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Day 20 without a update

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  • Day 20 without a update

    GScentral has gone 20 days without a update. Anyone know what that means? There is a nonupdate posted on the main page but that ssays that they are working out some new system. You'd think they could at least crank out a few miniupdates cause a few of it's regular code submitters are getting restless. Maybe the staff chased Rune away and thus spelled the end for regular updates.

  • #2
    Day 20 without a update

    :? Well, really, I do not see that this is a 'real' issue, as is, well excuse me, but again GSC is good and bad, mostly bad, due to alot of dickheads, not ALL, but otherwise.

    No updates from 'rune' again, who cares? He is one of those types who will say life has got him all down, whine and cry and otherwise bitch about normal 'life' until someone feels sorry for him, a complete and udder 'pussy'. Always complaining about the 'normal' goings on of life, many over there are like that, 'jay.b' jay007 = sparda and rune, so otherwise, really why give a mess for anything of them anyway?

    No updates from 'rune' is he crying again about not having a girlfriend and cannot pass his college corses or such? (stupid losers, you know for a fact they always complain and whine about what they will never have in life.) So really, heck who cares really...sorry but well as far as 'some of them' who really cares really?

    I mean after all, could be some great news as to why no updates as well, hell maybe rune is dead, he had a car wreck into a spam truck in front of the Poke'mon factory. NOW that is a whole night's entertainment if you ask me, but unless that happened, or anything else that is funny, like he got killed in various other ways, again, ehh not really an issue to me. After all, if rune left, or got killed, or whatever, hell NO ONE is or ever shall miss him, nor those few others... the shitheads. :P



    • #3
      Day 20 without a update

      Maybe he's no longer at college, which considering the timing, might be it. From looking at their fake update, I'd say they're screwed if they have to schedule when people do updates...


      • #4
        Day 20 without a update

        Well i think if anything is computerized. alot of time its that. well then gscentral is having trouble.


        • #5
          Day 20 without a update

          That may be, but usually when there's something gone that wrong with a website it tends to be rather obvious.


          • #6
            Day 20 without a update

            rune is at a new gscentral and the .com site has a new updator(s).
            Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

            THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


            • #7
              Day 20 without a update

              Yet another cheat code site. I think it would of been better if Rune joined this site, but then again I know he isn't popular with the people here either. I seen him post a link to gscentral coming back but I ignored it cause gscentral was still on when I looked. I guess he was trying to lead people to the new site. I wonder who is running that one?


              • #8
                Day 20 without a update

                What the hell is with gscentral... There's and .org and some kind of anti-gscentral... It's like they're cloning themselves...


                • #9
                  Day 20 without a update

                  :? Well, cannot be clonning really, but looks that way ALOT. I think it is more a 'name' out there that no one has the copy rights of, and 'anyone' can and shall take it and run with it. Well, not everyone, but those who are 'admins' there or such.

                  I think the better way maybe to explain this is well, look at 'gscentral' like a big Thanksgiving dinner, now rune and all other admins and such 'get together' all of a sudden, somehting stirs a few wrong, and they get all pissy about it (they sat rune at the child's table or something.... :roll: ) So like 'human nature' each 'admin' gets up gets pissed and yells I am taking the name and goes off and makes their own mess.

                  'Kinda' like Code Master X did with the whole thing. I recall and even have and shall scan and post here someday when I can, 'CodeBoy' yeah the once 'GameShark' main hacker, he gabve an interview of how great Code Master was then him, and said without all his 'help' that 'datel' would be dead in the water. (I swear this is an image and acticle in EGM that is like from 1999 or so, an old mag.) and as is, yes we all know evenr 'GameShark' and were all 'friendly' at one time. again 'human nature' and all that

                  So #1 with a name that is not copyrighted by any of them, that name of GSC can be took and posted and used by well anyone really. All trying to out due the others...

                  Something that hell, IF happens here, I am going to say to heck with you all, sorry but I am not here ammong you OKAY people into choosing sides and such, and on that anyway rune here...err pelase, noo hell, unless you want rune to break off after he cannot take 'life' and create a NEW anti GSHI... :roll: (Plus well call rune over, if you wanna see ONE code out of him per six months of whinning around about life and how hard it is to hack the GameCube, call him over if we want that, and plus specialy if you want him to steal your codes.) gahhh call that shit over, and I will garrot him. :evil:



                  • #10
                    Day 20 without a update

                    I'm not sure about codemaster and how much he did for hacking gameshark cause I didn't really pay attention to that back then. But I have to say cmgsccc was VERY good for gameshark. Not only did original codes help make the device more fun, but the oringinal codes being made for it made it more popular. I know personally that some people bought gamesharks for some of those interesting Castelevania SOTN codes being made for it, and I imagine plenty bought one for the FFVII debug room and have Sephiroth, or Aeris in your party codes. I was pretty pissed at those guys for giving cmgsccc so much trouble. I heard they were even trying to make it so they couldnt post any codes made by people with gspros. They should of thought of that before they sold those and lots of people bought them.


                    • #11
                      Day 20 without a update

                      The market for cheat devices would've probably been much worse off if it not for GSCCC... But now, I think they're just going to end up dying very slowly.


                      • #12
                        Day 20 without a update

                        If feels like that's been occurring ever since a little before the Pelican situation...which has only served to prolong its ever-increasingly superfluous existence...heh.
                        I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                        • #13
                          Day 20 without a update

                          Yeah, even though you're drunk, I think you're right.

