I thought this was relatively funny: http://www.evanwashere.com/StolenSidekick/
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How not to steal a SideKick...
Re: How not to steal a SideKick...
hehe well that is funny for both of the RETARDS.... who is sooooo fucking stupid they leave their cell phones everywhere? (People are really retarded these days both of those and anyone they know at that to)
I mean geez seriously, mess like that really show you how freaking STUPID people are being these days and have become, both parties again, but still funny, now what would be the best thing to do...well
For one thing an AOL name nothing special, hell that person could just choose another name and hell they got a free phone otherwise out of the whole deal, yeah they stole it, but hey, that one stupid ass left int in a Taxi (where is their brain at during this whole thing one wonders) Odds are once the person who had that AOL name got wind of this they abandoned the name and got a whole other one, told their friends and said well frankly fuck the mess. (Again something VERY STUPID the idiots who lost the phone seems to not be seeing)
Also again the person with the phone TOLD them to meet them at an address, yeah yeah it may not be pretty, hell that is after all what we all want to see, I LOVE turning on the news and seeing a story of someone being an idiot and got jumped by a group of thugs and was carved up by a plastc butter knife, I LOVE to see that mess, hey if gets me paid to have disputes always going on.
Also however, the person who lost the phone again, it shows how much of a 'coward' they are to NOT show up at the address, and they talk all big and bad, like they would get arrested, when simple odds are, hell that address is set with thugs and all else...again why some people are sooooooo STUPID (specialy that coward who acts like they are all big and bad.)
Better yet if they, the people or person who found the phone gets tired of it, it would cost some money, but it is what I would do, I'd smash the phone with a hammer and send the shit back to the asshole. (Again both parties are stupid for all of the shit, again hell that is exactly what I would do, send it back with a small note "hey 'STUPID' keep your mind on where you are and what you are doing and get a fucking clip or something to hold on to your own shit.")
Now..... I see we are also all bring the 'law' into this here, and well, that can be a way to go for such a shit of an item, but anyway, it should also be told that law wise, yeah if they are persistant assholes they can push for the law and sue, but hey hey now, as of NOW, so can the people or person who has the phone. (again simply shocking how stupid people are) You see, that person all after revenge is not too bright, seems they know nothing of the law, It is a form of identidy thief, all mixxed with the slander and liable laws all together to post an Online I.D. and talk about it....nothing big, hell if people went after corny shit like that everyone would be in court, but if these parties are so stupid to go after that phone and sue, hell they other pary could also be just as stupid as well and go after the other party for that I just said.----Boottom Line, BOTH parties are so stupid they both as of right now have broken laws and , if any was to push again the other should push and judge and attorney's would shake their heads, but both of them would get into 'trouble'.
Noth big as far as trouble, but heck, giving someone a 'criminal record' is indeed something everyone should know will haunt you for the rest of your life. (Seems corny, but just getting arrested and found 'innocent' means nothing, you still have the record for being a 'problem' and again people are so stupid they never know of that til it is far too late, a thing that can ruin your career and all else....hell I give people criminal records just because I do not like them, yeah they get off after awhile, but it will be their for the rest of their life and always is something that will come back.
As is....in the year 2048 when most of us are dead and gone on, some will still be around, and those who I hated and touched with my special touch will feel it, it may take that long, but when someone is an old gramps and is with his grandchildren in the park and some cops show up to take him away for parking in a fire lane....and he has to be 'arrested' because I gave him a record so long ag, I will more then likely be gone as most of us will, but at that time as the little children cry and whine because old gramps is being lead off, I will be in my immortal coil life laughing.(So a record is always GREAT to give someone, specialy if you do not like them.)
Anywya on topic, if they push both will get records, and otherwise, again hell, they both are STUPID as hell anyway. What empty life people cry and whine over mess like a cell phone...hell call it in, go get another one and shut your stupid ass up, again so stupid for leaving the shit anyway.
On a better note, heck if they had a brain they could get more cell phones for free, if you are signed up that way, like my friends and I are, hell get a neat new phone, and your friend wants the same (like PCs they are always newer ones better each week at the stores) BUY one sign up for the theft protection option (some of the better ones have) GIVE the phone to your friend, call the company and tell them your mess was stolen, and hey get a free one. ;D heck and hey we ALL do it.... ah the joys of life.
