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vBulletin has always irked me as an adolescent forum system. All the JavaScript drop-downs, huge fonts, and generally tasteless skins with too much wasted space. But that's just me.
I believe it may have been the skins, plugins, nifty features, and the fact that security is promoted commercially it. Could also have been an experiment that never ended for all I know. After a few other PHP forums got tried in slow succession, this is the one that stuck.
I Highly dislike this new "stable" vB. the skins on the past 2 versions. also the default skin looks horrible and the black one i cannot read what i am typing!
Cant stand the 32 bit and above gaming.
Gamers for the return of 2d sprite filled games!
Well this totally blew me away for a sec, I wasn't sure I was visiting the GSHI forums for a sec. I suppose like anything new or old depending on your views will take a little adjustment.