An important disclaimer here: used improperly, this tool could let you badly damage your PS Vita, beyond repair. If you mess up with the wrong files, you’ll end up with a permanent brick and your PS Vita will become an expensive paperweight.
If you read the paragraph above, read it again.
Then read this: this release is for developers/tinkerers who are aware of the risks. Most people should be patiently waiting for actual tools that have been vetted and beta tested.
Major_Tom just released VitaRW, a tool that gives you Read/Write access to the Vita protected partitions (e.g. vs0, sa0, os0, etc...)
If you read the paragraph above, read it again.
Then read this: this release is for developers/tinkerers who are aware of the risks. Most people should be patiently waiting for actual tools that have been vetted and beta tested.
Major_Tom just released VitaRW, a tool that gives you Read/Write access to the Vita protected partitions (e.g. vs0, sa0, os0, etc...)