Re: How not to steal a SideKick...
Wow Amy, I've never seen someone so self-righteous or with such unwarrented and misguided contempt for someone.
First off, nothing that the person who posted the whole thing did was wrong. They did everything perfectly within the lines of the law, which Amy, is what governs this country.
who is sooooo fucking stupid they leave their cell phones everywhere?
(People are really retarded these days both of those and anyone they know at that to)
For one thing an AOL name nothing special, hell that person could just choose another name and hell they got a free phone otherwise out of the whole deal
yeah they stole it, but hey, that one stupid ass left int in a Taxi
Odds are once the person who had that AOL name got wind of this they abandoned the name and got a whole other one, told their friends and said well frankly fuck the mess. (Again something VERY STUPID the idiots who lost the phone seems to not be seeing)
Also again the person with the phone TOLD them to meet them at an address, yeah yeah it may not be pretty, hell that is after all what we all want to see, I LOVE turning on the news and seeing a story of someone being an idiot and got jumped by a group of thugs and was carved up by a plastc butter knife, I LOVE to see that mess, hey if gets me paid to have disputes always going on.
Also however, the person who lost the phone again, it shows how much of a 'coward' they are to NOT show up at the address
and they talk all big and bad, like they would get arrested, when simple odds are, hell that address is set with thugs and all else...again why some people are sooooooo STUPID (specialy that coward who acts like they are all big and bad.)
Better yet if they, the people or person who found the phone gets tired of it, it would cost some money, but it is what I would do, I'd smash the phone with a hammer and send the shit back to the asshole. (Again both parties are stupid for all of the shit, again hell that is exactly what I would do, send it back with a small note "hey 'STUPID' keep your mind on where you are and what you are doing and get a fucking clip or something to hold on to your own shit.")
Now..... I see we are also all bring the 'law' into this here, and well, that can be a way to go for such a shit of an item, but anyway, it should also be told that law wise, yeah if they are persistant assholes they can push for the law and sue, but hey hey now, as of NOW, so can the people or person who has the phone.
You see, that person all after revenge is not too bright, seems they know nothing of the law, It is a form of identidy thief, all mixxed with the slander and liable laws all together to post an Online I.D. and talk about it
Identity Theft was never an issue. You have this entire thing wrong. Identity Theft is pretending you are someone else, including producing fake or stolen articles indicating that you are so. It is NOT giving away (public) information disclosing someones identity.
Slander and libel are not an issue here. He never made a slanderous comment about any of them, and actually urged others not to.
Seems you know nothing of the law.
Boottom Line, BOTH parties are so stupid they both as of right now have broken laws
As is....in the year 2048 when most of us are dead and gone on, some will still be around, and those who I hated and touched with my special touch will feel it, it may take that long, but when someone is an old gramps and is with his grandchildren in the park and some cops show up to take him away for parking in a fire lane....and he has to be 'arrested' because I gave him a record so long ag, I will more then likely be gone as most of us will, but at that time as the little children cry and whine because old gramps is being lead off, I will be in my immortal coil life laughing. Cheesy (So a record is always GREAT to give someone, specialy if you do not like them.)
Anywya on topic, if they push both will get records, and otherwise, again hell, they both are STUPID as hell anyway. What empty life people cry and whine over mess like a cell phone...hell call it in, go get another one and shut your stupid ass up, again so stupid for leaving the shit anyway.
On a better note, heck if they had a brain they could get more cell phones for free, if you are signed up that way, like my friends and I are, hell get a neat new phone, and your friend wants the same (like PCs they are always newer ones better each week at the stores) BUY one sign up for the theft protection option (some of the better ones have) GIVE the phone to your friend, call the company and tell them your mess was stolen, and hey get a free one. Grin heck and hey we ALL do it.... ah the joys of life.
I like shooting you down, Amy. It's easy and fun. You're so wrong on so many levels, and I don't even have to bring opinions into it, because you are factually wrong.
Please come flame me, and spout more of the personal insults, badly spelled taunts, and incorrect facts, so that I can shoot those down as well. Also, you type too much.
And yes, I did actually come back JUST to post this. I troll the forum often, but there's rarely anything I see that I want to reply to.
<img src="http://gshi.org/users/darke/MaxOD2.gif" align=center>
Re: How not to steal a SideKick...
