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  • RoboCop

    Eh, I just wanted to see if anyone here has ever followed these movies and such.

    I was a big fan of the 1st and 2nd. I recall being heavily turned off by 3. Cause they killed off his partner and the ninjas and story were weak. Not to mention they had a new guy play robocop.

    I haven't seen robocop 4 (Prime Directives) or the tv or cartoon series yet but they each have non Peter Wellers (Original Robocop) in them.

    Even tho I didn't get into the newer stuff I still love to see robocop 1 and 2 from time to time. If they ever made a robocop vs terminator movie he would own terminator no doubt.

  • #2

    I like these movies, well one and two, I've seen #3 but as you said, must not have been good, because now, I cannot even recall anything about it really.

    #1 was and is well, what everyone knows heh with those huge bug robots that Robo had one follow him down the stairs and the thing fell over and started squilling like a pig. (sorry not a main point, but what I recall most because was funny as heck) #2 was that 'Cain' guy and that drug named 'Nuke' and Cain being made into a 'new Robocop' and was killed by original Robo.

    #3 as said, I do not remember, #3 is much like you said, everyone LOVED 1 and 2, but number 3 sorta killed the series off sadly it seems. (Kinda like 'some' other movies out there, take Smokey and The bandit yes old as crap movies hehe Burt Renolds, gahhh he is OLD, yet I recall watching these movies when they were 'new' heh (which makes me old. :P I was a little girl, but in anycase heh) anyway on the topic and point, notice how these Smokey movies 1 and two were great, and yet #3 killed the entire series off. :shock: Kinda the same with Robo sadly, I think.

    As for the cartoon, and Robo #4, I seen the cartoon a few times a long time ago, not all that long, but gosh been a good while really, it used to come on the Sci-Fi channel, when they had 'cartoons' during the day and sumers. (They'd have RoboCop, Star Wars 'Doids' OLD cartoon about CP3O and R2D2...heh if anyone even recalls that, and a few other 'sci-fi' things I forget the neames, this is and was when Sci-Fo channel was sorta 'new' and to us, my family was 'waaay' back not all that far but back when the BIG satilite was in, you know those BIG dishes no one uses anymore, back when that was the MAJOR thing, before DTV and all else...heck these was even before the internet really for me, say in years like 1993 and such, so has been awhile.

    I also seen on the same channel Sci-Fi Robo 4 advertised, it was more of a 'series' type thing, I thought, and being Robo 3 killed it, I was not much interested, so never watched it, nothing personal, just well when #3 kills soemthign, it is hard to get into anything new on it afterwards really, sadly.... :?

    hmmmm anyway, makes me think and wonder being EVERYTHING, well it seems is going on DVD, seems they should have and should be a RoboCop set out sometime, I know I'vee seen the movies on DVD at Wal-Mart and such in the $5.11 bins, just thinking they should have this out, as all three movies together would be around $15.00 and mostly because heck, I also seen at Wal-Mart also in the cheap bin, Smokey & The Bandit 'collection' all three movies, all for $7.95.

    In other words, I sorta noticed, hey sorta abit off topic, but being Robo is a great but old movie, hey, those 'cheap' bins at Wal-Mart are kinda great, some neat stuff in there at times I have found, well alot of good stuff. 80's and 90's movies mostly which were and are great.



    • #3

      I've seen the first 3 movies, but didn't know there was a fourth. Never saw the cartoons, but I have seen some of the tv series, which was rather dull... It's amazing how many different things tend to go bad by the 3rd one...


      • #4

        I remember playing a robocop game that was pretty alright, it was an arcade style game.. I may have even played it in an actual arcade.

        I also saw the two first movies, don't remember too much about either.

        Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
        Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


        • #5

          I've heard about the Robocop arcade game and it's supposed to be pretty good. The NES game is also good. The 2nd NES game sucked royally. It was made by different people than the ones who made the 1st game. Something was odd with Robocop on there cause would slide awhile after you stop moving him, like he had Crisco on the bottom of his feet or something. Plus they turned it into a platform game by giving the game pits and a jumping ability.

          Robocop vs Terminator for Genesis turned out pretty good tho.


          • #6

            Robocop is cool, I seen Part 1,2&3. I dont like that when they changes characters on new movies nowadays.

            It would be interesting to Robocop vs Terminator to watch. I know someone who be crazy to see that. Anywsys the movies are coming up, with things like that Alien vs Predator. Now Robocop vs Terminator.

            humm..... what will they think of next. Oh well if they are coming out in games i think that would mean making more codes and hacking to do, for you guys.

