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(Code Request) Resident Evil Revelations 2 v1.04 (PS3)

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  • (Code Request) Resident Evil Revelations 2 v1.04 (PS3)

    I don't know if anyone works on PS3 cheats here, so I figured I'd try to request one here. I'd like a code for Resident Evil Revelations 2 that will give me Invincibility. I'd like to be protected against one-hit kills (especially those dang insects). Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    I usually only post my PS3 stuff on the forums. I have Resident Evil Revelations 2 NPUB31518 Version 01.02 App Version 01.00 though, so my codes won't work for an all the way updated version and possibly won't work on other versions either. Without your decrypted EBOOT.ELF, I couldn't port to your version. This is all of the junk I had written down but I don't know what's already been hacked for it:

    Stamina Never Decreases
    0 003FD3D4 C03F0004 on decrease
    0 003FD470 C03F0004 recharging
    Firing A Weapon Refills Clip To Max
    0 0042C434 807D0010
    0042C438 907D000C
    0042C6AC 7CBF3010 subfc      r5,r31,r6
    0 <---The character with the item
    C <---The item, keep adding until 0x30(whatever) equals r30
    Flashlight Battery Always Full
    0 00417DA8 807E0010
    00417DB0 907E000C stw        r3,0xC(r30)
    Herbs Never Decrease
    0 007FAAFC 807B0010 if more than 1
    0 007FA33C 4E800020 if 1
    0 00456468 4E800020
    0x24 = Claire
    0x28 = Moira
    From what I remember, Invincibility didn't quite work correctly on grabs and then I got distracted with another game and never returned. Anything I tried with enemy grabs usually ended up with either the enemy or me or both of us freezing in place stuck in a partial grab animation that wasn't working, but otherwise enemies trying melee attacks usually caused them to go through me without damage. I just left out the parts involving grabs so what's posted is the thing that works fine only with enemy melee attacks, otherwise grabs are normal and still do what they normally do without a health code.

    Right now I'm fixing a few things for The Darkness since jgduff from spotted The flying code and berserker health codes weren't working correctly.
    Last edited by bungholio; 04-28-2017, 12:09:05 AM.
    July 7, 2019


    • #3
      Originally posted by bungholio View Post
      I usually only post my PS3 stuff on the forums. I have Resident Evil Revelations 2 NPUB31518 Version 01.02 App Version 01.00 though, so my codes won't work for an all the way updated version and possibly won't work on other versions either. Without your decrypted EBOOT.ELF, I couldn't port to your version. This is all of the junk I had written down but I don't know what's already been hacked for it:

      Stamina Never Decreases
      0 003FD3D4 C03F0004 on decrease
      0 003FD470 C03F0004 recharging
      Firing A Weapon Refills Clip To Max
      0 0042C434 807D0010
      0042C438 907D000C
      0042C6AC 7CBF3010 subfc      r5,r31,r6
      0 <---The character with the item
      C <---The item, keep adding until 0x30(whatever) equals r30
      Flashlight Battery Always Full
      0 00417DA8 807E0010
      00417DB0 907E000C stw        r3,0xC(r30)
      Herbs Never Decrease
      0 007FAAFC 807B0010 if more than 1
      0 007FA33C 4E800020 if 1
      0 00456468 4E800020
      0x24 = Claire
      0x28 = Moira
      From what I remember, Invincibility didn't quite work correctly on grabs and then I got distracted with another game and never returned. Anything I tried with enemy grabs usually ended up with either the enemy or me or both of us freezing in place stuck in a partial grab animation that wasn't working, but otherwise enemies trying melee attacks usually caused them to go through me without damage. I just left out the parts involving grabs so what's posted is the thing that works fine only with enemy melee attacks, otherwise grabs are normal and still do what they normally do without a health code.

      Right now I'm fixing a few things for The Darkness since jgduff from spotted The flying code and berserker health codes weren't working correctly.
      Okay, I'll send a link to my EBOOT to the codemasters project forums.


      • #4
        For your version, this should work:

        0 00456848 4E800020
        July 7, 2019


        • #5
          Originally posted by bungholio View Post
          For your version, this should work:

          0 00456848 4E800020
          Sorry I'm late replying, I was sick for a few days.

          Anyways, I tried the code with both Netcheat and Artemis. I got past the Title Screen and Main Menu, but when I got into the game, it froze up. Thank you for trying, though.


          • #6
            It's not fully tested, I didn't get to play the game much and only activated it while playing. The only playing I got was the start and getting that key and having the first enemies come through the door. I didn't get to play any further than that yet, might not ever, too many things going on.
            July 7, 2019



            • #7
              Originally posted by bungholio View Post
              It's not fully tested, I didn't get to play the game much and only activated it while playing. The only playing I got was the start and getting that key and having the first enemies come through the door. I didn't get to play any further than that yet, might not ever, too many things going on.
              I understand. It was worth a shot though. You got too much going on and I hope you get it all settled. Sorry for wasting your time, and thanks again.

