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GameBoyPi (v2) - Raspberry Pi Zero in GameBoy DMG-01

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  • GameBoyPi (v2) - Raspberry Pi Zero in GameBoy DMG-01

    By Freakler

    As promised, here is the second version of my GameBoy Pi project!!

    Like with the first version

    my personal goal was to keep everything as original as possible and I think that worked pretty well. I kept all important parts and even the screw holes are all still intact. Thanks to the new tiny Raspberry Pi Zero there is actually a lot of room and if I hadn't dremeled a lot of the case to fit the old Pi B model already, even the battery compartment and cover could be intact. Nevertheless I'm quite happy with the result..

    Thanks going out to kitch-bent and adafruit for the parts, pimoroni for getting me the actual Pi Zero and wermy for re-motivating me finally doing this.

    Small update:

    Q: Which screen did you use?
    A: Its some Chinese no-name car monitor running on 5 volts by default so that's nice. However and as you can see in the video it sometimes refuses to turn on so there is still a little tweaking to do.

    Q: Teensy or GPIO for the button input?
    A: GPIO and RetroGame! Very awesome software! A teensy is unnecessary imo and takes a lot of space too.

    Q: How did you get audio output?
    A: I installed a small 2-port USB hub and added a USB sound card which works great. The other USB port can be used externally for WiFi or a keyboard.

    Q: Why the hell did you use a transparent case?!?
    A: Well i got the GameBoy pretty cheap and nobody made a transparent one yet so why not.

    Q: Do you have a build log or something?
    A: Not really, but there are some pics on my twitter account @freakler94 under #GameBoyPi . If there should be interest I might write something up with pictures and everything though.

    Q: What did this cost you?
    A: Actually it was quite expensive to get all the parts to me and in the end that added up to over ~120 bucks actually

    If there are any more questions feel free to ask.
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    There is another guy who has done something similar at and there has grown a small community there too from this project. I'm an active member there and have designed some PCBs for this project.
    Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

    THE BAD GUY!!!!!!

