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My Acen Purchases

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  • My Acen Purchases

    Back from Anime Central, and boy am I happy with the Doujinshi I found in the vendor's area. I got the majority of them from the Hen da ne booth, Hen da ne also has a webstore here: Though at the moment it is down while they build more stock.

    Here is the doujinshi I picked up:

    Hellabunna - SuperBJ 1
    Hellabunna - SuperBJ 2
    Hellabunna - Syoku-gan
    Hellabunna - Inu 3
    Mogudan - Chou Soreyuke! Melfina-san
    Runner's High - Strobolights
    Black Angel - Type Moon doujin from 2001 (Don't know the name at the moment)
    Black Angel - Type Moon doujin from winter 2001 (Don't know the name at the moment)
    Different - Pink Planet 2

    I put the covers up in a fapo album here:

    so you can see what they look like.

    I'm really happy with my purchases. ^_^

    PSN: Cadwr0
    XBL and Steam: Cadwr
    3DS: 4725-8062-6859

  • #2
    Re: My Acen Purchases

    At least from the covers, those look interesting...


    • #3
      Re: My Acen Purchases

      Originally posted by LiquidManZero
      At least from the covers, those look interesting...
      That is kind of the thing, the world pretty much ses 'great packaging' and we always open the product to find the inside is well, not always so great, comic books do that all the time, and this being a form of comic book is the case. Not trying to be a wet blanket or anything, but from seeing those covers I went and searched for those and found the whole scanned images of those plus alot of others, and again maybe just an opinion, but the insides were not all that great even for hentai comics.

      But that is just my opinion on the stuff, just saying well, they are okay, they are naked women, but still, must say always have seen a billion and a half better oens all over the world wide web and specialy in Japan, HongKong and 'better' hentai ordering sites.



      • #4
        Re: My Acen Purchases

        Actually, Hellabunna and Mogudan are two of the most popular doujinshi circles in japan, and I am huge fans of their work, so I with those I knew what the contents were long before I bought them. I also had read the Runner's High doujinshi before. I had seen Different's work before, but not that specific doujin. I am very pleased with it though, especially since I love Onegai Teacher. The Black Angel doujinshi were the only ones I had no experience with, and I was very happy with those too.

        It's also worth mentioning that at the Hendane booth you could open up and browse the doujinshi, so you weren't buying based on the covers. As far as "better" ordering sites, I much prefer buying in person for that specific reason, you can often see the works before you make a purchase. That and a lot of the US sites that import doujinshi into the US charge a lot, and most of them ship from Japan, which means big shipping cost, and slow delivery. Most Japanese webstores don't ship worldwide, so most of the time they aren't an option.

        Just curious, what doujin circles do you like? and which sites have you ordered from?

        PSN: Cadwr0
        XBL and Steam: Cadwr
        3DS: 4725-8062-6859


        • #5
          Re: My Acen Purchases

          I mostly order from Mizuki, a Hong Kong based person and site. Her site seems down right now, not sure why other then the high number of visitors always, but her (I am guessing it is a her, seems to be from who I e-mail and chat to alot however) Anyway she seems to know any and all about the more so video game types doshidins, or whatever they are called...comics or whatever, I am not Japanese no reason I need to learn what they are called, I live in the USA an english speaking (mostly) nation. Anyway I order mostly as I said video game based 'hentai comics' or whatever you call them, and as far as is, anime has pretty much gottened lame, so video games are much better, for me anyway, the Resident Evil's and BloodRaynes are far better again in my opinion.

          Now anime booths at the conventions and such are and can be 'good' but I will and must say I have found alot more, some things they are not even allowed to sell at anime booths from Hong Kong (and a few other nations, India and such) Kind of odd, heck we all know Hong Kong To India is all about bootleg, but I have always got great ligit and real stuff from my ordering. (Some again no exactly 'legal' even in Japan and USA anime booths...but that is life, Hong Kong seems to be the 'black market' for anime and alot of other mess.

          I mean well, in India for example, they do not speak english too good there, yet all the movie goods, posters, banners and framed poster board posters even are always in english each time, they may have a sweat shop there, but that is the way of the world, as long as I can get the good stuff I do not mind or care.

          Mizuki may be a woman with a whip in a sweat shop making artist draw or bootleg all this, but it sure looks legit to me, heck she could be a he, or based off a video game herself, again I do not care all I care about is sending my international money orders to her (or him) and getting what she has video game hentai wise to order each time. Again yes I buy ALOT from Hong Kong and even India, but then again those two nations, as odd as it seems has some sweet mess that even Japan lacks.



          • #6
            Re: My Acen Purchases

            I seen another DOA dojinshu sometime back and it was incredible. I can see you got good taste.

