This year's Independent Games Festival has announced that over 500 games have been accepted as entries to its yearly selection of award nominees.
No announcement yet.
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Someone compiled 460 indie game trailers
All 31 seasons of The Joy Of Painting are free to stream
2020 finally bears good news: All 403 episodes of alla prima virtuoso Bob Ross's Joy of Painting are free to watch on Ross'...
dlevere started a topic RIAA Obtains Subpoenas Targeting 40 YouTube-Ripping Platforms and Pirate Sitesin The LoungeRIAA Obtains Subpoenas Targeting 40 YouTube-Ripping Platforms and Pirate Sites
The RIAA is ramping up the pressure on a wide range of platforms allegedly involved in music piracy.
Two DMCA subpoenas obtained against...
The XBox Series S Is Officially Leaked
Brad Sams, a YouTuber and reporter on the site Thurrott, has reportedly obtained an image of the long rumored XBox Series S, a cheaper, less feature heavy...
R.I.P. YouTube TV, you’ll make a great case study
Unbundle cable TV, they said. It will be cheaper, they said.
YouTube Bans David Icke
David Icke, the longtime UK conspiracy theorist who finally became a social media star thanks to the the coronavirus pandemic, was banned today by Yo...
Are Call Of Duty YouTubers Cheating With This Device?
Are Call of Duty YouTubers cheating or hacking to get gameplay? A technical look at the Cronusmax and popular Call of Duty YouTubers like "Swag"...
2020 COPPA rules have YouTube creators scared
YouTube creators don't have access to kids' data — but may get COPPA fines anyway.
New YouTube Verification System
A day after announcing significant changes to its verification program, YouTube announced Friday afternoon that it won’t be de-verifying existing creators...
YouTube Channel Investigated By 2K For Leaks Disappears
#BoycottBorderlands3 is just the tip of a wider investigation into Borderlands 3 leaks.
Matt "SupMatto" Somers no longer has a...
YouTube App for 3DS will be discontinued on 9/3/2019
Banned Fortnite Streamer Admits He's 12
Arnold Schwarzenegger struck by flying kick
Hollywood actor and former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger was attacked while attending an event in South Africa's Johannesburg.
...Last edited by dlevere; 05-19-2019, 07:37:48 PM.
God Of War: Raising Kratos - Announce Trailer
COMING SOON right here to PlayStation YouTube:
Raising Kratos documents the five year, herculean effort to reinvent one of the greatest stories...