Ahhh geez...here we go again, with this piss stain in life.
First of all, I got tired of reading anything you post evolver,pretend dracula jermy or whatever your foggot name is today, the thing is clear and simple,, you are pissed off at the world and me because we know the truth, you are nothing, pure shit, how many times must I say that?
You are a bum, and EVERYONE knows it, so hey hate me, but I had to put you in yoour place after all those times and chats of whinning how the world is because you have no car, no home and all the other bad luck shit of life you live, geez give it a break and go back to lurking and being a waste of air like you have always been.
So again 'whatever' you worthless shit, go back to your nothing bum life and long hair (which as I seen in pictures is always nasty, try some shampoo and flea and tick spray in one of your yearly bathings.) Better yet go back again to your 'pretend' gothic nothing life with you living with your uncle of all things because your OWN parents got sick of your ass, YOUR OW PARENTS even...so yeah go back to your pretend gothic shit life, and back to red neck uncle bubba and let h8m fuck you in te ass some more, hell after all, you did whine how you should NOT be a virgin and yet are (too real women anyway, and uncle bubba even in a dress is not a woman, you should know.)
So yeah whatever you stupid shit, go get another nose ring or something and I hope it infects your ass so your head pops like a zit and then at least we can be rid of ONE worthless bum in this world. (I need not even say that I OWN my home, I OWN several cars, and I have MY career well takened care off.... and one thing I hate in this world is indeed worhtless bums such as you,so PLEASE go jump off a bridge or something, though my life is very well off, one thing you casn do would make me smile, and that is and would be to know that you are dead and just picture me as I LAUGH my ass off when that day comes, remember now you are worthless, a nothing at all, like so many other younger idiots these days, so give us some entertainment, go kill yourself in a BANG!;D
By the way, now EXCUSE me for not being here when you had to shit in yout pampers over being nothing in the world drac-wanna-be, but hey I was on Vacation, in Europe even, and hey, my vacation fun is not even over yet, so again go bum around while I enjooy life.
Re: How not to steal a SideKick...
Wow Amy, just... wow.
You slaughter the English language.
You also don't have memory for jack, you don't know much about what you're talking about, and you also don't have the intelligence to form an argument.
"bitch, bitch, insult, insult, bitch, moan, insult" Rinse and repeat. You're pathetic.
You make assumptions at my life. You're wrong in all of them. You make assumptions that your hollow, ill-spoken insults mean something to me. You're wrong once again. You make the assumption that you have somehow bested me in an argument. Wrong, one more time.
I don't hate you, Amy. I don't like you, but why should I hate you? I think you've got the intelligence of an ape, I think you're overly self-righteous, I think you're a foul-mouthed heretical fake whore (I mean this literally, I can very easily imagine you to be a prostitute), who hasn't an idea what's going on, but I don't hate you. Why? Because I have no reason to hate you. You're another person on the internet, albeit a good bit dumber than most (this being the internet, that's saying a lot), and you make naught difference in my life.
It's entertaining to bait you over your poor, foolishly thought out views. It's entertaining to see you whine and moan, and then fling your incorrect insults at me in an attempt to make yourself feel better about being shot down.
Here, let me nitpick a little for you again....
First of all, I got tired of reading anything you post evolver,pretend dracula jermy or whatever your foggot name is today, the thing is clear and simple,, you are pissed off at the world and me because we know the truth, you are nothing, pure shit, how many times must I say that?
Secondly, you made several grammatical errors, including extra or missing punctuation, improper sentence structure, etc, etc.
English class is over, it likely won't do you any good anyways.
Thirdly, no, I'm not pissed off at the world, or you. I'm using you for my entertainment, and the world is the world, no reason to be angry about that.
Fourthly, no, I am not "nothing" nor am I "pure shit." If I were nothing, I would not exist to anger you this much. If I were pure shit, I wouldn't be able to sit here typing this. You fail.
You are a bum, and EVERYONE knows it, so hey hate me, but I had to put you in yoour place after all those times and chats of whinning how the world is because you have no car, no home and all the other bad luck shit of life you live, geez give it a break and go back to lurking and being a waste of air like you have always been.
As for me being a waste of air? I contribute to society. I am intelligent, play my part in life well, and am well-liked except for the occasional reject. You, however.... let me just say that, if I were a waste of air, you would be a waste of matter entirely.
