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  • dammit

    well im not going to be around for a few days, as my fucking basement flooded last nite. nothing was damaged (too badly anyway) but i wont be able to hook my computer back up until my landlord gets me some new carpet.

    oh well it coulda been worse, a town only an hour away from me was evacuated because of all this damned rain weve been having.

    hope to see ya all in a few days....

  • #2

    Bummer, there's been some flooding around here also, they been talking about it on the news. It's drying up however cause we been having some hot days now.

    Anyway, c u when u get back.


    • #3

      Bleh...good luck, man. See you soon, hopefully...
      I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


      • #4

        Goodness, that is not good, I hope all goes well and dries out RPGod, and hope to see you soon when you get all your stuff dried out, hope it was nothing all that bad. I just am not a fan of water really... I mean well I am, we need it to live, and swimming and such is fun, but water can also be an enemy to anything 'good' in alot of cases. like paper anything and such mess ... electronics and such, so hope as you said it was not that bad, plus kinda ecky and scary about rain water is those little creatures crawling around in it. :shock:



        • #5

          Man, that sucks. It's really odd how much rain there's been recently...


          • #6

            allright im kind of back right now, but i dont know how long it will last. i managed to set up my computer in my tiny ass little room, but to get on the internet i have to use this shitty wireless adaptor, so im not sure how stable it is...

            yeah i cant believe the ammount of rain. my landlord didnt want to change the carpet, so he spent a week using carpet blowers to get it dry. it was almost done, then it fuckin flooded again. hah! so he ripped it out that day, and i think hes puttin linoleum in.

            but im just lucky, because i have thousands of dollars in equipment down there like guitar amps and stuff.. phew.


            • #7

              Ya, I heard one of your songs that was probably played using a guitar amp RPGod. I dont know which one u were, but it was some nice music. Any mp3's u find single worthy on your site?


              • #8

                on the forgotten i only do backup vox, but its a kick ass song, imho... i have a couple songs that i think are incredible, but i havnt recorded any of em, as i still have no bass player... but of the songs i have up on the site my favorites are poison needles and these machines, but a lot of people really like scars.
                glad you liked the one ya heard

