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So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

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  • So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

    You know, like the other sections. It would be nice to be able to browse the games codes by the games name, rather than the hackers name.

  • #2
    So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

    There's been work done on that, though not everything has been entered yet. If you go through the Codes link, you can get what's there, which includes anything that's been added for a number of months.


    • #3
      So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

      Ok, I see it now. Wow, the psx section really brings back memories. I wonder what happened to nbcraftsman, absolute empty and some of those other guys. I guess they lost love for hacking maybe. Or lost track of this site like I did.


      • #4
        So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

        Absolute Empty has just been off playing Final Fantasy XI... He's been in chat some recently.


        • #5
          So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

          I do wish NBCraftsman would drop by sometime...we had good e-mail correspondence for months...hundreds of letters, I'd say. It was good to converse with someone as literate as NBC...

          Incidentally, and for whatever reason, you kind of remind me of him, hiro. Heh.
          I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


          • #6
            So...whens the PS section gonna be fixed up?

            Thanks lazy. Ya, I think nbc was kinda cool. He even had a little buisiness going (selling burned ps1 games, and the rare ThrillKill). So it seems as you said, he is a literate (smart) guy.

