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Guide to recover your Wii from a brick - RECOVER MII
RecoverMii is basically a guide to help anyone unbrick their Wii. Since it is noob-friendly, newbies will recover their Wii easily by using this app....
Super Smash Bros Ultimate dump that BRICKS
Last edited by dlevere; 11-26-2018, 01:34:16 AM.
SX OS contains brick code!
According to hexkyz:
Seems like he has bricked his Switch trying to crack it.
...Last edited by dlevere; 06-28-2018, 04:29:00 PM.
PS3 Slim/Super Slim exploit leaked, could harm your PS3
PSX-Place reports that a work in progress version of the PS3Xploit has been leaked, and if you attempt to run it, it could harm your console. But the...
Unbricking A 3DS Using A Magnet And A DS Flashcart
@Normmatt has created a way to run B9S .firm files from bootrom via a DSi Flashcard and a magnet! This works on every...
Kafluke's Hard Mod CBHC Unbrick Guide (Wii U)
Welcome to the CBHC hardmod unbrick guide. This is not for the "faint of heart". In other words, this is not a noob guide. I expect you to have...Last edited by dlevere; 07-15-2017, 08:31:54 AM.
New Malware Strain Intentionally Bricks IoT Devices
Brickerbot is a new strain of malware that intentionally bricks unsecured Linux BusyBox-based Internet of Things devices.
2DSaver (Beta) - Fix your 2DS format brick - Testers needed
Samsung Is About To Brick Every Galaxy Note 7 In America
If you’re still carrying around a Galaxy Note 7, you should return it ASAP, because it’s about to become completely useless. Samsung on Friday announced...
Warning, PS vita brickers in the wild
By TheGuardian
The following information comes from MPT, who contacted us through user realshotgun, to spread the word. We at
BEWARE iOS 10 will brick your phone and tablet
Apple's Latest iOS is Bricking Some iPads, Users Complain
New Threat Can Auto-Brick Apple Devices
By Brian Krebs
Zach Straley demonstrating the fatal Jan. 1, 1970 bug. Don’t try this at home!
If you use an Apple...
Amazon Fire TV Update Bricks Hacked Devices
By Rick Osgood
The Amazon Fire TV is Amazon’s answer to all of the other streaming media devices on the market today....