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i'm missing something to be able to make NES cheat

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  • #31
    start with 9 lives


    you notice how this LDX loads the value 03 but nothing stores that register until $C5CD
    $C5B5:A2 03     LDX #$03                   A:00 X:FF Y:00 P:nvUBdIZC
    $C5B7:85 9A     STA $009A = #$00           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzC
    $C5B9:85 24     STA $0024 = #$FF           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzC
    $C5BB:C0 C0     CPY #$C0                   A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzC
    $C5BD:D0 06     BNE $C5C5                  A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzc
    $C5C5:85 2C     STA $002C = #$FF           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzc
    $C5C7:85 2D     STA $002D = #$FF           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzc
    $C5C9:85 2F     STA $002F = #$FF           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzc
    $C5CB:85 2E     STA $002E = #$FF           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzc
    $C5CD:86 2A     STX $002A = #$00           A:00 X:03 Y:00 P:nvUBdIzc
    i don't see where the others are written from but atleast theres the one code

    RIP MOM 6-27-52 - 12-25-10


    • #32
      Thanks, C5B6 works perfectly I only changed the value, because i just noticed the max lives in the game is 8, and if i put 9, it return to 8 lives when i gain 1.

      This code works even better than the codes i made for the 4 items, because when i "Reset" the game, i always start again with the 8 lives. My codes for the items i have to "hard-reset" (Power), because the items doesn't return to 255 if i simply Reset, so if i used 3 items i'll start with 252. Probably due to a small glitch caused by the fact i didn't found the Compare, but at least it works. I should practice with a different game.


      • #33
        Hey Panda, while you're learning how to convert raw codes to game genie codes, you think you can help me with this one code I happened to discover by accident for Clash at Demonhead? It basically makes the message speed in the dialogue boxes much faster. The code is 0513:01 (I don't know the compare value, sorry). I tried figuring it out on my own but I just couldn't do it, even with tutorials... Would you be willing to give it a try?


        • #34
          i hope this is what you are looking for

          RIP MOM 6-27-52 - 12-25-10


          • #35
            It works! Thank you!

            BTW, I saw those codes for River City Ransom that you and Panda posted for those extra menu options, which kinda frustrates me that the people who localized the game removed them when they had no reason to do so. Anyway, I've decided to post those codes on along with a menu edit request in the hopes that someone can make a hack that would make them visible. Are you guys okay with that?


            • #36
              Fine with me

              RIP MOM 6-27-52 - 12-25-10


              • #37
                Can EYXGPYEI for Clash at Demonhead be added to the database? I don't care who it's credited under, Hybrid can take the credit for it even if I came up with the raw code. Also, can APSUELEI for River City Ransom be added too? I think that code should be up there if LEXNGIZA is. Dunno who that should be listed under.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by rimsky82 View Post

                  Let me attempt to explain. Look at the first line.
                  $AC70:C6 34 DEC $0034 = #$02
                  • $AC70 - This is the address
                  • C6 34 - Then you have the instruction in machine code. This particular instruction requires two bytes, the instruction itself (C6) and the address to manipulate (34).
                  • DEC $0034 - Then you have the translation of the instruction in assembly. C6, which in assembly is DEC or decrease, decreases the value in the defined address by 1. $0034 is the address whose value it's going to decrease. Simply, DECrease the value in address $0034.
                  • = #$02 Finally, you have the new value after the instruction. As you might have figured out, $ denotes an address and #$ denotes a value. This is a nice feature of the debugger to help out a little with the interpretation.

                  A lot of GG codes reverse storing instructions. So when you see LDA, which is LoaD into register A (the accumulator), it is pulling a value from memory. And when you see STA, or STore register A into memory, it is taking what is in A and putting it into the address specified. What I mean by reversing storing, is that you change the STA to an LDA.

                  So when dealing with lives or energy, generally a game pulls a value from memory, decreases it or something and stores it back. When you change the store to another load, the new value is never written and the old value stays the same. It's important when making codes to not interfere with any other aspect of the game, so loading the value again instead of writing it is usually safe.

                  When you make a game genie code, you are manipulating the game's code to do what you want. You can become a great code maker by using a reference for the 6502's instruction set. Then you can start to see what the game is doing, and change it to your liking to make great codes.
                  this website is no longer active suggest an alternative?

