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The Dreamer's Guild

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  • The Dreamer's Guild

    Darkness. It fits every night with surgeon precission, cutting the thin curtain of
    light. At the correct time the world itself felt into the black side of a creator's
    mind. And like one only sphere iterconnected with the pitch black of the universe
    our world becomes dark. We call it "nightime", "nite", "night". It's something from
    what we can't escape, it eats us, devours us. And we can only sleep, dreaming of
    new worlds, trying to escape the profanity of light that suppose the night. And
    meanwhile there are others that attends late matters. Cats trying to fead themself
    from the human trashcans. Rats running in the severs. Cocroaches escaping the light.
    Nudes for both sex, at both sex. Free sex, paid sex. Cheats, and lies.

    The only escape are the dreamlands. Every mind tries to get out of that darkness.
    And there is where in a web of subconcience all worlds can unify in one only place,
    where everyone can see faces that we never saw before. Plenty of superheros fly
    in vast and colourful skies. Lovers can see each other again, and visit all
    the expensive places that the corporean bodies can let them arrive. No more bakrupt,
    no more wifes, no more pain. A perfect world. Controlled by a mind trying to release
    all the pain of the real life. A real world full of pain. But if there exists paradise
    there should be also a hell. And nor even the joythful minds can escape them. They're
    hungry beasts, trying to take complete control of our minds. And then we realize that
    our peaceful world full of beautiful dreams can be also worse that the darkness itself.

    Many has tried to explain the dreams and the nightmares. And some make a name in the
    story writing pure bullshit. Freud said that if you dream the you're flying it's
    related to sex, and then, if you dream with sex, what is that related with?
    The only true is that there are two worlds, one, the one with the heads without
    faces and the other one, the one with the faces without heads.

    All we can do is keep sleeping, and see what happens. Maybe sweet dreams will give us
    the key to unlock the door of our minds. But take this warning: "what is behind the door
    can change you forever, because no one knows what lay in the secrets rooms of our

    So, meanwhile the moon keep stealing the light from the sun, won't you wanna come with
    us and dream? After all, you don't have nothing better to do, right?

    Well now, close your eyes, relax your body, put your mind in white. Let all the colors
    of the world melt in the absence of light, at the middle of the night. The sounds
    desappears. And now start to levitate. Soon you will arrive and we will be sharing
    the same world. Just keep dreaming.
    "Dizzy my future, silly my way."
    "Under my flag I live free."