So again 'whatever' you worthless shit, go back to your nothing bum life and long hair (which as I seen in pictures is always nasty, try some shampoo and flea and tick spray in one of your yearly bathings.) Better yet go back again to your 'pretend' gothic nothing life with you living with your uncle of all things because your OWN parents got sick of your ass, YOUR OW PARENTS even...so yeah go back to your pretend gothic shit life, and back to red neck uncle bubba and let h8m fuck you in te ass some more, hell after all, you did whine how you should NOT be a virgin and yet are (too real women anyway, and uncle bubba even in a dress is not a woman, you should know.)
So, the worthless thing is already covered, as is my being or not being a bum. Long hair means nothing. You're Christian, aren't you? Jesus had long hair. Was he a bum? Most of the apostles had long hair. Where they bums? Nice try, you fail again.
As far as my hair being nasty... you obviously have dirt, or semen, in your eyes when you look at my pictures. My hair is perfectly fine, I use Suave Kiwi & Lime fragrance shampoo and conditioner (smells lovely), and I have neither fleas nor ticks. Thank you for your concern, however.
You were right in that I did live with my uncle. However, my parents didn't get sick of me, I'm actually in rather good relations with my father. My mother is dead, so I have no relation with her now (Oh yes, I know you'll attack this saying "stop crying about a dead mom, it's good she died, she got to get away from you, etc, etc, etc. You're predictable, easily baited, and rather moronic, so I'll forgive you for taking this).
Also, I'm not even remotely gothic. Wearing black does not make one gothic, choice in music, movies, style, etc, does not make one gothic. Learn what it means to be something besides ignorant, and then we'll talk.
Next... my uncle's name is Brian, thank you. But no, he's not a redneck, nor does he have a homosexual fetish. He doesn't wear dresses, either. Besides, when has my uncles sexual preference been of your concern?
Lastly on this one, no, I'm not a virgin. The hows, whens, and whys are none of your business however, but I will assure you that I felt safer with each of them than I would with you. I'm rather intimidated by the list of STDs you may be housing (Ooooh, I can fling insults too).
So yeah whatever you stupid shit, go get another nose ring or something and I hope it infects your ass so your head pops like a zit and then at least we can be rid of ONE worthless bum in this world. (I need not even say that I OWN my home, I OWN several cars, and I have MY career well takened care off.... and one thing I hate in this world is indeed worhtless bums such as you,so PLEASE go jump off a bridge or something, though my life is very well off, one thing you casn do would make me smile, and that is and would be to know that you are dead and just picture me as I LAUGH my ass off when that day comes, remember now you are worthless, a nothing at all, like so many other younger idiots these days, so give us some entertainment, go kill yourself in a BANG!
As for you "OWNing your home, OWNing several cars, and YOUR career well takened care of" (that should just be "taken care of" by the way).... the way you present yourself makes me doubt the validity of this. However, on the off chance it's true, congratulations, continue to pride yourself in whatever achievements you have, because you won't have many with your composure.
Secondly, I'm sorry, I have no intentions of suicide. Sorry to disappoint, but I rather enjoy my life, I enjoy making a fool out of a fool, and I enjoy my general existance.
By the way, I'll once again say.... you're not a true Christian, if you can tell someone to kill themself. You're a heretic, and it pleases me to see that you are damned by your own religions texts, as heresy is a very bad thing to Christians. If your vision of hell is true, I do assume I'll see you there one day. I'll be there for non-belief, you'll be there for... a multitude of things, I'm sure, but I'll get a laugh out of it.
By the way, now EXCUSE me for not being here when you had to shit in yout pampers over being nothing in the world drac-wanna-be, but hey I was on Vacation, in Europe even, and hey, my vacation fun is not even over yet, so again go bum around while I enjooy life
I've explained to you how I'm not nothing. As for "drac-wanna-be" I don't recall ever saying anything about wanting to be Dracula. I am a fan of vampires, and I know a good bit about them, but as far as being Dracula... heh, that just seems silly.
So, enjoy yourself in Europe, enjoy your vacation, and I look forward to seeing your horribly written, insult-laden reply to this. I only ask, come up with something original this time, and possibly intelligent?
Til then, ciao.
~Evolver<img src="http://gshi.org/users/darke/MaxOD2.gif" align=center>