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Valet Gives Ferrari To Wrong Man

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  • Valet Gives Ferrari To Wrong Man

    A Florida attorney is suing Marriott International, saying a hotel valet gave his car keys to a young man who was trying to impress a woman he just met.
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    a hotel valet gave his car keys to a young man who was trying to impress a woman he just met.
    As if the attorney is using the car for anything better. The thing is probably just a display of wealth to the guy for bragging about his wallet size, and he probably buys caviar and never eats it.
    Last edited by bungholio; 01-25-2018, 04:32:04 AM.
    July 7, 2019


    • #3
      Originally posted by bungholio View Post

      As if the attorney is using the car for anything better. The thing is probably just a display of wealth to the guy for bragging about his wallet size, and he probably buys caviar and never eats it.
      You know that's hardly an excuse for what the valet guy did, right? Imagine that he gave the keys to someone looking to use the car for some serious criminal shit, and the owner took the fall. Fucked up, right?
      Last edited by soprano1; 01-25-2018, 01:39:22 PM.


      • #4
        I know it's not an excuse for it. I'm being evil. There's something about attorneys and lawyers where I can't help not being evil.
        July 7, 2019


        • #5
          What is the greatest miscarriage of justice? A busload of lawyers going over a cliff with 3 empty seats. (Joke)
          The Hackmaster


          • #6
            I was going to look for info on Mr. James Fowler just to see if he pops up online for various court cases, but it instead led me to a couple different James Fowlers in universities who have wikipedia pages. All I keep seeing is this Ferrari case all over the internet, so maybe he hasn't had any outstanding bad cases yet and I'm being rude by smirking at the Ferrari case. The guy who stole the Ferrari was doing cocaine in it with the lady, and the cops caught them because the tail lights weren't working and they were driving erratically. The vehicle was reportedly costing at least 6 figures, and it sounds like a worthless display of wealth making me think James likes to show off his wallet size everywhere he goes because he has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it all.
            July 7, 2019



            • #7
              Jesus Christ, you Americans sure hate your lawyers.


              • #8
                I know. There's something about the court system here where it doesn't make us all happy. The majority of the time when I hear of court cases around me, it sounds like it is always a case of the person with more money being the winner of the court case instead of the person who is right or justice happening. If anything, it's weird to me we even have people who go to colleges and whatever just to learn how to debate and argue in this language that sounds oddly worded to me. If the majority of the population that can speak and understand it can't even be rounded up to 1%, it shouldn't even be allowed because it sounds like almost nobody is allowed to defend themselves properly. I haven't been in court for anything and hope to never be, because it always sounds like it's either the person who has the most money wins the case or else it's the person with so much unquestionable evidence against them loses, but even then the loser can be the winner with enough money. I know I shouldn't pick on Mr. James, I don't know him, maybe he's a great guy and who has gotten a lot of justice done.

                At the same time, why is he throwing his money away on a 6 figure car? I know it's his money and he can do what he wants with it, but what a waste. Great people don't usually brag to people how great they are unless they aren't great and try to make up for it with things like these instead of donating to a homeless shelter or something good that can actually use the money.

                Out of court cases I've encountered around me, I got to see a black widow smuggle most of the money from my grandfather while he was still alive, including bank accounts that didn't even have her name or involvement. I have no idea how she won in court, I was told her and the judge go waaaaay back and have a history which is just a blind assumption from others that I don't know much about. But it is odd watching him sign papers in the hospital only for her to take the signature to court and win saying it wasn't his signature.

                There were also my rich selfish kleptomaniac neighbors robbing the poor and penniless around them. Either they didn't have the money for court and lost, or by the time they were done with court and won, they had no money left making it a loss either way.

                There was also a guy who somehow legally scammed a bunch of nearby farmers out of massive amounts of money and somehow got away with it by using their money he scammed from them to win against them.

                Originally posted by soprano1 View Post
                Jesus Christ, you Americans sure hate your lawyers.
                Any chance you've seen some of our crazy court cases? There are many times when cops have zero reason to shoot somebody and they kill an African American person, and people have the whole thing on camera. Nothing happens to the cops that did it. I still remember the black dude lying flat on his back in a parking lot with no vehicle or anything near him with his arms raised in the air as visible as it gets and a cop still shot the guy. Another was the school cook in the vehicle with his wife and daughter driving to school. Cops ask him if he has a weapon in the vehicle, he answers the question honestly with a yes because he does, and they shoot him dead right in front of his wife and daughter on camera. With things like these, I can see why there's "Black Lives Matter" and people that just want to indiscriminately kill white people because things like these are complete BS and there's no justice.

                I'm going to ignore Trump, he's special in court too with thousands of cases. I can't remember them at this point, seems like there's been so much BS in court on TV over time. The Kasey Anthony lady or whatever her name was that supposedly killed her child. We don't know about OJ Simpson. Martin Shkrelli or whatever his name was is just a rotten human being if there ever was one for the life saving drug jacked up in price. I just try to ignore the news anymore because our justice system sounds like the injustice system.

                I don't know much about lawyers and attorneys, but whoever has to argue for the defendant often doesn't even have the time to research the case and just tries to get the person to take a plea deal. I think the statistics at some point were that they have many cases per day, and they have less than 10 minutes from when they are 1st made aware of the case to research anything about the case before they need to be in the court room defending the person, so they just try to go with a plea deal like the person is automatically guilty every time.

                Any chance where you're from has a history of their court system sounding just???
                July 7, 2019



                • #9
                  I understand what you are saying, and yes I kinda know the whole racist BS and the police, but that has nothing to do with the case on topic.
                  And no, it's not fair here, not in a million years. Hell, is there any country in the world with one? Maybe the Scandinavian countries.
                  Last edited by soprano1; 01-27-2018, 12:37:02 PM.

