To begin crafting in Star Wars: The Old Republic, players must find a crafting trainer and receive a tutorial and utilize the crew skill system.
SWTOR screenshot with Emperor Arcann
In the ten years since Star Wars: The Old Republic was first released, many of the game mechanics have changed. However, aside from a few additions and general improvements, crafting in SWTOR remains an integral part of the overall experience. Even for players who aren't focused on crafting, it can be a great tool for completing conquest objectives, increasing pet influence, and gaining access to higher-tier gear and mods.
Learning to craft in SWTOR is a fairly easy process, even for players who may have overlooked it and gotten past the game's introductory chapters. On the main Republic and Imperial fleets, near the starting planet, players can obtain the "Crafting Trainer" tutorial mission. This mission guides the player through the process of acquiring their first crew skill, marking the location of crafting trainers on the map and providing step-by-step instructions for interacting with them, although it does not involve the actual crafting process.
Once players enter the Fortress and Crew Skills section of their faction's Fleet in SWTOR, they will have the opportunity to explore the various Crafting, Gathering, and Mission Crew Skills. You can right-click any trainer to automatically add skill information to their SWTOR Credits. Players can train more than one gathering or mission skill at a time, but can only specialize in one of the crafting skills. Any combination of skills can be chosen; however, it is recommended that players choose the Gathering and Task Assignment skills, which provide the materials needed to craft items that can be used in their trained crafting skills. The crew's recommended skills for the various trade skills can also be found in the Codex.
How to craft in SWTOR using the Crew Skills menu
To access the Crew Skills menu in SWTOR, players must navigate to the main menu at the top of the screen, then open the Content dropdown menu to the right of the player menu and click on the diamond labeled Crew Skills. Once the Crew Skills panel opens, players will see their trained skills at the top and a list of available companions at the bottom. To craft a companion or send it on a mission, players can select the Craft skill from the Crew Skills menu next to Available Companions, then select the plan or mission, then the Make or Send Companions button " in the lower right corner to confirm the selection.
Each of these quests has a timer, and players must wait for the quest to complete and their companion to return. During this time, the selected companion will be unavailable. If the player needs to bring them back asap, they can abort the mission by selecting the x to the right of the time remaining column in the crew skills menu, and any points or materials spent will be refunded. Items crafted by followers appear in the main inventory, while collected materials are placed in the traditional inventory of the Materials section, accessible from the left sidebar of the inventory window.
As players increase their crafting level in SWTOR, crafting trainers will have new schematics for higher-level gear to purchase. Players will also be able to find schematics in loot dropped by enemies or purchase them in the Galactic Trade Network. Additionally, players who level up and max out their crafting skills in SWTOR will unlock traditional crafting titles to display on their character nameplates.
SWTOR screenshot with Emperor Arcann
In the ten years since Star Wars: The Old Republic was first released, many of the game mechanics have changed. However, aside from a few additions and general improvements, crafting in SWTOR remains an integral part of the overall experience. Even for players who aren't focused on crafting, it can be a great tool for completing conquest objectives, increasing pet influence, and gaining access to higher-tier gear and mods.
Learning to craft in SWTOR is a fairly easy process, even for players who may have overlooked it and gotten past the game's introductory chapters. On the main Republic and Imperial fleets, near the starting planet, players can obtain the "Crafting Trainer" tutorial mission. This mission guides the player through the process of acquiring their first crew skill, marking the location of crafting trainers on the map and providing step-by-step instructions for interacting with them, although it does not involve the actual crafting process.
Once players enter the Fortress and Crew Skills section of their faction's Fleet in SWTOR, they will have the opportunity to explore the various Crafting, Gathering, and Mission Crew Skills. You can right-click any trainer to automatically add skill information to their SWTOR Credits. Players can train more than one gathering or mission skill at a time, but can only specialize in one of the crafting skills. Any combination of skills can be chosen; however, it is recommended that players choose the Gathering and Task Assignment skills, which provide the materials needed to craft items that can be used in their trained crafting skills. The crew's recommended skills for the various trade skills can also be found in the Codex.
How to craft in SWTOR using the Crew Skills menu
To access the Crew Skills menu in SWTOR, players must navigate to the main menu at the top of the screen, then open the Content dropdown menu to the right of the player menu and click on the diamond labeled Crew Skills. Once the Crew Skills panel opens, players will see their trained skills at the top and a list of available companions at the bottom. To craft a companion or send it on a mission, players can select the Craft skill from the Crew Skills menu next to Available Companions, then select the plan or mission, then the Make or Send Companions button " in the lower right corner to confirm the selection.
Each of these quests has a timer, and players must wait for the quest to complete and their companion to return. During this time, the selected companion will be unavailable. If the player needs to bring them back asap, they can abort the mission by selecting the x to the right of the time remaining column in the crew skills menu, and any points or materials spent will be refunded. Items crafted by followers appear in the main inventory, while collected materials are placed in the traditional inventory of the Materials section, accessible from the left sidebar of the inventory window.
As players increase their crafting level in SWTOR, crafting trainers will have new schematics for higher-level gear to purchase. Players will also be able to find schematics in loot dropped by enemies or purchase them in the Galactic Trade Network. Additionally, players who level up and max out their crafting skills in SWTOR will unlock traditional crafting titles to display on their character nameplates.