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Where to get some N64 Roms?

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  • Where to get some N64 Roms?

    Well, my computer got reformatted and I need to replace some N64 roms I had. Golden eye and Perfect dark especially. Anyone have any good site suggestions for N64 roms?

  • #2
    Where to get some N64 Roms? has a bunch, but sometimes they dont work.... they have a torrent file there with every single game in it, but ive been trying to d/l it for 2 weeks, and no ones is ever seeding it. but they do have quite a few individual ones.


    • #3
      Where to get some N64 Roms?

      i found another one while looking for the new fire emblem rom for gba.

      you have to register, but speed seems good


      • #4
        Where to get some N64 Roms?

        Don't go to Emuparadise using IE, or you might catch something nasty... And if you get a self-extracting rar or zip file, don't run it. Instead decompress it with something like winzip.


        • #5
          Where to get some N64 Roms?

          hmm really? i go there all the time with ie... as far as i know i dont have anything wrong with my pc... well nothing virus or spyware related wrong with it, know, normal computer crappiness.

          oh and that second site i posted only lets you download like 1 file a day. crappy.


          • #6
            Where to get some N64 Roms?

            Yes, LMZ is right, I recall that 'mess' alot when I was going to that EMU site to grab all the video game music files there a while back, gosh been a good while now, but I still recall that 'auto download mess'.

            Not sure it was something really all that 'nasty' but was a bother seeing it always. It was something IS something like 'Fantastic Games, this is a ONE time download, choose YES' it would always say.

            Okay, not sure it said exactly that but said something like that, some type of 'games' ruse they put on you, a one time download. Again a viruss, I would think not, but maybe one of those little fortune crystal balls that tells the world the names you plan to name your first children and mess like that. :? :P

            Again I mean well maybe, not all really a bad thing, but something always popping up and saying 'auto download' I myself get sick of choosing 'no' just trying to get some music files. :P

            Plus, heck, the way the world is these days on the net, heck 'everything' has something bad to it.... I mean no not all down on the world and such, just rather makes me shake my head to see all these rather BS news reports on TV and everywhere saying 'wow the net is spying on you' download a messager, buy from the net, and have an account, they see who you are, what you buy. And I am all like, well yes ofcorse, who thinks you can get on anywhere on the net, and not be known. I mean knowing what I buy (gosh I get ALOT of porn mail because of DVD titles I buy from the net. ops: :P I mean from places and companies, I never heard of even...all from the net.) I mean well, life is life, I always say if we cannot take some spying on ourselfs, we need not be here. :P

            Just saying anything 'online' can tell who you are where you are comming from. Not so good when they get your SS number or other numbers that are really personal, but heck, knowing who you are, where you come from, what you like, heck.... the people in your town and area know that so why not the whole net world too?

            Again heh sorry for 'babbling' on, but I just do not see the big 'scare' and 'fear' of everyone having to be 'safe' and 'unknown' in the world.... I mean for your personal numbers, SS Number, yes because that mess can be used for bad stuff, but otherwise, I always say, someone with something to hide and has to hide it anyway is the ones to watch for.

            Otherwise, so the net world knows I or others of us :P bought porn DVD titles and such, and send us spam e-mail and spam 'snail' real mail also. Just the ways of life these days...and as is also, these days 'everything' you download, upload, or otherwise look at on the net. has 'some sort of tracking' of some sort. Looking at 'anything' on the net, also means you have to download it atleast for a small while (temp net files and mess) so ehhh just simply dailing up gets you 'goosed' more or less really, so ehh what the hell, it is life. :P

            Still also the bad parts of it as well, like 'most' of windows updates now having and being issues themselfs. (I know Hiro said he found it was a different thing, but for me, hell windows update once caused an error in windows and had to resotre all voer again, crap mess...blahhhh.)



            • #7
              Where to get some N64 Roms?

              Thanks for the suggestions all. I don't really use IE anymore unless a website requires it. I much prefer firefox.

              I used to have alot of bookmarks to some good rom sites before my computer was reformatted. Now the only ones I could remember was emu-russia and emu asylum. Good for older games but they don't have N64. Not for free anyway.


              • #8
                Where to get some N64 Roms?

                I have shown young Hiro the way, the way of Emule.

                I get my PSX ISO's there, and Duo games as well, they also have N64, the wait is slow, but no worries of spyware, or not too many worries about corrupted files.

                The greatest space fighter ever made, the Vic Viper.

