't wait to see what that guy and the moogle do next.


            • #7
              GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

              haha that is so wicked cool! i havnt seen any of these before.


              • #8
                GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

                That's awesome...especially since you've been playing the resident drunk ever since you left, heh. I made the first three, then Liquid started Zero when I started 4 (which is still only 1/2 finished, with sound not yet added)...and Liquid's recently digitally remastered (heh) the first two, and part of three.
                I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                • #9
                  GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

                  hah yeah i was so drunk, i even forgot to come here for a looooong


                  • #10
                    GSHI Battle III enhanced...?

                    That's nothing. I remade the first two two years ago, using a very crude method. For gshib3, I've found a program that converts swf movies into almost perfect flash fla archives. So instead of having to rip out all the graphics and then figure out where the sprites go, I just rip what I need (mostly backgrounds) and then place the correct sprites on top of the original frame. Of course, there's still the sound thing, which somebody may be able to help with now I've uploaded the audio from GSHIB3:


                    To get the full effect of the difference, download the whole contents of that directory, and load up gshib3.m3u in something that can play mp3s and SNES spc files. So, maybe something like winamp... I'm aware that it repeats the music a number of times, but that's the way it worked in the movie. Some of those are sound effects, but if anybody knows where they came from, a higher quality rip of them might be doable.

