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London Fire: Deaths Confirmed, 50 Hurt In Apartment Fire

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  • London Fire: Deaths Confirmed, 50 Hurt In Apartment Fire

    LONDON — Deaths were confirmed early Wednesday and at least 50 people were injured when a blaze ripped through a high-rise apartment block in the British capital as residents slept.

    At least 200 firefighters battled the inferno at Grenfell Tower through the night.

    London Fire Brigade Commissioner Dany Cotton said that a "number of fatalities" were confirmed.;$blob=1.mp4
    Last edited by dlevere; 06-14-2017, 03:27:24 AM.
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    Authorities said the cause of the blaze remained unclear. Forensic investigators with cameras and protective suits were visible at the scene.
    I'm always worried about fires wherever I move. I can't rely on people to build places and maintain them correctly, nor can I rely on other residents to not be a 80 year old chain smoker with a hole in their neck and an oxygen tank just falling asleep with a lit cigarette. There's never fires here, and when a fire alarm goes off it is always a false alarm like somebody ignoring what they are cooking for a few minutes without a fan blowing the smoke away from the alarms. I have yet to hear a fire alarm in life and see an actual fire, but I worry about it every single day. That fire is many lives ruined, and if some reckless idiot caused it and survived, I hope they get burned alive for it. If a fire took my whole place and everything I owned, I could just as well die in the fire because there's no coming back from it.
    Last edited by bungholio; 06-14-2017, 04:04:38 PM.
    July 7, 2019


    • #3
      If my house burns up because of someone else's dumbness, they've got an ass kicking coming to them. I am getting sick and tired of crud infested indecisive brain dead hog humping assholes doing dumb shit that fucks other people's shit up because of their stupidity.
      Last edited by dlevere; 06-14-2017, 04:23:53 PM.
      The Hackmaster


      • #4
        I wonder what they have for a safety net there for the victims of this horrifying scenario. I don't even know what we have here in the US, but I think it was the red cross or other things could help you even though it's likely very little. No idea about the UK, I'd assume their system is worse than ours and I wouldn't even know how to utilize ours or what any of them are. Just going into a government building for something as simple as applying for food stamps or any assistance feels like hell and can be absurdly hard to even do to the point where some people just give up on life and dive in front of a train. My previous roommate's mother has random uncontrollable seizures making finding any job or income hard because it freaks people out and they don't know how to deal with it. She went through hell in court getting some disability help and at some point attempted suicide.

        I'm really curious on the cause of the fire. My previous roommate had memory issues and various times turned on the burner to cook food, got distracted by something and then left with the burner still on leaving me or my roommate to luckily catch it before we set the entire apartment on fire with flaming pans of food. I've also seen people clumsily chop a live electrical cable open in a puddle of water, people not knowing not to put metals and others things in microwaves, and just all kinds of things that make me worry. Anybody anywhere can be your unknown Hitman and not even they know it.

        I'm wondering if it's bad maintenance guys or reckless apartment occupants or what exactly. Somebody somewhere likely did something wrong because there was no mention of a lightning storm shocking the building to death or other unavoidable things like that.
        Last edited by bungholio; 06-14-2017, 06:50:13 PM.
        July 7, 2019


        • #5
          I'll see what I can find out.
          The Hackmaster

