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PSX emu's?

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  • PSX emu's?

    Anyone know where I can get a fairly good yet cheap one?

  • #2
    PSX emu's?

    All of the really good ones are free. As far as I know, none of the pay ones are still availible. I'm sure there's a number of them around
    What I know about psx emulation, is that directx plugins tend to be slower than shit, if they work at all. Unless you've got some sort of desktop supercomputer, as is now err... almost standard...


    • #3
      PSX emu's?

      psexe is the only way to go. I think that is what its called anyway. THere is no cheat search engine however. Tho I don't think any PSemulator has that.


      • #4
        PSX emu's?

        yes it does have a cheat search function with a plugin called PEC,doo a google search for it.
        Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

        THE BAD GUY!!!!!!


        • #5
          PSX emu's?

          The only one I've ever gotten to work is PSXeven, and it seems to work good except with a few graphical bugs on weird effects. It's probably really slow for all I know. Every time I've tried to use ePSXe, it's crashed windows...


          • #6
            PSX emu's?

            ePSXe is my choice, with the right plugins, (which can be found about anywhere), you can have near-perfect to perfect emulation even on the not-so high-end computers.

            I don't use that PEC [playstation emulation cheater I think], 'coz it's screwed up on me a few times. I just use TSearch for everything I emulate.

            Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
            Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


            • #7
              PSX emu's?

              I'm not sure, but it seems like a lot of the graphics plugins don't emulate some of the effects that a psx can do... Specifically, I've yet to see the motion blur effect emulated...


              • #8
                PSX emu's?

                With the right options enabled in your graphics plugin, you can emulate most of the effects. However most of those settings slow things down. So you need a good video card.

                LMZ: What kind of video card do you have? the non-software video plugins (like the ones for direct3d, or opengl) are a lot more dependant on video card than processor. So if you don't have a decent card they will usually be slow.

                Personally, I use epsxe with pete's direct3d plugin for graphics, because well, pete's plugins kick ass.

                PSN: Cadwr0
                XBL and Steam: Cadwr
                3DS: 4725-8062-6859


                • #9
                  PSX emu's?

                  It appears to be an ATI Radeon 9700...


                  • #10
                    PSX emu's?

                    Yeah yeah, Pete's the best!


                    Go to these buttons on the sidebar and download their contents:
                    PSX GPU Plugins
                    PSX SPU Plugins
                    PSX CDR Plugins

                    For the GPU, I personally use Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.6, but Pete's DX6 D3D Driver 1.76 is also very nice. Should try both in case one is better for your setup. Remember to fine tune the configuration, I always try to push the limit but make sure it doesn't slow down in the least.

                    For the SPU, I think I use P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.9

                    Pete's also been making sound plugins for PCSX2, the progressing PS2 emulator.

                    Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
                    Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


                    • #11
                      PSX emu's?

                      Ah, so that's where that site is... I'll have to try out the OpenGL2 plugin...


                      • #12
                        PSX emu's?

                        This is weird, epsxe 1.5.2 works, but 1.6.0 doesn't... At least under windows that seems to be it. Anybody else notice that?


                        • #13
                          PSX emu's?

                          Hmm, I wonder where did you get it? I'm using 1.6, 'coz it's more compatible with games that previously needed patches. (Strider 2 being one, and now it doesn't need a patch to play. Another 6 being the Megaman Collection set.)

                          Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
                          Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


                          • #14
                            PSX emu's?

                            I got it from and zophar's domain. Both seem to be the same, and neither works. And I know it's not a local problem, as I've tried it on three different computers, even one running win 2k...


                            • #15
                              PSX emu's?

                              Well damn, I dunno what's up then. If you want I could send you a copy of mine with all my plugins.

                              Oh hey, I remember something, there's a plugin you're supposed to delete if the emulator crashes like that.. I just don't remember which one it is. :P

                              By the way, if you haven't already gotten this, it's the full pack of ePSXe plugins from
                              That's the pack I have.

                              Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
                              Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799

