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  • is the New

    Remember and Those two sites had SO many codes (many of which are sadly lost now, but can be found again ) that they were THE go-to sites during their times in the sun. Both have gone the way of the dodo now, but is an excellent replacement for them, and is much more well-organized. Besides, neither nor ever had an actual built-in code converter for numerous types of cheat-device platforms and game systems.

    That converter actually helped me post a bunch of new CWCheat codes for various emulated NES, SNES and GBA games, in a roundabout way.

    In other words, is III. This site is only going to get better from here.
    Tempus fugit, ergo, carpe diem.

    Time flies, therefore, seize the day.

  • #2
    Well, is back last I checked. But alot of the pages from the drop down menu lead to error pages. So yeah, this is the new now cause sucks right now.


    • #3 has been the new gscentral for ages now.

      The only thing gscentral had was the name (and the old codes). (previously GSHI) has the hackers making the codes, the old codes and the new codes.
      Last edited by ReyVGM; 03-24-2015, 02:16:17 PM.


      • #4
        There are still some gaps in the code database, though. I'd like to think that I helped to eliminate a small fraction of them. This will include Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (strangely, there is only two codes for the former and but a single one for the latter ).

        I have a crap-ton of codes for HG/SS that strangely are NOT on this site. There are quite a few games like this, however. Other sites have TONS of codes for games which only feature maybe a handful of codes (if that) on this site. Of course, it's vice-versa for other games (lots of codes on this site, and other sites having barely any codes--NES Tetris, anyone?).
        Tempus fugit, ergo, carpe diem.

        Time flies, therefore, seize the day.


        • #5
          Too bad that Ralf isn't active here. He has hacked about 10 - 20k codes for GCN games (I think)
          Last edited by CosmoCortney; 03-25-2015, 02:49:24 PM.
          My Website
          Hacking YouTube Channel

          No requests, please


          • #6
            Originally posted by xirtamehtsitahw View Post
            There are still some gaps in the code database, though. I'd like to think that I helped to eliminate a small fraction of them. This will include Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (strangely, there is only two codes for the former and but a single one for the latter ).

            I have a crap-ton of codes for HG/SS that strangely are NOT on this site. There are quite a few games like this, however. Other sites have TONS of codes for games which only feature maybe a handful of codes (if that) on this site. Of course, it's vice-versa for other games (lots of codes on this site, and other sites having barely any codes--NES Tetris, anyone?).
            Most of the codes for HG/SS are in the usrcheat. We can't really add those to the site because, well, the usrcheat doesn't have a field for the hacker's name in a code entry. The majority of the codes originated from GBATemp's cheat forum and we don't have access to that anymore.

            If we imported all of the codes from the usrcheat database, we would have to create a hacker possibly named "NDS Usrcheat" and link to the list of people who contributed to the project. That's as close as we could get to giving proper credit and filling in the gaps in the NDS section of the database.
            I only bother with things that interest me.


            • #7
              It would be a start. Anyway, at least those codes are available in the DS cheat database, so they're not entirely lost.
              Tempus fugit, ergo, carpe diem.

              Time flies, therefore, seize the day.


              • #8
                Looooooong liiiiiives GameHacking eeeeveeerrr!!!!!

                Make sure is alive, never die, just likes what happen on GS Central and GBATemp Cheat forum before!

                For Pokemon codes, there are more codes found at Project Pokemon website!
                Doakan untuk MH370 / Pray for M370

