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The shady side of GameStop

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  • The shady side of GameStop

    When you hear the word GameStop, what comes to mind first?

    Do you see your friendly neighborhood game store and the place you go for new titles?

    Or do see an entrance to a nightmare underneath that signature black and red sign?

    Most gamers seem to be divided on how they feel about the company, with some gamers liking the store, and some absolutely loathing every minute they spend in it.

    While opinion on the store ebbs and flows, there's one fact that can't be argued: GameStop the company has engaged in some pretty shady acts over its long history. From deceiving its customers to inflating its prices, GameStop's sins against the gaming community pretty much run the gambit and have earned it a fair amount of scorn. We've put together a list of the ways GameStop has wronged gamers — and even those who work for the company itself — since it first came on the scene.

    Once you're through, you might have to ask yourself this question: is GameStop still a place you want to shop?

    The shady side of GameStop
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    Haven't dealt with them since the PS2 came out and I sold them about 20 different PS2 games for a little less than $10. Nothing more irritating than turning to my left and seeing all their versions of the same games with missing cases and junk selling for a minimum of $19.99 when I'm selling them the same things except with cases and manuals and nearly perfect condition disks and they won't even give me 50 cents for each one. That was about 15 years ago, but I hold the grudge forever. I just go to a certain local game store at the moment for selling games even though I rarely buy games any more since I've got about 100 different games I need to even start playing.
    Last edited by bungholio; 04-30-2018, 09:13:10 AM.
    July 7, 2019


    • #3
      I'm more or less part of the Pokemon scene, and was surprised to learn from Americans that you are required to buy something from their store to get the paper codes for Pokemon events. That shit is illegal here, but it's also pretty shitty. Not to mention the fact most stores don't even have codes to distribute.
      Well, this crap would be solved by making all events downloadable through the Internet or by getting codes via email, but that would make too much sense.

