By Carl Williams

It is no secret that there has been a new Easter Egg discovered in Mike Tyson’s Punchout for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This is an interesting one too, as it is subtle, but works every time you try and make use of it. It is interesting that many people such as Shigeru Miyamoto have stated that there are many things in classic games that have yet been undiscovered. This is just one of those many secrets.
The Easter Egg that has been recently discovered is a visual cue for certain opponents. If you look along the bottom row of fans in the background, starting on the left, there is a bearded guy. That is the visual cue. When he ducks at key points is your cue to hit the punch button. This works with Piston Honda and Bald Bull during their special attacks.
This is pretty cool and opens the door for speculation for visual cues for other fighters. Are there cues in the crowd for defeating Mike Tyson himself? Man that would certainly help defeating the boss of the game.
Some tips for anyone looking for more visual cues in the background. When you think you have a visual cue Easter Egg, repeat the process many many times prior to announcing it. It is better to be right than first. Visual cues may not all be for punch times, they could be for ducking or they could be for the point that you need to hit the special punch. For all we know, they could be telling you when to duck right or left to avoid a blow.
By the way, has anyone found that elusive Easter Egg in Donkey Kong that Shigeru Miyamoto likes pointing out not having been found?
If you have a tip, article idea, or just want to say hi, use the comments or the handy dandy contact link at the top of this page.
Has this Easter Egg improved your Punchout game or has it hurt you?

It is no secret that there has been a new Easter Egg discovered in Mike Tyson’s Punchout for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This is an interesting one too, as it is subtle, but works every time you try and make use of it. It is interesting that many people such as Shigeru Miyamoto have stated that there are many things in classic games that have yet been undiscovered. This is just one of those many secrets.
The Easter Egg that has been recently discovered is a visual cue for certain opponents. If you look along the bottom row of fans in the background, starting on the left, there is a bearded guy. That is the visual cue. When he ducks at key points is your cue to hit the punch button. This works with Piston Honda and Bald Bull during their special attacks.
This is pretty cool and opens the door for speculation for visual cues for other fighters. Are there cues in the crowd for defeating Mike Tyson himself? Man that would certainly help defeating the boss of the game.
Some tips for anyone looking for more visual cues in the background. When you think you have a visual cue Easter Egg, repeat the process many many times prior to announcing it. It is better to be right than first. Visual cues may not all be for punch times, they could be for ducking or they could be for the point that you need to hit the special punch. For all we know, they could be telling you when to duck right or left to avoid a blow.
By the way, has anyone found that elusive Easter Egg in Donkey Kong that Shigeru Miyamoto likes pointing out not having been found?
If you have a tip, article idea, or just want to say hi, use the comments or the handy dandy contact link at the top of this page.
Has this Easter Egg improved your Punchout game or has it hurt you?