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Sega Classic Golden Axe

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  • VicGChad07
    The only place where I remember finding the ROM in question was on a website belonging to someone who had first unearthed the prototype for The Super Shinobi in the Sega Smash Pack PC compilation:

    Some of the other ROMs may have been officially-altered editions of the commercially-released final versions; they're worth getting a look at, though some may have already been covered by Hidden Palace as of recently.

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  • filevans

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  • Tony H
    Tested and works on real hardware.

    Lets you play the US cartridge on a Japanese Mega Drive console.

    Master code (this gets rid of the blank/red screen).

    EDIT: Will add this version to our db shortly.
    Last edited by Tony H; 06-25-2016, 07:46:03 AM.

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  • filevans
    Well done

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  • Tony H
    Originally posted by filevans View Post
    i would also enjoy having a go at this if you could give me a link to the rom

    thank you
    I've already made the code, just waiting for VicGChad07 to test it on his hardware.

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  • filevans
    i would also enjoy having a go at this if you could give me a link to the rom

    thank you

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  • VicGChad07

    sorry. apparently, it took a while for your message to come up.

    Anyway, my console is a Japanese Mega Drive...
    Click image for larger version

Name:	WP_20160624_002.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	183.9 KB
ID:	162863

    ...hooked up to a Sony Trinitron PVM-1954Q Color Video Monitor...
    Click image for larger version

Name:	WP_20160624_003.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	106.1 KB
ID:	162864

    ...attempting to run the Sega Classic release of Golden Axe.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	WP_20160624_001.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	233.8 KB
ID:	162865

    This is the ROM board inside the cartridge:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	WP_20160624_004.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	289.6 KB
ID:	162866

    You will be getting the ROM via e-mail, though upon receiptal of the code, I will be discarding the ROM on my end.

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  • Tony H
    There's a good chance I can make the code, but I need some info first (didn't notice it in your post). Which console do you have (US Genesis, European PAL Mega Drive, etc), and exactly which cartridge do you have? As far as the cartridge, if you have the matching ROM (REV02?) and it's "tough-to-find", can you PM me a link, or send me the ROM via email. My email address is on my website: The Code Hut (there's a link in my sig below).
    Last edited by Tony H; 06-21-2016, 07:54:26 PM.

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  • VicGChad07
    started a topic Sega Classic Golden Axe

    Sega Classic Golden Axe

    After a great degree of difficulty on SEGA-16 and Assembler and SEGAbits (i.e. no one willing to help me), I tried talking to folks on The Cutting Room Floor regarding who may be able to find a Game Genie region bypass code for the Sega Classic release of Golden Axe on the Sega Genesis?

    Those not familiar with what I'm talking about: Starting in mid-1992, Sega of America, Inc. decided to re-release some of their older, hit-making Genesis titles at a budget price and in an identifiable blue box -- some with a revision to their programming, and some without. One of them was Golden Axe. This game had a third revision, implemented in its Sega Classic release: REV02, MPR-14930. I should know because I opened up the cartridge.

    I have both the physical cartridge and a tough-to-find ROM download -- the latter of which I will be promptly discarding once I get a Game Genie code for this thing.

    REV02 is erroneously listed as REV01 on TCRF's page on the Genesis port of Golden Axe, and I pointed out to TCRF via the Talk tab that there are indeed three revisions: REV00, REV01, and REV02. From what I have seen, REV02 is never listed on the common ROM download sites of today. The question, though, is why?

    But that's not my question. Someone on TCRF sent me here to see if Tony or someone else can crack the code and find a Game Genie region bypass. My question to Tony is: Can you do it?