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What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

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  • What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

    Apparently, I'm the chick. Damn it. Heh, whatever.

    Incidentally, according to this quiz -

    I'm Ryu Hayabusa.
    I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...

  • #2
    What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

    hah! im boy!

    oddly enough i got ryu on the second one as well


    • #3
      What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

      Um, Im not a Secret of mana character but I'm pretty happy with the results anyways.

      Simon Belmont. Castlevania is my favorite Game series. They got a picture of Richter on there tho.


      • #4
        What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

        Weird, I got the same as RPGod...


        • #5
          What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

          i got ryu

          You are one who knows the difference between good and evil,
          because you witness it daily.
          You are a believer in many things including love,
          family values, but above anything else,
          your own personal honor.
          You approach problems in your life using several different methods,
          and unlike many people, you are rather unpredictable.
          Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

          THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


          • #6
            What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

            PSN: Cadwr0
            XBL and Steam: Cadwr
            3DS: 4725-8062-6859


            • #7
              What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

              Damn...a lot of Ryus...

              Hmm...a law-abiding, just leader...I guess that's better than a criminal henchman, heheh.
              I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


              • #8
                What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                and plus we are ninjas, and those guys are awesome, and by awesome, i mean totally sweet.


                • #9
                  What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                  Yeah, but what do you mean by totally sweet? Heh.

                  Adding old PSX codes brings back so many memories...
                  I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                  • #10
                    What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                    ninjas are so cool.they flip out and kill people ALL the time. my friend mark said that one time this guy dropped a glass of milk, and these ninjas killed the whole town.



                    • #11
                      What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                      Same SoM character as KingEdgar0:

                      Any other Marios?


                      • #12
                        What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                        I got Ryu as well, I am a ninja...which is messed up, well not really, but well really 'sex' should be more important on these things, they are great, perfect at testing and telling our personalities, I think, but really, the sex thing should be in effect there also. (Like I think BloodRayne would be the 'female' Ryu Ninja gaiden guy, really.)

                        Besides, I got pissed hehe for not being a 'girl' and my true self other then eprsonality wise and tried again and this time, I admit I choose more 'soft' answers yet being myself as always, and that time I got Simon Belmont. :shock: (Another guy) so ehhh personality wise this thing and that force thing is perfect, but sex wise, needs ALOT more female characters and should stick to your sex whne you pick what you are.

                        I hope Lazy is okay with me saying this is pretty perfect personlity wise, as he did get to be 'a girl' when he is a he. :P But as said personality wise it is perfect, just sex wise and gender wise, messed up bad. As I can see myself as a ninja specialy when I get pissed, I wanna slit people's necks and be all shadowy doing it so they cannot catch me and put me in jail, but the person whom messed with me knows it was me who killed them. Hell yes I would do that, wanna do that heh just again too bad not enough 'females' on these test things, could have been BloodRayne (she loves to slit necks too. :P ) and such ehh well.



                        • #13
                          What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                          Heh, you're probably right.
                          I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


                          • #14
                            What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                            I also got Ryu..

                            And its Ninja, not Ninjas. Ninja is plural and singular.


                            • #15
                              What Secret of Mana Character Are You?

                              yes i know its actually "ninja", but i was quoting from a website called real ultimate power, which is a ridiculous website "all about ninjas". its quite funny, and the guy actually has a book out now (which i highly recomend).

